What's the most controversial opinion you hold and wouldn't budge on regardless of the backlash/criticism

Studious one

Change names, like change clothes; stay a fly girl
May 31, 2022
Bruhh....it knew it was a wrap when Jorja Smith put on all that weight and I saw hella black man on twitter say she looks just as good or better with the extra weight :francis:

I think we're the only people that skinny shames women (Coi Leray for one) and praise big tings :francis:
Man, I am 5”4, and was in a 5/6 up until I had my second son. The amount of jokes and insults I would get, wow. From…women. Mainly young women. Older women would tell me I had a great shape (always had curves), and men NEVER complained. Currently a 7/8, which is what I prefer, but want to get toned. If I say that I want to lose 5-7 pounds, it’s always, “but that ass is fat”, there’s nothing wrong

Studious one

Change names, like change clothes; stay a fly girl
May 31, 2022
The rot in the black community started with the men. Our women have the best hearts and loyalty, once they stopped believing in the goodheartedness of black men, our communities collapsed. Once it was normal for a woman to have a baby and the man not take responsibily of the kids for hedonistic purposes, the women followed suit. Women are natural followers and buyers of premises and we have very few leaders willing to lead them. So our women(and kids) are lost because we as men have decided to persue selfish lives than family values.

TL: DR. It's the men's fault that black communities are not thriving and morality is bankrupt.

:salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
-Cheating, while using protection, and in a manner that is never found out about is not a big deal. Goes for both sexes btw. :manny:

-Black people should not have kids with white people.

-Kobe Bryant (RIP) wasn’t as good as people made him out to be posthumously

-Overly romantic nikkas are a red flag and more likely to abuse women. Compared to stoic brehs like myself. Passion is a two sided coin and can swing the other way as well. Women should reconsider settling down with “boring” or “unemotional” men for that reason.
There was no big change in how Kobe is viewed. The same people who rank him too high always did.
I agree with ass eating but p*ssy eating? Nah. Who digs their tongue in and swirls it around inside the p*ssy? Work the clit :ufdup:

And fukk outta here with the titty comment. If you love ass the most I'm gonna assume you're a fakkit :yeshrug:

Seeing them big thangs thanging when you taking her to poundtown :blessed:
Bruhh....it knew it was a wrap when Jorja Smith put on all that weight and I saw hella black man on twitter say she looks just as good or better with the extra weight :francis:

I think we're the only people that skinny shames women (Coi Leray for one) and praise big tings :francis:
Coi Leray is the opposite end of the spectrum.


Alkali Nonmetals
May 24, 2022
I, for one, welcome our new space overlords.
that opinions dont matter, and social media have too many people thinking that they do. they are only good for starting and sustaining arguments
True. The only people benefitting are the site owners and maybe the podcasters. Wake up, say something online, argues about it, trend. Rinse and repeat. Nothing is done it's all in our heads.
Mar 16, 2013
I'm back with more opinions...

* Michael Jackson was innocent. The entertainment industry is only using him as a scapegoat to keep everyone's attention off of the real predators running Hollywood and the music business. (I know this one isn't controversial on the coli, but it can be in real life.)

* When he's written correctly, Cyclops is one of the GOAT X-men. A lot of y'all write him off just because you ONLY know him as the corny dude who left morph in the animated series. Cyclops puts in work in the comics.

* A Link to the Past was lowkey better than Ocarina of Time.

* One Piece is the GOAT shonen. I'm glad more people are giving the series it's flowers these days.

EDIT: I'll echo the above opinion that gangsta rap ultimately did more harm than good for the black community as a whole.

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
This is going to piss some people off but here goes:

Too many in the black community would rather blame someone else than fix the problem. This is more so true in this part of the world than others. Also, I have a very low opinion of people who conflate the worst with the best. Stop it. Get help.

Too many black people in the black community don't know their own people's history and these are the worst kind of people. Period.

I actually think the black community can be fixed and exist. Just not in America. At some point, a lot of y'all will have to move. :francis:

Too many in the black community put on all black men the crimes and deeds done by other groups or other people and in doing so, affix an original sin on black men that can't be washed away. They then act surprised when young black boys, who are entirely blameless, see this and grow up to become monsters or want nothing to do with the black community or are a detriment to it. I mean, what did you fukking expect? You're practicing racism on your own. Who wants anything to do with a community that hates them? The group that should be the last to do so are often the first. If they can't find racial solace in their own communities, will they ever see that community as their home? Will they ever see it as something to help and serve? It will always be something for them to take from and use to their extent or at the very least subjugate. They'll sell drugs to it and victimize it (all for money, which they think is what they need to be respected and avoid said racism since that economic lack is what is touted as the reason for why said original sin is rightly put on black men). Anything else will be them emulating what they do see you respect and never seem to criticize: The racists themselves.
This is more so true in this part of the world than others. It's weird to see someone whine about "black men" as a whole, when black men are in many different places. Even taking a more blanket approach seems off since that completely ignores all the differences in culture and so on. It feels like a bigoted take. I hate it because it is an infectious way of speaking that I even fall into at times. It's a memetic disease. It's disgusting. At the very least I can give some redpill people some credit for using qualifiers (sometimes) such as "some" and so on. At the very least then, it is clear that they feel the issue is one of some aspect of culture than opposed to something inherent (that's racism). I honestly think that many in the black community are no different than white supremacists to some degree since some do think the issues are entirely inherent. They exacerbate things with added bullshyt and offer nothing in the way of solutions or even suggestions. This brings me to the next point.

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
Actual suggestions without actual specifics are fukking useless yet too many people in general, including the black community, love them. I don't know why. Such suggestions are at best empty platitudes and at worse, no different than the barking of a dog. Stop it. It's not helping and in fact, just exacerbating the issue. Please fukk off with that. I see a lot of that in my line of work when we do community outreach and that seriously hinders the process. If anything, we have an easier time with other communities since they have a more clear vision of things. This is annoying, even more so when I have to deal with people who think their half-hearted attempt at a thought is something we should be putting our money behind. I'm not a c00n for thinking you're an idiot. I think you're an idiot because you are an idiot and did nothing to sway me from thinking this.

It seems like black men and black women are two separate races in America. I've never seen this shyt anywhere else except maybe (big maybe) Brazil. It's sad, really. I'm not sure when this happened and it seems like a more recent thing. No, it's not just on the internet, I see it in real life. I'd say the contentiousness I see and even experience is like that of different races trying to interact. That's weird and should not happen. It seems to be an American thing so I've chalked it up to cultural differences in my experiences and I'm not bothered by it but it's still weird.

Too many in the black community want black men to be white men (then tell them not to be). They want them to be the most violent and base oppressors. This is seen by the fact that despite all that, despite all the evidence of the worst shyt that the white man has done and continues to do, despite knowing people or having experienced the stings of the white man's bullshyt, they will still complain about black men and even more, lump them altogether, putting that shyt on random black men that had nothing to do with any issues they are commenting on or seem to have the most respect and reserve when dealing with white men.

Too many people who subscribe to the idea of "men lead women follow" especially as it pertains to the black community are the worst liars and hypocrites and don't actually believe that or seem to think that women are obscenely stupid creatures that are lacking in agency or validate the idea that women are idle children that will fall into degeneracy, stupidity, idiocy, and all manner of folly and foolishness without a guiding hand as if these women can't think for two seconds. That's fukking weird. But equality though. These will be the same people who will claim that this or that non-black woman (often a white woman) has agency and is an agent or source of racism or white supremacy. They make black women out to be the only group of women without agency. When called out, they will claim racism but act like such racism only ever applied to them and no one else. shyt is weird. They will sing the praises of black women's strength but then act like they are fragile damsels in distress. Which is it? Make up your mind. You can speak to helping or uplifting black women without robbing them of agency and making them out to be heartless, non-race loyal racial mercenaries and aspiring gold-diggers and wannabe bag-chasers. A majority are not, yet the idea exists among some due to the silly comments of a few. This brings me to another point.

- This one is the most contentious and people will accuse me of hate but I don't care: Many women, not all, are their own worst advocates. I see it in real life and I see it here. On one hand, I appreciate the honesty, I really do so maybe that shows you care but damn, many of y'all are not doing yourselves any favors with some of the shyt you all say about yourselves. We see dudes avoiding relationships and marriage and all that and some of that is due to the shyt women say. A lot of y'all make yourselves out to be mercenaries. I don't get why. I don't know when seeming like a mercenary was cool. I know dudes make themselves out to be dogs (muh six cert, six figures, six sidepieces and so on) but holy shyt, it's been known that men are dogs. Maybe men are to blame: They believed the best when they should have thought the worst and be pleasantly surprised.

However, I blame the so-called male "allies" of women for many issues that men complain about regarding women, not women though. I blame much of the "gender war" on these so-called allies before anyone else as well. They are agents of absolute chaos and the community would be better if they didn't exist. They're so full of shyt and are some of the most disingenuous garbage the world has ever seen.

The whole "rap causes violence" thing makes black people look like a bunch of retards. It's a terrible leading point. Complaining about how it tarnishes the image of black men and women and misconstrues the community's struggles makes more sense but this falls by the wayside. I think many people who complain know this but ignore this because such would also extend to stunting on social media and whining in a non-constructive non-fact-based manner about other black people and they can't have that.

A lot of people will live and die within white supremacy because they have no hope of existing withing a true black community, no matter how good it is. They would be unhappy there and try to tear it down. The perfect society for them does not exist and these people cannot compromise or share. I firmly believe this.

I think it is on black men to fix the black community. Not because it is their duty to do it, but because no one else can be trusted to be fair towards black men that they are not connected to.

Finally, I think too many people in general don't understand that if they died today, the world would keep spinning. They are not that important in the large scheme of things. This is not Oblivion where it all ends if Martin Septim dies. You're not that special. :yeshrug:

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
Also I feel like a lot of men are over mothered and under fathered now a days and it shows in how soft a lot of men are now a days.

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
I have got a sport related one

Takeaway the off the ring stuff, speaking strictly boxing. Lennox lewis is on par, if not better than Ali and if the two fought in their prime (impossible I know)
I would put my money on lennox
If you take away the out the ring stuff there are a few heavyweights who would have given Ali hell or Ali flat out wouldn't have beaten them. I don't even like Lennox Lewis that much cause he should have gave Vitali a rematch, but I'd be a fool not to see he would be a matchup nightmare for Ali. Bigger, taller, longer, bigger puncher, and he can box his ass off as well.