Religion/Spirituality what's with all the atheists on the coli?


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
There have been more people killed for religion, by people of different religions... or by atheist. The amount of people who were supposedly killed simply for being atheist, really isn't worth mentioning.

lol who is 'they' ?
Sure, not debating any of that. I'm saying that once the punishment for speaking against God/ not believing in God was removed. The movement(using movement loosely here) began to grow.

In the 80's the term "Christian" was redefined to combat this growth.


Evil b*stard
Aug 12, 2012
Hell on Earth
Im not even gonna post links, or give some lengthy ass post even.

Most religious people are straight up idiots :yeshrug:

You don't need links for studies or anything else about this shyt...just look around you, in your personal experiences, not any study. Look how many religious people are gullible idiots. Some of them may be book smart, but pretty much every one of them lacks common sense, because they are so terribly idiotic. Hell, just a few weeks ago when that video came online with the people about to crash on the cctv, and there was a supposed teleportation...some idiot christian i knew said she believes it happen, and that an angel did it.

You can take people like this seriously.

These are people who believe people walk on water, and all kind of other shyt majestic from some fiction book that is just physically impossible in our world.

You can't take people like this seriously....they are weak, gullible idiots who can't to deal with the fact one day they are gonna be gone and they can't handle that truth so they clutch to a fairy tale while they're here on earth, and are far too weak to have basic human morals that come naturally with being a human, so they need to be scared of something to be a good person.



Jul 17, 2013
religion and debating about religion is a major distraction to keep people from being aware of what is happening around them. the negro race has no time to waste to be worshiping jesus or allah. when worshipping jesus they're only being white-washed and mentally enslaved to be second or third class citizens in this world. when worshiping allah they're being used as pawns to fight in the western world.
negros need to quit talking and arguing about religion and step back and let the caucasian fight his war with arabs and jews.

living in the system of belief of god and religion of course is better than living in this gangsta rap world most black ppl live in. abandoning religion and god doesn't mean you live lawless like animals.
i've owned my masters for a long time now and there's no better feeling. i help out when i can. but ultimately my enemies are anyone who are brainwashed. brainwashed by religion or corporations.

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
Im not even gonna post links, or give some lengthy ass post even.

Most religious people are straight up idiots :yeshrug:

You don't need links for studies or anything else about this shyt...just look around you, in your personal experiences, not any study. Look how many religious people are gullible idiots. Some of them may be book smart, but pretty much every one of them lacks common sense, because they are so terribly idiotic. Hell, just a few weeks ago when that video came online with the people about to crash on the cctv, and there was a supposed teleportation...some idiot christian i knew said she believes it happen, and that an angel did it.

You can take people like this seriously.

These are people who believe people walk on water, and all kind of other shyt majestic from some fiction book that is just physically impossible in our world.

You can't take people like this seriously....they are weak, gullible idiots who can't to deal with the fact one day they are gonna be gone and they can't handle that truth so they clutch to a fairy tale while they're here on earth, and are far too weak to have basic human morals that come naturally with being a human, so they need to be scared of something to be a good person.


So I guess we don't need a link to come to the conclusion that atheists are intolerant a$$holes who have no respect for anyone? Because that's what I'm getting from your post. Or is there more to atheism than that? :dwillhuh:


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
think we got a little off track in this thread. I still would like to know why all of a sudden all these atheist feel the need to pop up in every religious thread to preach about how much they believe in nothing.
It was never like this in Know The Ledge when :hamster: was popping
No it was worse

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Stop telling people how to navigate through life. Either side. To laugh at a theist or an atheist is asinine. Let's all not act like the chance of afterlife is not 50-50. Believe what you want but stop slamming people for thinking other things. :manny:
Uh no...lets. There's 0 evidence of an afterlife.


Jul 17, 2013
it's hard for me to "respect other ppl's beliefs" when there's clearly a racial war out there and my brothers and sisters are being turned into zombies everyday and i'm gonna be left alone. my real problem with y'all is to crush your system that is enslaving you. arguing about what color jesus is is a waste of time. we both lose arguing back and forth that's 2hrs of life and going nowhere. you're not going to win with me because i've made up my mind that i gotta own my mind. but if you win against someone vulnerable i've just lost a soldier in the real war out there.

powerful brothers like farrakhan need to quit with that allah sh1t. they're not going anywhere with that sh1t. the white man already used barack to crush ghaddafi who funded him in a major way. brother farakhan needs to link up with other rich powerful blacks and lead nuccas in the right direction. i say farakhan cause he's the only real nicca left going against the establishment. most other rich negroes is all uncle toms. cause in amerrica to be a rich negro you have to be an uncle tom. they're watchin them all. the religious folks are less watched they're dealing with sheep. but it would be nice for them rich mega church pastors to be part of a black secret society.

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
it's hard for me to "respect other ppl's beliefs" when there's clearly a racial war out there and my brothers and sisters are being turned into zombies everyday and i'm gonna be left alone. my real problem with y'all is to crush your system that is enslaving you. arguing about what color jesus is is a waste of time. we both lose arguing back and forth that's 2hrs of life and going nowhere. you're not going to win with me because i've made up my mind that i gotta own my mind. but if you win against someone vulnerable i've just lost a soldier in the real war out there.

powerful brothers like farrakhan need to quit with that allah sh1t. they're not going anywhere with that sh1t. the white man already used barack to crush ghaddafi who funded him in a major way. brother farakhan needs to link up with other rich powerful blacks and lead nuccas in the right direction. i say farakhan cause he's the only real nicca left going against the establishment. most other rich negroes is all uncle toms. cause in amerrica to be a rich negro you have to be an uncle tom. they're watchin them all. the religious folks are less watched they're dealing with sheep. but it would be nice for them rich mega church pastors to be part of a black secret society.

That all sounds good but what are you talking about, breh? What is this right direction? I have guidance and morals but you're saying I should abandon that. For what, exactly?

Also, I don't think you understand religion at all if all you see is black and white. I think you should delve deeper. And not even saying you should believe as I do, I'm saying delve deeper to keep from sounding ignorant because based on your posts the only conclusion I've drawn from what you're saying is you don't know much. :yeshrug:

Bud Bundy

A Bundy never cares
May 1, 2012
Every time I make a thread about Jesus they pour in feeling the need to defend their belief in not believing. Is this not a predominantly black forum discussing issues on anything from music to politics from the view point of younger black males? When did it become the norm to not believe in God in the black and hiphop community?

you acting like you do not make bait threads come on now.


Jun 4, 2012
There have been many people killed for being nonbelievers. Let's keep it 100, there are quite a few places in the modern world where you'd still be killed for openly saying you're atheist/agnostic.

Interview with a Saudi atheist - Your Middle East
This really doesn't concern you. These are lil pockets of Earth that really don't amount to anything. It's more likely that a religious person will kill another religious person.... over... religion.

Also, in most of the Western world... you get looked at worst for being Muslim or looking like you're Muslim than atheist. Only in certain ethnic groups is it 'bad' to be an atheist... and those atheist who are shunned aren't killed or anything... they kill themselves .


Jul 17, 2013
That all sounds good but what are you talking about, breh? What is this right direction? I have guidance and morals but you're saying I should abandon that. For what, exactly?

Also, I don't think you understand religion at all if all you see is black and white. I think you should delve deeper. And not even saying you should believe as I do, I'm saying delve deeper to keep from sounding ignorant because based on your posts the only conclusion I've drawn from what you're saying is you don't know much. :yeshrug:
no, you need to look deeper and realize they see color. they have you fooled its not about color. them arabs and italians/catholics or other white religions nearer you clearly see color. maybe in your black church you don't see color cause y'all black. but step out of church and live in the real world. the real world sees color. you might run to your church to hide from reality but you still have to step outside church and live with lifes harsh realities.

you asking what you could do if abandoning religion is like some women who don't see life without their boyfriends because they've submerged themselves emotionsally to the point where they can see themselves leaving without them. but the truth is life will go on fine and it goes on great for non-believers. take for example in other parts of the world where they don't believe in what you believe in.

it's hard to abandon religion. esp since most of us are brought into it as a children. and our whole environment and culture is mostly religion. christmas, easter, your church probably doing good work in the community, your biitch being religious, mom being religious eetc... its hard jus to say fuq it and abandon it. its the same thin g. great church architecture, your boss being religious and you gotta impress him by showing her your religious (hey we all need a job), or your church got you your job, your sig:ohhh: etc... it's hard and even impossible to get out of it. especially when your church folk give you nice things and tell you it's god that gave it to you.

when you reformat yourself its a good feeling but a scary one too. you are alone and have to create your own rules based on your "morals" and life experiences. for a while there you might be lost but so long as you don't do dumb sh1t and "stand your ground" you'll be fine.
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