no you need to look deeper and realize they see color. they have you fooled its not about color. them arabs and italians/catholics or other white religions nearer you clearly see color. maybe in your black church you don't see color cause y'all black. but step out of church and live in the real world. the real world sees color. you might run to your church to hide from reality but you still have to step outside church and live with lifes harsh realities.
you asking what you could do if abandoning religion is like some women who don't see life without their boyfriends because they've submerged themselves emotionsally to the point where they can see themselves leaving without them. but the truth is life will go on fine and it goes on great for non-believers. take for example in other parts of the world where they don't believe in what you believe in.
it's hard to abandon religion. esp since most of us are brought into it as a children. and our whole environment and culture is mostly religion. christmas, easter, your church probably doing good work in the community, your biitch being religious, mom being religious eetc... its hard jus to say fuq it and abandon it. its the same thin g. great church architecture, your boss being religious and you gotta impress him by showing her your religious (hey we all need a job), or your church got you your job, your sig

etc... it's hard and even impossible to get out of it. especially when your church folk give you nice things and tell you it's god that gave it to you.
when you reformat yourself its a good feeling but a scary one too. you are alone and have to create your own rules based on your "morals" and life experiences. for a while there you might be lost but so long as you don't do dumb sh1t and "stand your ground" you'll be fine.