What The Hell Is Going On In Ukraine?

Jun 24, 2012
"Regime Change" connotes open invasion and that is not happening. Overall, American efforts at installing friendly governments have had limited success in the latter half of the 20th century. They were most successful in the late 19th and early 20th century with shytty banana republics, and that was mostly through private proxies. When it comes to straight-up engineering a grassroots coup, America can't do it. They tried in almost every communist country in the cold war and did not succeed. The Prague Spring came as a huge shock to them.

You honestly believe the average Ukrainian is affected by Syria? As opposed to the years and years of bullying and strong-arming over gas prices? The only people in the Ukraine who have love for Russia are Ukranians of Russian descent.

1. Regime Change doesn't connotes invasion. The media handles the situation as far as what is told on the ground and the U.N. prepares with NATO to create strict rules and tactics. Limited Success? have you seen 20 plus years of friendly governments in Iran after 1953, what about Pinochet government for well over a decade more...Poppy Dock and Baby Dock, Indonesian government in the 70's. There are many governments successful thanks to U.S. backed support in the late 20th Century. The "Orange Revolution" was designed by the U.S.....this is common knowledge.

2. Syria isn't affecting Ukraine, it's the fact that it maybe a punishment for embarrassing the U.S. in Syria.
Jun 24, 2012
Not going to happen no World War 3 breh. Too much pride and stuff at stake. You will see like I said a previous post days ago.. You will see crazy ass alliances etc...

WW3 will happen my friend....mark that I said it. If it doesn't happen I will resign from thecoli.


May 8, 2012
1. Regime Change doesn't connotes invasion. The media handles the situation as far as what is told on the ground and the U.N. prepares with NATO to create strict rules and tactics. Limited Success? have you seen 20 plus years of friendly governments in Iran after 1953, what about Pinochet government for well over a decade more...Poppy Dock and Baby Dock, Indonesian government in the 70's. There are many governments successful thanks to U.S. backed support in the late 20th Century.

...what did I say? The US doesn't engineer true grassroots coups. It just gets behind strongmen. The media may spin a narrative "on the ground" but in the case of Americans, that narrative is essentially always wrong or overstated, whereas nations like the Soviets had the clandestine ops to trigger mass populist revolts.

Papa Doc was a strongman who came to power without American. The Shah was installed not just by America, but a consortium of nations, all of whom gangbanged Iran. When they tried to unilaterally RE-install the Shah, America failed. Pinochet is the same as Papa Doc. The U.S. supported Pinochet AFTER the coup.

America doesn't do "Arab Spring." America doesn't do "Orange Revolution." They just come in late and say, hey, you guys want money, or sit on their hands and do nothing at all like the Prague Spring.

But even if I take all of your examples at face value:

Failed airdrops of insurgents into China
Failed airdrops of insurgents into N. Korea
The Vietnam War
Bay of Pigs
The failure to inspire insurgency in EVERY eastern bloc country.
Failure to defeat the MPLA in Angola
The failed Venezuelan coup of 2002
The Green Revolution in Iran

Believe me, my list is far longer than yours.

We're good at giving existing political parties money, or giving weapons and support to strongmen. But we DON'T DO and NEVER HAVE DONE Arab Spring.

The "Orange Revolution" was designed by the U.S.....this is common knowledge.

No. It's really not. :stopitslime:

Syria isn't affecting Ukraine, it's the fact that it maybe a punishment for embarrassing the U.S. in Syria.

This isn't a sentence.
Jun 24, 2012
...what did I say? The US doesn't engineer true grassroots coups. It just gets behind strongmen. The media may spin a narrative "on the ground" but in the case of Americans, that narrative is essentially always wrong or overstated, whereas nations like the Soviets had the clandestine ops to trigger mass populist revolts.

Papa Doc was a strongman who came to power without American. The Shah was installed not just by America, but a consortium of nations, all of whom gangbanged Iran. When they tried to unilaterally RE-install the Shah, America failed. Pinochet is the same as Papa Doc. The U.S. supported Pinochet AFTER the coup.

America doesn't do "Arab Spring." America doesn't do "Orange Revolution." They just come in late and say, hey, you guys want money, or sit on their hands and do nothing at all like the Prague Spring.

But even if I take all of your examples at face value:

Failed airdrops of insurgents into China
Failed airdrops of insurgents into N. Korea
The Vietnam War
Bay of Pigs
The failure to inspire insurgency in EVERY eastern bloc country.
Failure to defeat the MPLA in Angola
The failed Venezuelan coup of 2002
The Green Revolution in Iran

Believe me, my list is far longer than yours.

We're good at giving existing political parties money, or giving weapons and support to strongmen. But we DON'T DO and NEVER HAVE DONE Arab Spring.

No. It's really not. :stopitslime:

This isn't a sentence.

1. I think you are confusing coups with Regime Change. Coups are quick and calculated, some failed, alot were successful. Regime Change is a process that has a shelf-life of 10 years of paying opposition groups to create problems for countries and blame the gov't to seize power mostly through non-violent means. There are only a few exceptions that violence is necessary and that only goes to countries where the opposition has no real influence in social and political gain. That's when the media comes in with lies to sway influence over the public with chaos and carnage that doesn't exist. At that same time violence is started by opposition groups to create the scenery for the media just as long as the media doesn't expose who really started it first.

Who said Soviets didn't have their own agenda?

2. Let's look at U.S. history in Haiti....they never left. Even when P.D. was in power, The U.S. still backed him with aid and never stopped his killing of over 30,000 Haitians.

2A. The Prime Minister Mosaddegh wanted to nationalize the oil for the people and yes a few countries overthrow him but U.S. was in charge of the mission.

2B. Pinochet was not like Papa Doc. Pinochet had more backing especially since the State Dept and the Ford Foundation created the "Chicago Boys" to help implement a economic strategy on Chile. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Boys\ . Also ...don't need to say more about it.

Plus U.S. has been messing with Chile for 200 years.

3. Obviously you haven't heard of about the youth movements( April 6 movement) sponsored by the U.S.

"A number of the groups and individuals directly involved in the revolts and reforms sweeping the region, including the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights and grass-roots activists like Entsar Qadhi, a youth leader in Yemen, received training and financing from groups like the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute and Freedom House, a nonprofit human rights organization based in Washington."

This has gone on in every so called "Revolution" ... Serbia's Bulldozer Revolution, Georgia's Rose Revolution, Lebanon's Cedar Revolution, Kyrgystan's KelKel Revolution, Green Revolution, Girifna( Sudan), Bersih( Malaysia). Doesn't matter if some didn't work...it's the principle.

There are many documents on U.S. Think-Tanks being the brains behind overthrowing governments around the world. Written in 1983.

This one brings to attention to bring democracy to the Arab World through revolutions....2008

3. Your list is not longer than mine. I only posted a few.
4. So it's ok to diss my non-sentence when you have all cap words in your sentence here. "But we DON'T DO and NEVER HAVE DONE Arab Spring". Last time I checked you would be in the same boat.


Jun 4, 2013
I feel bad for the Ukrainians, Russia has historically treated them like absolute shyt, but the EU is a joke and probably the biggest collection of communists in the world. I can see it now, Ukraine joins the EU, two years latter the EU dictates Ukraine's immigration policy, and magically you have millions of Muslims and Africans telling Ukrainians "there is no such thing as Ethnic Ukraine's" "Your whiteness is a global supremacy conspiracy" "Ukraine is just a social construct" "Ukraine has always been multicultural".

Bring da popcorn.


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
they brought out the backhoe...:dead:

Occupy movement should be taking notes.
imagine backhoes on Wall Street :ohlawd:


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
It's another country. They can do what they want. However, I just want to point out that riding in a car out the passenger window like this guy is very unsafe.