Alexander had no problems beating Maidana with ease![]()
You know damn well these nikkas ain't watch that fight or heard of Maidana before the Broner fight.

Alexander had no problems beating Maidana with ease![]()
Everything you said is what I've been thinking in regards to Floyd. His legs have been slowing as well, and his footwork isn't as good as it used to be. And just like you said, it started around the time of the Cotto fight. Matter fact, really it started during the ortiz fight. And I agree about him being sick of fighting. I think that played a major role this past fight. +repnothing about floyds career here on out is going to be easy. hes been declining seriously since the cotto fight at this point, there are little things hes continuing to lose due to his age (i.e his legs) thats forcing him to lay on the ropes, not get off first, and at times not even pull the trigger.
im not saying floyds finished, hes not, but hes slowing down, i am not convinced he fought that way on purpose, his decline is similar to every fighter his age not named hopkins, especially a career lightweight. i have no doubt in my mind that floyd is really sick of fighting hes been doing it his whole life, but a rematch is not what floyd wants but he may not have a choice.
You know damn well these nikkas ain't watch that fight or heard of Maidana before the Broner fight.![]()
I finally understand why your salty ...your mad that Floyd made Broner look amateur..Got it.
Carry on.
Exactly....look at what the response was when I stated that:
My nikka couldnt even respond
It's not like Floyd and AB fight in the same style. The ONLY thing they have similar in the ring is Floyd's shoulder roll and AB's bad impersonation of it....that's it. Floyd and AB fights the same opponents differently, and only a casual wouldnt recognize that![]()
I couldnt respond? what sense does it make? Floyd and Alexander are two different style fighters. Floyd is a defensive fighter and a counter puncher. The way he beats an opponent wont be the same in comparison to someone else.
Lavish said:Your trying to discredit Floyd when he won the fight which didnt make sense. I was trying to understand why, and it hit me. Your mad that Floyd beat madaina...the same madaina who gave your boy some humble pie.
And Floyd and Adrien Broner are 2 different style of fighters, just like you say Floyd and Alexander are, which is why your post about Floyd making Adrien Broner look like an amateur (and this fight would NOT be the fight to gloat about Floyd's skills) didnt make any sense.
I havent discredited Floyd anywhere. He won a close fight 7 rounds to 5. My posts have been the same about the fight from May 3rd, May 4th, and May 5th all throughout the ring.
Floyd beating Maidana or losing to Maidana doesnt mean anything in regards to AB, because they are not 1 and the same. Only Floyd stans and AB haters try and lump them together. Anybody that understands boxing can see they are obviously 2 different fighters and fight totally opposite. There are things in the AB vs Maidana fight that AB did that Floyd didnt/couldnt (hurting and walking down Maidana at points, which Maidana even acknowledged being hurt by him). There are also things that Floyd did that AB didnt/couldnt (fight going backwards, going to the body, not letting Maidana land anything clean).
Bottom line is this, Floyd said he's never had to use his A game in a fight.......what was he using on May 3rd then, because whatever he was using the 1st 5 rounds was NOT working. Once he switched and started listening to his father, then he started having success
(and this fight would NOT be the fight to gloat about Floyd's skills) didnt make any sense.
I knew you would try that....but you cant use that comparison in this case. because Floyd won. and Broner LOST. Had they both beat maidana, then you would have a point.
And to be real, even though Floyd and AB are different fighters, AB sure tries to fight like Floyd. His defense stance is almost identical to floyds. He tries that shoulder guard but it obviously dont work.
WHAT comparision? Because you lose a fight doesnt mean you didnt win any rounds
The rounds Broner won, he won by walking down Maidana and hurting him. Floyd did not. They are 2 different fighters.
AB does not FIGHT like Floyd. The only thing they have in common is the Shoulder Roll defense which AB tries to use. Other than that, AB is an offensive minded fighter who rips off combinations. Floyd is a defensive minded fighter who pot shots you and fights at a measured pace.
AB just threw damn near 100 punches in 1 round on Saturday....when's the last time you seen Floyd fire off that many punches? He doesnt because that's not what he does. Floyd is much better than Adrien Broner, so why are you trying to compare them?![]()
And Floyd and Adrien Broner are 2 different style of fighters, just like you say Floyd and Alexander are, which is why your post about Floyd making Adrien Broner look like an amateur (and this fight would NOT be the fight to gloat about Floyd's skills) didnt make any sense.
I havent discredited Floyd anywhere. He won a close fight 7 rounds to 5. My posts have been the same about the fight from May 3rd, May 4th, and May 5th all throughout the ring.
Floyd beating Maidana or losing to Maidana doesnt mean anything in regards to AB, because they are not 1 and the same. Only Floyd stans and AB haters try and lump them together. Anybody that understands boxing can see they are obviously 2 different fighters and fight totally opposite. There are things in the AB vs Maidana fight that AB did that Floyd didnt/couldnt (hurting and walking down Maidana at points, which Maidana even acknowledged being hurt by him). There are also things that Floyd did that AB didnt/couldnt (fight going backwards, going to the body, not letting Maidana land anything clean).
Bottom line is this, Floyd said he's never had to use his A game in a fight.......what was he using on May 3rd then, because whatever he was using the 1st 5 rounds was NOT working. Once he switched and started listening to his father, then he started having success
You not even making sense because your boy CLEARLY lost.
All the things your trying to give him props for couldn't help him enough to win.
He gets no points for that.
Breh, listen.
I respect your stanning of LeBron. You make valid points in your statements in regards to the hatred that LeBron receives. BUT, we are talking about boxing in here.
There's no such thing that "you not even making sense because your boy clearly lost". Yes, Broner clearly lost.....nobody is disputing that. However, he CLEARLY won the rounds he won. There were no "he squeaked this round" "that was a toss up"
The 4-5 rounds he won, he walked down Maidana and hurt him several times in the process........Maidana stated it himself and that's what happened.
Everything you said is what I've been thinking in regards to Floyd. His legs have been slowing as well, and his footwork isn't as good as it used to be. And just like you said, it started around the time of the Cotto fight. Matter fact, really it started during the ortiz fight. And I agree about him being sick of fighting. I think that played a major role this past fight. +rep