I should have posted the following in the OP of the thread that this thread is talking about...
I'd rather be fetishized as a sexual being than manipulated as a non-sexual provider. Like
@Wiles said, alpha fukks, beta bucks. Y'all would rather be beta males in this society because that's what your conditioning tells you is respectful.. even when it goes directly against your nature.
The difference between men and women is that men are capable of separating sex from their core emotions. There have been studies done, and women develop romantic feelings and an emotional connection after just several instances of intercourse. This is a biological fact.
More often than not, a woman requires physical attraction and some sort of emotional/mental attraction... the latter can stem from shared interests, emotional compatibility, status (power, popularity, or money), etc. However, men simply require physical attraction for the most part. So I really do not understand how men could possibly be the victims of a fetish.. worst case scenario, her mindset matches yours, and she still inevitably develops feelings that may or may not be matched.
When you say stupid shyt like that you are projecting the fact that you're a bytch nikka. The act of sex alone indicates power over a woman. This has been the understanding and reality for thousands of years.