What Solutions do you have in mind for fixing the black community?


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
It's not easy I know, but one idea is to promote the financial incentive of a family unit.

Teach the young from early that if they wanna be rich, have nice cars, a house, clothes etc. then they should get a mate and starting building. Then use mass media, churches, other various avenues to drill home the idea from kindergarten to college.

Its also helpful that there are black family role models like the Obamas that people can look up to. Black celebrities need to step up.

The things you're saying sound nice but you arent providing any concrete suggestions on how to get to the ends youre stating

Like "teach the young from early that if they wanna be rich......" Who's supposed to teach them that "....they should get a mate and start building...." and how exactly does getting a mate translate into "...being rich, having nice cars, clothes, etc....." and what exactly should they start building

Also you say to use mass media, churches, etc to drill home the idea u stated.....but what exactly is the idea? lol Also, how exactly do u go about just getting those outlets to promote that idea?

Dank Hill

May 25, 2012
Take back control over our own neighborhoods. How you gonna have asians owning and selling "hip hop & urban" clothing in the hood when we were the ones who created this style and culture (genx of college park,ga).


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
There has to be a blueprint because a person who needs to loose weight could walk around the track and loose weight in 2 years, or could get a diet plan and start loosing significant weight in 7 days.

A lot of black people goes through economic, media and bias. The more of anything blacks do on a large scale or people do for blacks, the more there will be a greater benefit because Blacks have trivialized themselves. Slavery has corrupted vision and lack future planning for blacks. A lot of the discrimination black goes through is because of a lack of economic and media base. Imagine if blacks had a their own business for everything in america, and also they did was support their own. You think people really want to f with blacks.

I agree with all of this

Blacks also demanded that there a broad representation of what blacks is and what black looks like.

I dont understand what you mean by this

Partial agenda
..... One black. 33 colors/tones.

What does this mean?

Which means, you have to study who you think is best, and dominate them.
What do u mean here?

If blacks agree on boycotting a brand, then 90%+ blacks are boycotting.
Or a set of blacks a building a product, which would be better. The initiative still allow of interaction with other race, but dont forget those races worked together, fought together and rebuilt together. So from small business, we have to show them how to operate. Get more customers, keep cost low.
agreed...but how do you keep cost low when you are dependant on others for raw materials? And i know the easy answer is "provide your own raw materials..." but thats ALOT easier said then done. If you planned on using that reply please say your idea on going about doing that

Loans for small businesses, etc
where is the capital coming from? What standard loan criteria changes do you propose be made for ensuring the people who couldnt qualify for loans with whitey qualify for loans in these establishments youre speaking of?

Then investment/strategy online business markets. There are so much money to be made online and offiline. There needs to be a team solely focused on making business moves offline and online. Making business prospects that blacks could be a part off. There are low costs, high profit market. Also lil youngster could work online, make calls, post of blogs and then make money.

Who's on this team that you're speaking of? What do you mean by making business prospects? What low cost, high profit markets are you speaking of? What jobs do you have in mind for the kids when you say they can work online? Also what do you mean make calls? I agree on the post of blogs portion.....

Less consumerism ownership in stocks, stock options. Would build a team of financial advisers to invest in mutual funds, companies that cater or spending significant amounts with blacks, also investing in other companies with stock options which are profitable. Its not gambling, there is a risk, but one could pool together monies and start an investment fund. Investment fund through a black brokage. Now, investing is risky because the market could crash, but would find ways to make safe returns on investments.
Whats your plan on curbing the consumerism in the black community? Ownership in what stocks? I agree on the team of financial advisers to invest in mutual funds, companies that cater or spend significan amounts in black busisness. It actually is gambling because there is always a risk (no matter how small) of losing. Everyone who invests is looking for ways to make safe returns on investments.......typically the "safe" investments have very low (if any) returns

Demand for highly purchased items by blacks to have more diverse board of directors. There is disconnect between blacks and whites. So diversity leads to more innovation, more outside-the-box thinking and better results. Why would an artist promote a product, a name brand, and when that name brand advertises they ignore potential black customers.

I look at this idea like this...........whites right now are buying most of the rap albums that are being sold.........do you think that gives them the right to demand that the artists start using more white producers or the bands start including more white musicians? I like and buy polo by ralph lauren, im satisified with the service they provide as is......i particularly want change there. Same way someone who may like a local italian spot in there town may not want them to fire the guido cook in favor of a mooly just cause they eat there. The creative minds we have that you want on this board should be able to provide a comparable product that we can support INSTEAD of Polo or a pasta better then the italians...

Positive self-affirming daily affirmations. Thing such as you will respect yourself and your community. Blacks shall be put first and work to be in a leading position. Black should want to better themselves and community.

what do you mean like "I am......somebody" chants?

"unsafe list of self-haters" - self-hating types will go on the list, these are people so ****, and have forgetting/dont know or choose to know their roots. Though inspiring, they are not good. Violent, molesters, rapists, would go on this list also. It would be open to folk to update. They could add their entries. With the lack of opportunities and racism, they might be a lot of self hate types on the list.

I have a problem with this......At one point Malcolm X (Bless his soul) felt that Martin Luther King Jr (Bless his soul) was at odds with what the black community needed.......so its logical that he would have deemed it prudent to put him on a list of this sort. My point is that a list like this will be dangerous and detrimental without a specific, stringent set of criteria required before putting someone on it........

- review of judges sentences by race, advocate for standard sentencing, use research to get lower rates. Attorneys would have access to the tool. Judges would have access to the too. Courts usually have sentencing guidelines. Someone could contact the judge saying historically this is how sentencing happens, or attorney could try. A third party appealing the sentence could use the data.

What do you mean research to get lower rates? I agree with the review of judges sentences by race and advocate for standard sentencing. I believe that these are things that should be done right now.......

- rehabilitation program for mental/health/drug issues.
Jail is not the only answer for drug addicts. If certain things need to be legalized, them they need to be de-criminalized.

How will these programs you have in mind differ from the ones already out here? Also, how do you plan on going about legalizing these things youre referring to? And what things are you referring to?

- No color/skin tone bull**** Flat organization. Everyone on the same page with understanding how they could contribute. Being exposed to more stuff, just means one gets more information. One black. 33 colors. One rule.

- Mentors for high school/college students
- Boy/girls clubs
- Life Coaches
Parents are not doing enough. There are so much potential in the people. A lot of kids are merely existing. No plans, no vision, fringed from acceptance. Those who are working are conditioned to be worker bees.

These things already exsist. What do you have in mind that differs from the ones already out here?

- strategic real estate purchase of large plot of land or segments of land with access to electricity, water, four seasons and building infrastructure for potential of millions of residents or pockets of agricultre.

Strategic real estate purchases by who? How are they obtaining the capital to make these purchases?

- self sustaining careers, no glass ceiling in fields of healthcare, entertainment, etc

- correct actions plan for those who cant fit...also can be sent back to
civilian/regular world. If folks cant get with the program, they would go back to typical america way of life

i dont understand what u mean here
- flat organization were everyone shares the same power of influence in one direction.

Huh? How is this even possiable?
- positive enforcers such as security, law enforcement, tribal laws, court, etc
You talking like the NOI or something else? Tribal laws?
- self-funded global "business disruptive" ideas...next microsoft, next google, etc those companies are cities on their own.

- silent investors. Some blacks might get it and want to invest, but sadly, not publicly, some whites with money might want to invest. or spanish might want to invest. You know how much crime is going to go down...so real right wingers might want to invest.


- connectedness to a black/african global agenda
black products made in america could be make to appeal to a broader market in africa, or the world, or visa versa. Black countries for Black Americans to visit. African countries making their governments better and being more industrialized. Cross employment of black professional going to Africa to share knowledge gained, etc. Black movies distributed to Africa. Understanding both cultures and committed to a bigger objective.

How do you make those products appeal to a broader market in africa or the world? There are already "black countries" for American 'negroes' to visit so im not sure what exactly you mean here. African countries making their governments better and being more industrialized sounds nice, but what countries specifially are you referring to, what problems in them are you referring to and what exactly do you have in mind to go about fixing them?


I have no strings on me.
May 6, 2012
yea, but invest what and how do u invest it in them?

Recreational activities. Just the other day I was coming home at 3am in the morning and teens were still outside doing nothing, just hanging out. That's the norm here though.

They *Need* something to do. They are bored after school/in the summer. I remember when I was growing up and me and my friends were trying to get into the few rect rooms here( Play basketball or go swimming ). You had to either pay $$$ or we were turned away. Boredom leads to negative things. We need to occupy their time with positive things.

Will never happen, but imagine a place where you can play Arcade games, go swimming/roller skating/play basketball & football and other activities in each urban area( with tight security ) all in one place for FREE. I'm pretty sure that would cut down on crime rates. You also couple this place with education centers and career advising( from people that actually work in that field ).

Basically it all boils down to $$$$. We will continue to have problems until we redirect our spending power.We also need the blacks who have professional careers to talk to the youth( I'm talking Preteen). It's hard to want to become something if you can barely identify with the people in the field. For example coming up I've always wanted to be a Game Programmer, but every time I read about somebody famous or seen other game developers, they were either white or from a foreign country, this was discouraging to me as a youngin, at times even doubt that I could learn that skill because there were no other black people doing it. My son will not have this problem because he sees me doing. etc.

Edit: To add, I gave a talk at my sons school earlier this year. about 60% of his class were African Americans ( all around the age of 8 - 9 ). I spoke to them about regular programming/ game programming & Math. Their eyes lid up when I told them if you learn *x* you can do *y*( I bet every time they think of a video game, they'll think of the number line example. LOL ). But its just little things like that. Those kids could identify with me.


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
yea i feel you i dont think its a perfect solution for the way shyt is right now
its these kids we gotta look after as far as im concerned

if you 500 lbs and you know its not a good feeling, dont pass it on to the next person

thats what black parents do pass nothing but bullshyt on to they kids like its cute when its not...and tell me im lyin

shyt borderline retarded with how some of these parents act with and around they children

i dont even like talkin about that shyt on this website cuz we both know its too many clowns on here

yea, but its like how do you fix this. Cause whats happening is the cycle of foolishness is being passed down by these inept parents but how do you stop that? A program that allows the parent to enroll their kid in it with the stipulation that all the childrens needs would be provided for it on the condition that the child is left in its care for 24 hours a day monday thru friday? I dont know......thats my question, how do you positively break this poisionous cycle that we all know is taking place?

cleanface coney

May 26, 2012
yea, but its like how do you fix this. Cause whats happening is the cycle of foolishness is being passed down by these inept parents but how do you stop that? A program that allows the parent to enroll their kid in it with the stipulation that all the childrens needs would be provided for it on the condition that the child is left in its care for 24 hours a day monday thru friday? I dont know......thats my question, how do you positively break this poisionous cycle that we all know is taking place?

we need a boarding school thats breeds nothing but the best thats a good start

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
Black nationalism. Just become insular and develop our own local economy. Shop at only black owned businesses. Label the business as black owned. Have community empowerment days. Starve out the outside business shops by no longer shopping there.

Is this realistic? I mean it is in theory to middle class and upper class blacks, but what about neck snapping Brenda in the projects with 3 kids? Or shakim, whose idea of a night on the town is shooting dice outside the bodega?

The thought that always brews in my head is the kids. We need to get them because they are young and impressionable. Older people are set in their ways. We need community centers with free food, video games, tutors, etc. Use that to lure the kids. Once they are there we indoctrinate them with black power ideology. By the time they graduate high school we would have raised an army..


May 6, 2012
Burn down the schools and replace them with facilities that actually EDUCATE(bring out) more in the kids by teaching them and showing them their true history and knowledge of self. The bullshyt they teaching in schools today and of the past are racist and stealthily teaching inferiority.

Once the people know who they are and understand the external forces that made the hood what it is today, everything else would naturally fall in line.

The biggest issue I always see is that people chastise the youth for their behavior when it is simply that they are a product of their environment. The elders themselves also for the most part are clueless and try to bring solutions that sound good on paper but are at the same time not really practical. The crimes that run rampant throughout the hood are those stemming from low income. Low income because of what?? Again, the external forces of yesterday brought that into play. Not shakim who's selling crack. He didn't make crack, he simply found it and used it. If we can sympathize with other kids from other backgrounds who's minds are malleable and easily manipulated into doing wrong, why can't the same be done for our own?? Kids wielding weapons and committing crimes aren't in their true nature, it is learned behavior. Selling crack, gang banging and "hating" is probable behavior stemming from several factors. The source needs to be addressed and that's why knowledge of self is important. The person doing this won't understand his circumstances. Once they've been taught, if they still continue to not use their brain then that's on them. The issue isn't insurmountable you know.

Telling kids to study hard and go to school(basically indoctrinating themselves and putting their self into more debt) is hardly good. You have people bussing their asses going to school getting all these certificates to allow them to work for other people and at the end of the day these same cats don't know who they are. They again most likely will have integrated into the white community and will be on that :mjpls: "Pull yourself up by your own bootstrap" shyt that really ain't helping out in the grand scheme of things.


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
On some real shyt most if not all the suggestions in here are awful.

The number 1 problem with the black community is these black men not raising their kids.

These single moms are going through hell be the only care taker and provider for a child.

Unless we get better healthcare so we can have more preventive measures to unwanted pregnancies in the black community.... We will never get very far.


Aug 19, 2012
I've thought about this for years.
I haven't read any other posts in here yet so idk if this been said... But we need a fukking leader.

A charismatic leader.
But before we can have that, we need respect. A general harmony and respect for one another. nikka said vs nikkas is sad

King Poetic

I’m Washed
Feb 15, 2013
Los Angeles County, California
What exactly is "living like white people live"? We were wealthy, educated and civilized before slavery.

where are we now?

everything material white people go after, our black azzes follow right behind them to do the same thing even if we can't afford them

expensive homes, cars, jewelry so we can brag and look down on other blacks who don't have those things.



Nov 12, 2012
The Forest Where Hope Died
Destroy rap music

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk 4 beta


Naw ..I would build some big community center in the hood, like YMCA but more doper..actually I'm planning on it when I get rich..im going to hire real teachers who specailize in teaching this stuff..there would be real music studios for kids to rap in or sing..all the latest equipment and stuff to make beats on..hella laptops..there would also be a art studio so kids can sculpt and paint and learn how to do graffiti..I'll have real graff artists come in and tell their stories..I'll also have local rappers come in and give inspiration ..there would be cooking classes and gardening classes.,..we would go on field trips every month..I would have a dance studio and fashion design classes so the kids can print their own tee shirts..also videography lab to learn how to make movies or videos..basically it would be a school of the arts..but totally free..if they're hungry..than make something in the cooking class..and we all could come together and do group projects like make a rap video..


May 1, 2012
Different priorities. Most black people's values directly reflect images pushed to them via the media. We have rappers and athletes that are worshipped, and black ppl attempt to emulate them, but where's our Steve Jobs?