All Praise To TMH
LMAO at "missed" my post was from last week that tweet you're quoting is from yesterday i.e. you ain't "missed" shyt but a brain brother. You've been scrounging for a retort for a week and finally thought you found something... yet you still humiliate yourself
This is what happens when you're a low intellect savage... Your brain doesn't work quick enough to produce competent replies and you end up babbling nonsense like the gibberish above
As I said... You told yourself the general consensus was Cole was losing fans and support by the droves. That it wasn't your biased twitter feed that was critical of him.
YET they RAN that man's numbers up to highest they've ever been on the platform across his entire catalog on the site not just one album.... Do I have to bang some rocks around for that to resonate to you?wow
Intellect and Substantiation >>>> Savagery
How embarrassing.....yet again
Nah my alerts been on fire since your boys apologies. you know I wouldnt miss an opportunity to roast your goofy ass.
I didnt expect you to acknowledge that this latest release was the lowest of his career. Let's also ignore the fact that he missed initial projections by almost 30%. Im sure his team is thrilled with those numbers
I'll continue to @ you when the week 2 numbers gets released and he continues to free fall like Hilarys fiancé worries