Fast Money & Foreign Objects
And yet we still have ghetto gaggers and whiteboystomp being produced. If we had power the black community would shut that shyt down, just like with the lack of "satirical" Nazi films today.
lol, wut?
And yet we still have ghetto gaggers and whiteboystomp being produced. If we had power the black community would shut that shyt down, just like with the lack of "satirical" Nazi films today.
well porn is porn, im sure a lot of crazy porn exists, somebody put some slave sex porno on jbo one time, it was really weird
but i thought you meant like a mainstream producer doing something
lol, wut?
Can you show me the Nazi/Jew porn being produced today?
they were studio produced
all porn is studio produced,
if it was mainstream producer doing holocaust sex skits then it would be comparable to this
Yes you are. This is crap but does need to be posted in HL? Why not the locker room or arcadium. You stay posting this garbage and its getting annoying. How are you taken seriously when you would rather talking and dignify this crap. I assume you are not 7 anymore so learn to skip the internet's underworld and even if you can't stop spamming this forum with the crappy articles you find. Post serious stuff or stop posting.I'm not throwing a hissy fit, I'm just actually smirking
I use to think Russell was the man like most hip hop heads do, but as I started turning against rap music I started to see how devilish russel was and he is just a person that exploits black culture to entertain white people
To me this is just a smoking a gun and the final nail in the coffin
I think that I was right in my suspicions about how he views rap music
I feel bad for destorm, he's a youtube superstar and a talented dude being misled by a devil
Yes you are. This is crap but does need to be posted in HL? Why not the locker room or arcadium. You stay posting this garbage and its getting annoying. How are you taken seriously when you would rather talking and dignify this crap. I assume you are not 7 anymore so learn to skip the internet's underworld and even if you can't stop spamming this forum with the crappy articles you find. Post serious stuff or stop posting.
You immature, overgrown baby. This article is not informative and certainly not relevant. I guess you were fooled by him into caring, since you decided to get it more publicity. This concept is vile but you know what? I didn't care I didn't decide to post on a forum that's supposed to be about learning. And from this article and video you posted, you would probably learn absolutely nothing. You are polluting the forum with this crap to cover for the fact you have never had an original idea or thought through your head. You are just as much a low information citizen as anyone who sits on TMZ for more then ten seconds.1) I'll post where ever the fuk I want to post 2) the articles I post are informative and relevant 3) have a good day
You immature, overgrown baby. This article is not informative and certainly not relevant. I guess you were fooled by him into caring, since you decided to get it more publicity. This concept is vile but you know what? I didn't care I didn't decide to post on a forum that's supposed to be about learning. And from this article and video you posted, you would probably learn absolutely nothing. You are polluting the forum with this crap to cover for the fact you have never had an original idea or thought through your head. You are just as much a low information citizen as anyone who sits on TMZ for more then ten seconds.
And this is a private forum. You won't "post where ever the fuk I want to post" (spelling a curse word wrong, you sound real smart) because we have rules here and guidelines. Stop trolling and smarten up, or take your clown act reason.com already.
Or just get lost.
Fine but is this worth a thread. If I wanted to complain about this I would go to CNN. This forum is for learning. This is pop culture garbage and just another reminder of how awful today's entertainers are. But this is not the forum for it. OP pretends he's above it all and gets offended at little crap because he is about 15 and has never left his computer. OP is a fakelol @ all the white boys in here exposing themselves
"its just a joke"
ya if youre a white boy with no experience or history of oppression and victimization, then of course its easy to say "be sensitive"
You are such a unintelligent jackass. When you you grow up and stop being a clown.