You're right about the sickle cell. I actually learned about that not too long ago I can't believe I forgot it. But anyway, you didn't address not one single point I made besides that.
And in regards to the scientific papers, I will say again, where are YOUR scientific papers PROVING that all races are the same?
Your point does not remain, because you are attributing claims that nobody here has made, and you're arguing against them. We have not argued that "all races are the same', we have continued to argue that the constitutions and qualities of human beings are quite complex, and we have provided HARD SCIENCE proving that attributing cognitive and behavioral traits in concordance to skin color, holds the same genetic significance as attributing traits to eye color or hair texture. You are committed to empirically worthless ideas. It has been proven there is more genetic variability between "races" than externally among other supported facts, contrary to your obnoxious beliefs, that have survived decades of rigorous testing by men and women you couldnt hold and intellectual candle to.
Sell-outs have a distinctive looking smile. And the op has that herman cain smile down pat.
Your post is contradictory. In one instance you say no one has argued all races are the same. But in the next sentence you say that attributing traits based on race is the same as attributing traits based on eye color. So you're insuiating that attributing traits based on race is an exercise in futility. I cannot understand your argument.Your point does not remain, because you are attributing claims that nobody here has made, and you're arguing against them. We have not argued that "all races are the same', we have continued to argue that the constitutions and qualities of human beings are quite complex, and we have provided HARD SCIENCE proving that attributing cognitive and behavioral traits in concordance to skin color, holds the same genetic significance as attributing traits to eye color or hair texture. You are committed to empirically worthless ideas. It has been proven there is more genetic variability between "races" than externally among other supported facts, contrary to your obnoxious beliefs, that have survived decades of rigorous testing by men and women you couldnt hold and intellectual candle to.
Do you believe in Jesus?
Your post is contradictory. In one instance you say no one has argued all races are the same. But in the next sentence you say that attributing traits based on race is the same as attributing traits based on eye color. So you're insuiating that attributing traits based on race is an exercise in futility. I cannot understand your argument.
My argument is that there are genetic differences among races. These genetic differences is part of the reason why people in africa are still in the state they're in today. The only positive thing you can say about africa is that there is "hope" or "potential" but there has yet to be anything built in africa by africans themselves.
You argue that these differences you see among races is 100% due to environmental conditions and 0% due to genetics. Is that what you believe or is it not?
I still don't understand what you're saying. So you acknowledge there are genetic markers separating racial groups, butall races are not the same ≠ there are clear genetic markers that separate racial categories in intrinsically significant ways.
I don't think that changes anything.You're gunna have to argue against the evidence of more genetic variability and diversity INTRA-race than interracially.
It was socially constructed. None of that contradicts anything I have said though.For instance, you would have been shot if you were considered the Irish in genetic lockstep with the larger "white" western population over a century and a half ago. Over a generation or two, the Irish were assimilated and subsumed into a state of "whiteness"....was this the result of serious biological research, or were there socially constructed reasons why the Irish went from "inferior" to "just like us"? The answer is worth 35% of your grade, lol.
I dont hold your brain power in high regard, but even you're not as dumb to believe that "nothing has been built in Africa by Africans". You're just looking to offend --- nothing more.
See dude, this is why black people are in such a bad condition all over the world. Wherever you look, blacks are afraid to take advice from people they don't like. It's all about the emotional appeal. You've got people in Africa who absolutely REFUSE to base their social and economic development on anything resembling what the Europeans have done. They are dead set in their ways so they will not follow proven models of success because often times these models were created by the white man, the devil.
They just want to defame my character. The next time someone asks me about genetics I'm going to lie and tell them what they want to hear.
. Perhaps it is just my ignorance but I don't know of any modern city built in africa by africans themselves.
Yes.Really? THATS the reason that Africa is in the condition its in? Because they dont want to take advice?
The vast majority of those cities were in fact built by white men. Colonial rule is what brought africa modern civilization.This is simply ignorance. There are many flourishing cities in Africa. Do you think that white men were imported to build them?
The vast majority of those cities were in fact built by white men. Colonial rule is what brought africa modern civilization.