When black men say all black women want thugs


Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life

"bu bu bu dimes don't fukk with hood nikkas :mjcry:"

Beyonce is literally married to a former drug dealer tho:laff:

what's funny is, nikkas are acting like I'm making this shyt up. It comes straight out of these females mouths :childplease:
That is a poor example. Jay-z isn't the average hood nikka. He is an exception. He is an alpha male who built a multi-millionaire record label and became a multi-platinum legendary rapper. Beyonce was drawn by his ambition and successs. The average hood nikkas don't have the ambition to build themselves up like Jay-z.

Quit using celebrities as an example. They don't represent the majority of the dating pool. Celebrities have access to wealth and resources, which gives them the unlimitless opportunities to pull attractive men and women.

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
They basically knocking women for not finding value, in shyt they THINK women should find value in:pachaha:.

Street nikkas just end up more popular in every arena:sas1:. Better athletes,better moufpiece,more intelligent in social situations.

women cant help but react to other peoples reactions to you,how can women resist when you in the streets and nikkas show luv,and she sees you a mans man,and women hanging on your every word even if its just a friendly convo:banderas::banderas:

The stuff yall find value in,hate to break the news,but most people dont:manny:

Better be the best looking version of yourself,best dressed version,most sociable version,best physical specimen,and last but not least ,like @Stuntone said,better get ya car in order:banderas:

im sure its some arena where every man is the "alpha",get with a woman who can appreciate that arena and what you do in it,maybe because shes in tht arena....im sure its women who post on the coli probaly gettin moist off Poster Of the Year banners:wow:,if thats all u do great try to get u a coli girl.:pachaha:

too many nikkas tryna get women that just aint in they arena,or in they same sport....nikkas is Mark Cuban trying to sign a wide reciever:mjcry:

They finding value because women lie about it but that's men's fault

If women said I only want nikkas with cash or nikkas that all the other bytches want they'd be called sluts hoes thots

Women bear the most from having a child so I understand but it is what it is

I appreciate honesty


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
These dudes really reduced JayZ to just a former drug dealer. Not a CEO, not one of the most successful rappers of all time, not a multimillionaire with a multitude of investments... :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:... No he's a former drug dealer and that's it...

Anything to prove a point I see. Talk about sad :mjlol:...

But he IS a former drug dealer though....that criminal lifestyle made up 90% of his content :skip:....I should know I listened to all his albums. That played into his mystique. The Boss persona. The street thug turned CEO. Stop being obtuse. Makes you look disingenuous. Obviously that persona (being rich, fly and street) is attractive to young impressionable women. If it was just about the guy being a successful CEO and a multimillionaire musician she would've let Ray J hit. Of course, Ray J is corny as hell and the laughing stock of the music industry. So it's not as attractive :skip: Funny enough him and Bey are the same age.


Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life
My cousin is 27 years old. The guy is a
average guy, standing 5'9 and making 60k a year as an IT tech. He isn't a thug. He doesn't have swag, he doesn't have a smooth golden mouth-piece, and isn't a sociable person. Dude is the average guy with a nerdy, goofy personality. He is the nice guy with a twist of shyness. He wears preppy attire. By Coli's logic, guys like him can't pull beautiful women. I swear to you my cousin is one of the biggest male whore I know. The women he pulled are beautiful black women. He sent me some pictures of them. I be like :whoo:

My point is you don't need to be a loud-mouth comedian, an athlete, a millionaire
or thug to attract women. The average guy can attract women if he put his mind to it.
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Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
There are whole sectors and scores of blk women that are virtually invisible to the same blk men complaining about these women's preferences.

These invisible women look and act just like these dudes btw but somehow these dudes think they better than them.

The majority of blk women don't like thugs anymore than the majority of blk men like light-skinned hoes.

The problem is, the women YOU want like thugs. And of course the rest of the blk female population has to pay for YOUR choice to be moist over a chick who prefers a dope boy over you.

You know why you bothered by her preferences? Not b/c all blk women or most blk women have these preferences, but b/c she got a big ass and a Hoover mouf and she decides to use it to gargle thug nut instead of yours. This ain't about you being nice. Because u don't want to treat this blk woman kindly or love her. You actually just mad that you don't get the same sexual opportunities as the trifling nikkas she fukkin and suckin.

This is also why the majority of children in our race are borne to broken homes of a minority of single blk impoverished women. And why these women continue to trap multiple blk baby daddies. 70% percent of blk children born to 20-25% of blk women. Majority of single moms have multiple babies with different fathers.

Ya'll stay caring about the worse elements in our community and projecting that onto all of us.
And after spending your male youth worrying about bytches who like thugs and played ya'll or laughed ur lames asses out of the room, you come to the public sphere to blame the rest of blk women.
The sad and ironic thing is you not even aiming at ur target audience because those bytches who hurt or rejected or ignored ya'll ain't here. Them chicks gon to the next lame ass sucka. Or they married! Lol!

Nope it's the other random blk women who gotta deal with ya'll bitterness.

What the actual fukk. Don't nobody want a damn thug or a player.
Put this shyt to rest and stop parroting stereotypes and excuses for why you having trouble finding and maintaining a stable relationship.

Broken ass record.:camby:
Like I told some other chick earlier today. Blk men ain't the reason why you lonely or bitter. That you.

And the same goes for ya'll.

Again....stop using the word "thug" because it's easy for you to say black women don't want thugs to dead the convo. YOUNG WOMEN WANT ALPHA MALES. This has been proven ad-nasuem by a multitude of sources. Sometimes thugs are included in that Alpha male category but, not all Alpha males are thugs. Bad boys, players, pretty boys, athletes, high powered corporate guys, high status men, gym rats can all be Alpha males. Women seek the best genes they can find for their future children. To women, Alpha males have the best genes, so they unknowingly seek to get pregnant by them, which is why they gravitate towards them during youth. Then after pregnancy, they seek to find stability and comfort. A nice guy. THEY HOPE FOR THE ALPHA MALE TO BECOME THAT GUY. But Alpha males don't commit and turn into nice guys. So they end up trying to find a nice guy to help raise the Alpha male's kid.

Women like cads (bad boys) for sex, dads (nice guys/simps) for marriage/dating

Women Like Cads for Sex, Dads for Mating
Dads vs. cads: The biological reasons for who wins a woman's heart

UCLA's study confirmed women prefer dominant men during ovulation, gentle men during child rearing or pregnancy :camby:

Your Looks and Your Inbox

Women rate 80% of men as unattractive. Again, proving women gravitate towards the best men.


Hundreds of women telling people straight up what kinda men they prefer :camby:

(at 0:26, "I personally don't but all my friends do, I'm not gonna lie :mjlol:")

Of course you about to ignore all this because that's what women like you do.

Here's a woman's timeline.

14-16: Puppy love
17-18: Sexual experimentation
18-21: Buckwild. Bad boys, thugs and players. Trains, threesomes, etc.
22-25: Still buckwild. But searching for alphas in the real world (lawyers, doctors, rich men, etc.).
26-27: Finding themselves (that's that oh shyt, I"m getting old transition period :ohhh: and all my friends are getting married)
28: I just want to meet a nice guy. I'm tired of the games :usure:
29-36: Finding said nice guy (simp) that marries them
40-45: Divorcing said nice guy, taking him to the cleaners and going back to fukk more bad boys and players (that Eat Pray Love lifestyle :blessed:)

I love how online all women are not "like that" when every woman I've come across in real life has been "like that". The only ones not "like that" are women who were not pretty enough to be "like that". If a woman is over a 6 or 7 in the looks department she was definitely chasing bad boys and players and thugs.....unless she was one of the rare unicorns that searched for real commitment early and got snatched up out the dating game fast. The other girls spend their 20s fukking 100s of guys, and then 2-3 abortions and a possible b*stard child later, they're 28-32 years old and finally looking for their husbands. I'm finally ready for him, Jesus, send me my husband :blessed:


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
My cousin is 27 years old. The guy is a
average standing 5'9 and making 60k a year as an IT tech. He isn't a thug. He doesn't have swag, he doesn't have a smooth golden mouth-piece, and isn't a sociable person. Dude is the average guy with a nerdy, goofy personality. He is the nice guy with a twist of shyness. He wears preppy attire. By Coli's logic, guys like him can't pull beautiful women. I swear to you my cousin is one of the biggest male whore I know. The women he pulled are beautiful black women. He sent me some pictures of them. I be like :whoo:

My point is you don't need to be a loud-mouth comedian, an athlete, a millionaire
or thug to attract women. The average guy can attract women if he put his mind to it.

He's a provider type. Perfect husband material. Has an okay paying job that would provide a nice soft landing to a former hoe. Sounds about right.

Was he pulling alot of women and the same quality of women before he started making money though? If not, that's an easy way of designating who women are sexually attracted to and who they're willing to date for stability and comfort.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Women like a thrill
Some women are smart and don't want a thrill and just a good man
Those women still want a good man that attractive physically to them or financially stable while still being "manly" and respectable.
Enter pretty boy's/Gym rats
Pretty boys/gym rats are usually whores or aspiring whores
In comes the headache

Women like a bit of a thug like men like a bit of meekness in there women.
Over all its a desirable trait its like salt and pepper not everyone likes the same amount in there food but you better have some in there for seasoning.
Plates with out it no matter how good it looks or taste there is always just a little something missing and when you get a taste of another plate with salt and pepper your like:ohhh: amazing.:blessed:
Jun 6, 2015
My cousin is 27 years old. The guy is a
average standing 5'9 and making 60k a year as an IT tech. He isn't a thug. He doesn't have swag, he doesn't have a smooth golden mouth-piece, and isn't a sociable person. Dude is the average guy with a nerdy, goofy personality. He is the nice guy with a twist of shyness. He wears preppy attire. By Coli's logic, guys like him can't pull beautiful women. I swear to you my cousin is one of the biggest male whore I know. The women he pulled are beautiful black women. He sent me some pictures of them. I be like :whoo:

My point is you don't need to be a loud-mouth comedian, an athlete, a millionaire
or thug to attract women. The average guy can attract women if he put his mind to it.

He probably has a "look" that they like

That's how it usually is

Kind of like this nikka


Now if he looked like this nikka they wouldn't be paying him no mind unless he was "down" in some way:


I've observed over a decade what type of "good brothas" black women choose. They prefer very distinct facial features when it comes to choosing the "Mr. Right" vs. "Mr. Right Now" :sas2:

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Don't argue with Women about this.

Ignore their words, pay attention to their actions....

Completely agree with this, what most women say they want and what they respond to and there actions show they want are two different things.

Your better of just doing you and responding to them as a person.


Packing All The Flavour You Need
Mar 11, 2015

How about we ask some actual BLACK WOMEN to come in here and give their opinion as well.

@Booksnrain @Phoenix_Knightly23 @Paradise @CinnaSlim @Azul @Chelsea Bridge @MoonGoddess @Out2TheOld care to speak?
Theres no point tbh, these guys are scorned and bitter and will be live what they want. I'll just say what they say when a darskin girl complains "it must be because their ugly" an attractive guy no matter what they do wouldn't have a problem getting a girl.:ld:
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Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Theres no point tbh, these guys are scorned and bitter and will be live what they want. I'll just say what they say when a darskin girl complains "it must be because their ugly" an attractive guy no matter what they do wouldn't have a problem getting girl.:ld:
Who says darkskinned girls are ugly?