What's your end game in life


LWO suicide bomber
Nov 19, 2012
Out here in my damn drawls
no man should have to be in that rat race day in n out with nothing to look forward to but clocking in the next morning.

If thats what make you happy bro, :salute:

Be conscious of what do YOU want in this life, **** tradition, go after what you want, and do it, Cause at the end of the day, when you climb in that bed, your thoughts, are YOUR thoughts, your joys, distresses, loves, pains, are nobodys but YOURS. So why is there ANY room for compromise in the reality of that moment?


Compromise ain't sh!t

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Honestly, I dont even know. I've already went further than I could have dreamed as a lil youngin. Senior Engineer before 30 at a Fortune 100 company. :lawd:

but in the middle of nowhere :whoa:

At this point I've proven that I can make really good money and survive in the corporate world. my next step is a family, but I dont even have a chick yet. so it's a big question mark. I recently got new goals so I'm going back to school. Its good to be inspired again.

I really had no other outlet for my thoughts, so I'm gonna post it here in TheColi

So I'm was sitting in a damn near 2 and half hour lecture today, doodling, slightly high :skip: and crunching numbers, adjusting them for projected inflation and to figure out how much capital I needed to eventually venture off and do my own thing. I'm 3 years into my Mechanical Engineering major (switched from Chem Eng after last semester :whew: sh!t was lookin' dire). I realized way back in my freshman year, 2nd semester, that a career in engineering was just an ends to a means. Yeah I love math, science and physics, and I'm a B - C student but I only went into engineering at the last minute after high school because I didn't want to waste money on majoring in business :manny:

Truth be told, all I want do in life is stay out of the rat race, buy a small to meduim sized ranch with a big a$$ library in it to read and probably write random books, get a workshop to build sh!t and tinker in (mostly what I do on my spare time), smoke weed (the other thing I do on my spare time), travel and have sex with lots of women :win:.

This isn't even a joke, I'm dead serious too. I got a 15 year plan with contingencies and everything that I made 4 years ago in the summer :pachaha:. I know it sounds slightly retarded, but f*ck it, it's MY endgame.

So basically my goal is to be the Dos Equis Guy...Lite:heh:

Just curious brehs: What's you ultimate endgame in life and are you actively trying execute the plan to achieve your goal??

I don't care how crazy it sounds, just spit it out

Sounds like a good plan. Smart move getting out of Chem E. Truth be told, Engineering is a means to an end for every black engineer. Very few of us actually wanna do this shyt. Word to @spinoza . You're gonna hit a speed bump when you start working tho. That rat race is real and you will have to put at least 5 years in to get your bread to a good level.

End goal is to make a difference in someone's life, besides my own.

If I can affect positive change, then my job here is done.

All I know is I can't leave here how I am now:heh:

man you can do that today. I volunteer, shyts easy and the need is there. especially for black men. get off your ass and do it if that's really your end goal. You could make it happen in a year.
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LWO suicide bomber
Nov 19, 2012
Out here in my damn drawls
Honestly, I dont even know. I've already went further than I could have dreamed as a lil youngin. Senior Engineer before 30 at a Fortune 100 company. :lawd:

but in the middle of nowhere :whoa:

At this point I've proven that I can make really good money and survive in the corporate world. my next step is a family, but I dont even have a chick yet. so it's a big question mark. I recently got new goals so I'm going back to school. Its good to be inspired again.

Sounds like a good plan. Smart move getting out of Chem E. Truth be told, Engineering is a means to an end for every black engineer. Very few of us actually wanna do this shyt. Word to @spinoza . You're gonna hit a speed bump when you start working tho. That rat race is real and you will have to put at least 5 years in to get your bread to a good level.

Good inspiring post all around. I'm just ready to get out of school and get in the trenches to put in some work, get quality experience and save some cash to execute operation Dos Equis Lite :lawd:, those speed bumps are a given tho :manny:
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May 4, 2012
Take revenge(success) on all of the people who told me i would never amount to shyt. Nothing gives me more joy in life to see the teachers/kids i attended school with and they are now flabby and sick. I want to live live the Clooney lifestyle while everyone else is miserable with kids & marriage.

fukk 'em.


LWO suicide bomber
Nov 19, 2012
Out here in my damn drawls

If you believe that, good for you...For me, this is it, and when it's done, I sure don't want to come back, unless I am guaranteed $1 Billion in my next contract...

I'm don't strongly believe in reincarnation, because I don't believe we have spirits, but I'd like to.

t's one of my optimistic fringe optimistic beliefs. :manny:


May 3, 2012
To leave something significant and important behind. Preferably something good. It could be anything, It just needs to count.


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
I want to have a stable comfortable job...work 8 hours a day and make decent money doing it. This will allow me to go back to school for my masters, to strengthen my situation.

This will enable me to start one of the many business ventures I have planned.

I want to start up a non profit organization too.

Be involved with politics without necessarily being a politician.

Hopefully by 40-45 I won't need to work a regular 9 to 5.


Have 1 kid, preferably a boy.

Im 29...and I have the job. Now I need to start my first company this year, and make it back to school by the end of next year.

Only thing would derail me is having a kid now.


2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012
I really had no other outlet for my thoughts, so I'm gonna post it here in TheColi

So I'm was sitting in a damn near 2 and half hour lecture today, doodling, slightly high :skip: and crunching numbers, adjusting them for projected inflation and to figure out how much capital I needed to eventually venture off and do my own thing. I'm 3 years into my Mechanical Engineering major (switched from Chem Eng after last semester :whew: sh!t was lookin' dire). I realized way back in my freshman year, 2nd semester, that a career in engineering was just an ends to a means. Yeah I love math, science and physics, and I'm a B - C student but I only went into engineering at the last minute after high school because I didn't want to waste money on majoring in business :manny:

Truth be told, all I want do in life is stay out of the rat race, buy a small to meduim sized ranch with a big a$$ library in it to read and probably write random books, get a workshop to build sh!t and tinker in (mostly what I do on my spare time), smoke weed (the other thing I do on my spare time), travel and have sex with lots of women :win:.

This isn't even a joke, I'm dead serious too. I got a 15 year plan with contingencies and everything that I made 4 years ago in the summer :pachaha:. I know it sounds slightly retarded, but f*ck it, it's MY endgame.

So basically my goal is to be the Dos Equis Guy...Lite:heh:

Just curious brehs: What's you ultimate endgame in life and are you actively trying execute the plan to achieve your goal??

I don't care how crazy it sounds, just spit it out

if i can do what i do now and make enough money to take care of the needs of my family (whether it be the one i was born into or what family i manage to make as i get older), that's really what i care about. my life is pretty simple enough. i've been trying to read multiple articles everyday when i get up. practicing basic skills regarding my music, even forming future ideas for future projects. i have few desires in life anyway. i just want to look (feel) good, play good, be around good people and to be good. the little things in between had my mode of transportation to acquire each value are totally up to me but how i go about reaching each end is up to me. i think the thing with my goals are that they're require you to constantly be vigilant about it and i try to pick the most direct way of achieving them. things naturally get complicated through life but i try not to let it get too complicated in my head...