The wife and ex-wife both continued to come and sit in the front row.

The wife and ex-wife both continued to come and sit in the front row.
That’s why I left the church years ago, and that’s before I became an agnostic.
I feel what you’re saying, but check this out what if I became a better person when I became an agnostic.I never got this line of thinking.
If you work for an employer and you don't fit in with the employees or gel with the company culture, you don't leave and not ever work again because of your bad experiences.
You find another organization that complements you. Because you need a paycheck.
We need spirituality and we need community.
And the basis of Christianity is NOT an individual spirituality (idolatry) but a corporal spiritually (the church).
There are literally thousands of Christian churches for every taste and sensibility out there. Is it that you don't want to put in the work to find what's the right fit for you?
You also have to remember, the church you grew up in was your parents or grandparents decision. If they had you in a trifling church, the blame should be put on them, not on Christianity itself.
I feel what you’re saying, but check this out what if I became a better person when I became an agnostic.
What’s wrong with what I believe in now?
I never got why people would use what you believe in to judge you as a person.
I work with John ; John might be a Scientologist; I might think John is crazy as hell, but as long as he minds his business and leaves me alone I don’t care what John believes
I know that was long winded reply, but religion is a complex issue.
Dap and repI have two thoughts on this.
The secular side of me respects it. And honestly, you have to do what you think makes you happy and gives you mental peace in this life. If that means divesting from religion, which can be extremely toxic, I support you.
On the other side, as someone that has tried/trying to develop a deep spiritual inner well within the framework of christianity, what I understand christianity to say about human nature is that we are all deeply sinful to our very core. Nothing at all is good. And that there is no attainment of "better personhood" without being in union w/ God and w/ our fellow man. A communion that unifies all creation as one.
I only include this perspective because you say you are a former christian.
But otherwise, what you say is fair.
In Sunday school one of the kids straight up said they didn't believe in God. No pun but all hell broke loose. All the teacher stopped what they were doing started speaking in tongues and circle-praying around breh, they even went and got the assistant pastor DURING church to join the prayerand they told the other kids to join in to pray for the kid to be saved
Well that kid's parents got big mad when they found out and threatened to beat the sunday school teachers ass, sue the church, or both