What's the different between youth of today and youth of the 80s/90s

Captain Crunch

May 9, 2012
nah i made the argument that kids these days are to focused on (re: distracted) trying to be hashtag ballers... twitter models and viral celebs to even CARE about any issues of significance outside of that lil plastic superficial bubble...like we did back in the day.
bunch of fukking airheads walking about at a 90 degree angle mouth agape drooling over the next bullsh*t viral vid and reality tv "star" on their smartphone. sh*ts mind numbing...my IQ drops just thinking about it. :dry:

that's why China ..hell the whle EAST is leaving dumb ass american kids in the dust. what we're saying is that kids have ALL THESE TOOLS at their disposal that WE DIDN'T....to use for change..progressive thought etc but they aren't doing anything except dumbing themselves down and being disgustingly complacent. nobody is mad at kids for being "kids". shyt we've all been kids too.
it's the utter mental laziness of this generation that pisses most of us older heads off!

Like I said earlier, there will always be people who fight for change. Unfortunately there hasn't been a widespread movement that accomplished much since the 60's(that is in America mind you), and yes such a movement could be accomplished during this era. However, I said earlier, pretty much every generation would be similar to this generation if it was in this era.


Goat ™
May 2, 2012
I don't care for the dress style and all of the fruitiness floating through the air, but I DO like the more peaceful nature of this younger generation. In 'our' day, you would walk around and just see another guy mean mugging you and wanting to fight if you 'looked at him wrong' or 'stepped on his shoes.' You couldn't even really go to the mall or a carnival without some guys fighting each other and tearing things up. Crack was being sold a lot more in them 90s. We had to have been some of the most disrespectful to the elders. This new generation has it's downsides, but I'm not going to act like our generation was this golden age of proper behavior. We may have been harder, but we were BAD during our time.
i can agree we we're bad in our own ways .....but dude...you're a god fearing man and you know it was prophesied that each generation would get worse and worse as the end draws nears. do you not see the evidence of this all around you? 2 Timothy 3: 1-5 breh. these kids have ZERO empathy..it'salmost like their being BORN without it. if that scripture doesn't some up these little monsters i don't know what does. just look at those kids on the bus with that grandmother.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 KJV - This know also, that in the last days - Bible Gateway
(leymans verison) 2 Timothy 3:1-5 NIV - But mark this: There will be terrible - Bible Gateway
^ straight out the womb a lot of em. :smh: throw them in the bushes. :birdman:


Bmore nicca
May 1, 2012
i can agree we we're bad in our own ways .....but dude...you're a god fearing man and you know it was prophesied that each generation would get worse and worse as the end draws nears. do you not see the evidence of this all around you? 2 Timothy 3: 1-5 breh. these kids have ZERO empathy..it'salmost like their being BORN without it. if that scripture doesn't some up these little monsters i don't know what does. just look at those kids on the bus with that grandmother.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 KJV - This know also, that in the last days - Bible Gateway
(lemans verison) 2 Timothy 3:1-5 NIV - But mark this: There will be terrible - Bible Gateway
^ straight out the womb a lot of em. :smh: throw them in the bushes. :birdman:


What makes you think that EVERYONE has "zero emphathy" in this new generation?

We were the same. We just didn't have youtube / facebook / twitter to tell on us.

You generalize too much.

fighting is manly

so what you're saying is you like the new flock of fakkits? :beli:



follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012

fighting is manly

so what you're saying is you like the new flock of fakkits? :beli:

Fighting for a reason... Fighting for DEFENSE of something proper is many. Fighting and shooting someone because they stepped on your shoes isn't.


Goat ™
May 2, 2012

What makes you think that EVERYONE has "zero emphathy" in this new generation?

We were the same. We just didn't have youtube / facebook / twitter to tell on us.

You generalize too much.

it's enough of y'all to be a very noticeable difference from past gererations... like i said ....internet and mass media oversaturation of negativity has more to do with it than anything else. :manny:


carlos danger
Jun 18, 2012
Can't deny the fruitiness neither. I mean its so damn popular, you must defend against it. i mean nothin wrong with it cuz you think its cool. it just looks g@y to me and when i grew up being g@y wasn't the cool thing. bein a bad@ss was. and that got u pu$$y. dunno if it still works like that considerin all u guys now talkin bout playin song to get with girls. I just kinda got with'em. :manny:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
This new generation is more sexual, but I seen pretty much everything they are doing now in our generation. My schools had the neighborhood fights starting at middle school. Kids sagging, being real disrespectful to teachers. Some kids would bring knives to school. Kids were having sex as early as middle school back then, but maybe not to the extent now. You had people wanting to rob you for jackets and shoes and all of that back then...

I didn't even live in a bad neighborhood, but dudes were shooting guns back then due to that gang nonsense. You couldn't go to carnivals because you had guys taking those mallets and hitting each other with them. You had fights at the mall. 80s babies were tearing things up during their day. Only difference is, 80s babies were sexual, but not as sexual and they didn't play that homo stuff. But you did have everyone with that mean mug on looking to get into a fight. If we had worldstar back then, we'd see a lot of people getting shot, stabbed and people on crack. That's one thing I'm thankful for is crack doesn't seem to be as prevalent in this day and age.


carlos danger
Jun 18, 2012
i think it appears to be more sexual, but i don't think the sexuality thing changes. they are just broadcasting it more. I'm sure the %'s of the kids today having sex are similar to when we were younger.


All Star
May 8, 2012
I didn't read the thread but what stands out to me is
the blurred line between reality and the online world.
I'm born in the early 80's so I witnessed the whole internet and mobile era started and made a transition from not having cell phones and dial up internets to smartphones and iClouds without losing my sense of reality. Because my two feet were and still are planted in the real world.

I KNOW and can TELL the difference between what's really real and what's only cool in the interwebs.
These days, kids are born into the shyt and would rather play with their phones than go out to the playground with your friends.
This lack of real world interactions, which IMO are crucial in character building, is what makes this generation different from the older ones.

It's not their fault and I actually feel bad for them.
And it's different from the generation gaps before us because this era is the first time the human race is fully experiencing a radical paradigm shift of this magnitude. What happened before us were rather gradual.

The main form of long distance communication was writing letters for thousands and thousands of years.
In just my generation only, it went from letters to telegrams to emails to SMS to iMessage.

We're living in a unique era.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
nah i made the argument that kids these days are to focused on (re: distracted) trying to be hashtag ballers... twitter models and viral celebs to even CARE about any issues of significance outside of that lil plastic superficial bubble...like we did back in the day.
bunch of fukking airheads walking around at a 90 degree angle mouth agape drooling over the next bullsh*t viral vid and reality tv "star" on their smartphone. sh*ts mind numbing...my IQ drops just thinking about it. :dry:

Okay first off, lets stop this bullshyt right now.

Mind numbing tv wasn't invented with our generation

what the fukk did you think the baby boomers thought about mtv when it first premiered in August 1, 1981

stoooooooooop it

do I need to up the cancun spring break episodes???

lets not talk about IQ......

that's why China ..hell the whle EAST is leaving dumb ass american kids in the dust. what we're saying is that kids have ALL THESE TOOLS at their disposal that WE DIDN'T....

ok lets stop this right here

if we were having a discussion about politics

the first thing that would come out of your mouth is that the electoral base is stupid

if my memory serves me correctly, you can't be a part of the electoral base unless you were 18 (federally) :whistle:

but naaaaaaaah my generation is lazy & stupid


Bmore nicca
May 1, 2012


Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I don't care for the dress style and all of the fruitiness floating through the air, but I DO like the more peaceful nature of this younger generation. In 'our' day, you would walk around and just see another guy mean mugging you and wanting to fight if you 'looked at him wrong' or 'stepped on his shoes.' You couldn't even really go to the mall or a carnival without some guys fighting each other and tearing things up. Crack was being sold a lot more in them 90s. We had to have been some of the most disrespectful to the elders. This new generation has it's downsides, but I'm not going to act like our generation was this golden age of proper behavior. We may have been harder, but we were BAD during our time.

Selective memory up in this bytch. shyt is so true. You won't believe how many people I know are in jail because of mean mugging the wrong nicca. But :laff: @ YBE's post about the deal breaker of black kids being fruity in order to be peaceful and non stereotypical.


Jun 8, 2012

What makes you think that EVERYONE has "zero emphathy" in this new generation?

We were the same. We just didn't have youtube / facebook / twitter to tell on us.

You generalize too much.

wait wait wait. stop it. stop doing that. where you say "it aint all of us" No one said it was 100% of yall. stop using this argument to get out of answer the questions put in front of you.

its TO many of yall dont you get it.

let me explain this to you again. there were fewer THUGS then there were regular dudes. back in the 90's. it only takes one shooter per every 4 blocks to call a neighborhood a HOOD. how many nuccas do you think was realling poppin off back in the day? it was that one fool. "crazy larry is a fool, that fool dont care, he will blast on a nucca quick"

half the nuccas with guns were not bustin they guns on most occasions. but the ones that were. were killing people. thats a fact. and we called them clowns and little girls for not manning up to fist fight and running to the trunk asap when a disagreement breaks out. or when they lose that fist fight that they probably started. we never CONDONE THUG LIFE. the late 80's baby's DID. yall ran after what yall thought pac was saying and yall saw that tat and now yall are all tatted up "THUGGG LIFFEEEEE"

not understanding that fool pac was struggling right along with everyone else that wasnt a rich rapper. mentally struggling with his own demons. see the old heads, KNEW PAC for real. we knew that dude had issues. that wasnt news to us. cause we knew dudes just like him that lived next door.

the reason we were shooting each other up was cause of the drugs and guns being dropped off in our community. where did they come from? we dont have a bunch of gunstores in los angeles. our Sporting good stores half the time dont sell guns like that. they cant. so where are these dudes getting straps from? they were leaving train doors open, leaving trains on the tracks in the hoods knowing the doors were open. knowing poor people would run and open it up and flood the streets with that stuff. in addition to people strategically putting drugs out here on the streets and some people selling arms to kids. and i'm not talking about local people. it was a setup. that we fail for because we were so broke. but that WE isnt a large amt of people in comparison to the rest of us. its like 20, 30% of us tops. the rest of us got caught up in police sweeps for being black, brown, etc. thats where the FIGHT THE POWER came in. thats where the Xclan came in. it was for the rest of us NON THugs(which was most dudes/people).

all that F... the police, talk came from that. CUBE, Dre, Ren, were all regular dudes from the hood. the only one doing dirt was easy e.

those dudes were telling hood stories. about what kind of madness we had to deal with in a place the white man created by not giving us equal oppurtunity. thats REAL gangsta rap.

like i told yall on Sohh. only the younger gen started talking that nonsense about how Jayz only talked about his riches or Illuminati this or that. the rest of us old heads knew from listening thru and thru. dude was talking about that Hard knock life we all had to deal with and dealt with different ways. Jayz wasnt glorifying most of the nonsense he said he did. he was explaining in first person. so when he was getting money of course he would be happy back then in first person. of course he would be hype on getting chicks he knew he didnt deserve if he was broke. of course he was laughing cause he just ditched the cops. in first person. then when you listened the dude was confessing his sins. talking about how paranoid he became. and how he wished he wouldnt have had that itch to get money which almost completely ruined his life and ruined others he grew up with.

dudes were telling stories trying to keep yall youngins from fallin into the same traps.

i will even go back to Tribe whats the Industry RULE? record company people are shady. yet you see youngins STILL running up for deals. and they getting killed with 360 deals left and right. as if it wasnt bad enough. yall got all this stuff yall could be doing for self without a middle man. yet yall still run up on the middle man. and dont be fooled. 80% of your favorite so called underground artists that are just now getting shine. are already signed to 360 deals. their labels are trying to fool you into believing they are a grass roots effort. pay attention.

thats the kind of stuff we're talking about. as DUMB as some of them nwa dudes were. if they were born in this era. Ruthless would've been independent and would be distributing their music 100% online, selling 100's of thousands of records without the help of a major. touring without the help of a major.

yall have options that yall wont even USE. thats what we cant understand. USE THE FORCE LUKE. good grief.