What type of Introvert are you?


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Amazing how the internet has made being an "introvert" the cool and trendy thing
I agree but end of the day everybody wants to be accepted and I guess this is some cats way.

:stopitslime: What do you think most people who stay on the Internet are?
I agree with this but like I said earlier I think most are socially awkward, unattractive, have hobbies most aren't into, etc not true introverts. They would and do interact with cats like them all the time and don't spend most their time locked up "alone". Its just they don't have that opportunity for various reasons and come on here to basically do what you can't with people around you. Hell I even do with certain discussions or topics my friends IRL don't talk about but I would never consider myself an introvert or an extrovert. I'm just me and whatever me is period lol


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
You guys should get in to MBTI, The way the functions are described there are a better explanation for personality types and it also goes further in depth. So, if you believe in MBTI, Introversion is a spectrum, not an absolute. For example, FE (Extroverted feeling) is the most social function because it is a person's tendency (and ability) to focus on the emotional expressions of others rather than their own emotional state. So, an ISFJ (Leading with introverted sensing with extroverted feeling in the auxiliary) MIGHT be more sociable (not necessarily introverted) than an ENTP, and even ENFP, because ENTPs and ENFPs lead with Extroverted Intuition, the most introverted extroverted function. Introversion and Extroversion aren't explanations for sociability, think of it more as various factors in your personality that impact sociability rather than define it.

(Most important) Introverts are less social than extroverts because their lead function (whether perceiving or judging) is aimed inward

(2nd most important) People that perceive with intuition are less social than sensors because intuition involves ideation more than sensory experience, so they must retreat within themselves to evaluate the ideas that have encountered either from within themselves (introversion) or from without (extroversion)

(3rd most important) Thinkers are less social than feelers because they value logic above all, and their judging functions are based on impersonal systems that value logic over how actions will affect others. Again, this is the 3rd most important for a reason. Introverted thinking is likely the most introverted function PERIOD, but again, the first two letters of your type are much more important than the last in determining your sociability

(least important) Perceivers are less social because they turn their perceiving function to the outside world. So they interact less with the actual world (and thus people) because they don't have agendas as strong as Judgers do. Again, this is the least important letter in determining your sociability
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Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
You guys should get in to MBTI, The way the functions are described there are a better explanation for personality types and it also goes further in depth. For example, if you believe in MBTI, Introversion is a spectrum, not an absolute. For example, FE (Extroverted feeling) is the most social function because it is a person's tendency (and ability) to focus on the emotional expressions of others rather than their own emotional state. So, an ISFJ (Leading with introverted sensing with extroverted feeling in the auxiliary) MIGHT be more sociable (not necessarily introverted) than an ENTP, and even ENFP, because ENTPs and ENFPs lead with Extroverted Intuition, the most introverted extroverted function. Introversion and Extroversion aren't explanations for sociability, think of it more as various factors in your personality that impact sociability rather than define it.

(Most important) Introverts are less social than extroverts because their lead function (whether perceiving or judging) is aimed inward

(2nd most important) People that perceive with intuition are less social than sensors because intuition involves ideation more than sensory experience, so they must retreat within themselves to evaluate the ideas that have encountered either from within themselves (introversion) or from without (extroversion)

(3rd most important) Thinkers are less social than feelers because they value logic above all, and their judging functions are based on impersonal systems that value logic over how actions will affect others. Again, this is the 3rd most important for a reason. Introverted thinking is likely the most introverted function PERIOD, but again, the first two letters of your type are much more important than the last in determining your sociability

(least important) Perceivers are less social because they turn their perceiving function to the outside world. So they interact less with the actual world (and thus people) because they don't have agendas as strong as Judgers do. Again, this is the least important letter in determining your sociability
Have you heard of personalityhacker? What's ur personality?


Sep 2, 2014
I think more people are 2 but I also feel a lot are just scarred to be social for whatever reason. From bootleg studies of mine lol I notice when most people online (since this doesn't really come up IRL like that) claim they introverts they usually are lacking in looks, social skills, etc that would make them "popular" for lack of a better term. You don't see the "beautiful" people on this vibe most of the time its always them cats when you see them you like ok.

LOL you just be making shyt up huh