What Really Happened in the Congo: Belgium’s ‘Heart of Darkness’

Sep 2, 2013
Mine and Whatever Concerns me
But this would breed cac a generation of cac haters :sadcam:

Is white hate really what we want to foster brehs? :to:

******, stfu and drop fukking dead already!!!!! ******s like you are in the way. I hope you get death via white male rape. But your c00n ass will probably like it and die instead from too much euphoria.

You nikkas make me sick to my stomach, man.


May 4, 2012
I have been to Nigeria more than a dozen times from '88 to '05. After '05, I have seen all I needed to see about that country. In about 10 years, Nigeria will be a fallen state. It is not built to last, it was built for colonial exploitation and anything beyond that is not going to work. I will up this post, if I am still posting on this site. Black people view progress as a few people enjoying life while the masses that suffer continue to grow larger. My dad is there half the year and does business there. Inflation of the Naira and Chinese outsiders have hurt his business. My dad went to secondary school in Aba, a city that was known throughout Africa for manufacturing. Today, those manufacturing plants are practically dead and the Chinese are taking over. He was born in the late 40s and has a deep knowledge about the country. My mom just got back from there two weeks ago. My parents will tell you that things were better 50 years ago that it is now. Go and ask any Nigerian old enough to know. The political system is a mess and has always been. That is why exploitation of resources and people are at an all time high. Nigerian universities can't even last an entire school year without a strike because instructors are not being paid. Bribing police so that you can get past a checkpoint. Bad roads, terrible health care system, lack of electricity, lack of clean water, terrorist attacks. That is not progress breh.

Do you realize that NNPC says that 20 billion USD is missing from their oil revenue? Ethnic and religious conflict is constant there and is extremely easy for the greedy and outsiders to exploit. Visit Nigeria during election year 2015 and see if you have the same opinion about Nigeria. Even when Abacha was ruling, people would come back to the US telling us how Nigeria is getting better and Abuja is so nice and people are living a good life and building mansions, etc. That in their mind was progress.

What do you think those Chinese, Lebanese, Indians, and Arabs are there for? They are there to sign government contracts and make money. Are the locals benefiting from this? Do you know about the coal mining in Enugu that the Chinese got? Do you know how many people died doing coal mining for the evil cac British under colonialism? The Chinese will be no better. Lebanese are coming to take construction projects and make millions instead of giving it to Nigerians that have constructional engineering experience and knowledge. Go to the Niger Delta and see who is making money there. It is not the people of that region. It is northerners and outsiders from other countries. Would an American seeing Chinese, Lebanese, Indians, and Arabs coming to the US and becoming millionaires overnight be considered progress?

Naira value compared to USD

972 0.658
1973 0.658
1974 0.63
1975 0.616
1976 0.62
1977 0.647
1978 0.606
1979 0.596
1980 0.550
1981 0.61
1982 0.673
1983 0.724
1984 0.765
1985 0.894
1986 2.02
1987 4.02
1988 4.54
1989 7.39
1990 7.39
1991 8.04
1992 9.91
1993 17.30
1994 22.33
1995 21.89
1996 21.89
1997 21.89
1998 21.89
1999 21.89
2000 85.98
2001 99-106
2002 109-113
2003 114-127
2004 127-130
2005 132-136
2006 128.50-131.80
2007 120-125
2008 115.50-120
2009 145-171

Be honest and tell me if this progress?
So are the leaders spending the money thats supposed to be going to infrastructure? I mean, you have to Bid for a government contract. Wheres the MONEY GOIN :damn:


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.

******, stfu and drop fukking dead already!!!!! ******s like you are in the way. I hope you get death via white male rape. But your c00n ass will probably like it and die instead from too much euphoria.

You nikkas make me sick to my stomach, man.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Don't be so quick to write off Nigeria as a hopeless cause. I recently took a trip there and saw alot of progress. In a bout 10 years Nigeria will be dramatically improved. Tons of Chinese, Lebanese, Indians, and Arabs are moving there in droves.

So what you're saying is that the Africans will be serfs to foreigner racist elites in their own country.This is the case in the Carribean and most of the Carribean is still poor. How come America and Europe can succeed without Chinese, Indians, and the rest etc but Africa can't? How come Japan can succeed? What about China? Those people became rich by hiring and owning shyt THEMSELVES, you fukking clown. There are no foreigners that own shyt or run shyt in those countries. Even in America didn't have foreigners running shyt for a long time.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
So what you're saying is that the Africans will be serfs to foreigner racist elites in their own country.This is the case in the Carribean and most of the Carribean is still poor. How come America and Europe can succeed without Chinese, Indians, and the rest etc but Africa can't? How come Japan can succeed? What about China? Those people became rich by hiring and owning shyt THEMSELVES, you fukking clown. There are no foreigners that own shyt or run shyt in those countries. Even in America didn't have foreigners running shyt for a long time.

Listen you stupid fukk, foreigners are moving to Nigeria because of the OPPURTUNITY. Nigerians are still the most numerous, and still control government and all the industries present you fukking clown. I brought up the fact that foreigners are moving there because unlike you fukking morons, they see the opportunity that exists there and are moving there to capitalize on it. Yes there are foreign companies doing work on an official scale with the government (mainly Chinese in the construction sector, and Indians in the healthcare), however, the majority of industry in Nigeria is run, controlled, and operated by NIGERIANS. No go jump of a bridge it if makes you upset that I feel Nigeria is moving in the right direction. Its hopeless fakkits like yourself that are the biggest threat to the continent. No take you miserable ass out of the fukking thread.

And there are tons of foreigners that own and run companies in China and Japan. But again, those fukking Asians are notoriously xenophobic, so stop trumpeting the fact that only locals being able to participate in the economy is a meaningful thing.
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Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
if people of European descent never set foot on the continent of Africa, it would be a thriving continent right now, the most wealthy continent on planet earth.

cacs are literally becoming billionaires off of Africa and Africans haven't figured out how to get these cacs the fukk off of the entire continent permanently, but that day is coming and when Africans write the history books, they'll have more than enough reasons to NEVER trust cacs on African soil ever again.

But instead of Euros invading the continent, you have Chinese and other Asians entrenching their soil. Plenty of examples of African governments allowing the Dragon to do business with with them due to their "Look East" policy, sometimes OVER other African countries. THe question is when will Africa learn that foreigners DO NOT have their best interests in mind?

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
I wish that these Black African countries would pull together and attain a nuclear weapon.

Our race isn't secure until we have the fire power to protect ourselves.
Knowing Africa, they will drop the nuke on a African nation......

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
I have been to Nigeria more than a dozen times from '88 to '05. After '05, I have seen all I needed to see about that country. In about 10 years, Nigeria will be a fallen state. It is not built to last, it was built for colonial exploitation and anything beyond that is not going to work. I will up this post, if I am still posting on this site. Black people view progress as a few people enjoying life while the masses that suffer continue to grow larger. My dad is there half the year and does business there. Inflation of the Naira and Chinese outsiders have hurt his business. My dad went to secondary school in Aba, a city that was known throughout Africa for manufacturing. Today, those manufacturing plants are practically dead and the Chinese are taking over. He was born in the late 40s and has a deep knowledge about the country. My mom just got back from there two weeks ago. My parents will tell you that things were better 50 years ago that it is now. Go and ask any Nigerian old enough to know. The political system is a mess and has always been. That is why exploitation of resources and people are at an all time high. Nigerian universities can't even last an entire school year without a strike because instructors are not being paid. Bribing police so that you can get past a checkpoint. Bad roads, terrible health care system, lack of electricity, lack of clean water, terrorist attacks. That is not progress breh.

Do you realize that NNPC says that 20 billion USD is missing from their oil revenue? Ethnic and religious conflict is constant there and is extremely easy for the greedy and outsiders to exploit. Visit Nigeria during election year 2015 and see if you have the same opinion about Nigeria. Even when Abacha was ruling, people would come back to the US telling us how Nigeria is getting better and Abuja is so nice and people are living a good life and building mansions, etc. That in their mind was progress.

What do you think those Chinese, Lebanese, Indians, and Arabs are there for? They are there to sign government contracts and make money. Are the locals benefiting from this? Do you know about the coal mining in Enugu that the Chinese got? Do you know how many people died doing coal mining for the evil cac British under colonialism? The Chinese will be no better. Lebanese are coming to take construction projects and make millions instead of giving it to Nigerians that have constructional engineering experience and knowledge. Go to the Niger Delta and see who is making money there. It is not the people of that region. It is northerners and outsiders from other countries. Would an American seeing Chinese, Lebanese, Indians, and Arabs coming to the US and becoming millionaires overnight be considered progress?

Naira value compared to USD

972 0.658
1973 0.658
1974 0.63
1975 0.616
1976 0.62
1977 0.647
1978 0.606
1979 0.596
1980 0.550
1981 0.61
1982 0.673
1983 0.724
1984 0.765
1985 0.894
1986 2.02
1987 4.02
1988 4.54
1989 7.39
1990 7.39
1991 8.04
1992 9.91
1993 17.30
1994 22.33
1995 21.89
1996 21.89
1997 21.89
1998 21.89
1999 21.89
2000 85.98
2001 99-106
2002 109-113
2003 114-127
2004 127-130
2005 132-136
2006 128.50-131.80
2007 120-125
2008 115.50-120
2009 145-171

Be honest and tell me if this progress?


Those countries will NEVER allow Africans to come in and make millions off of their own people, that's what the African governments seem to forget.

It is ILLEGAL for foreigners to own stock in China. Chinese and Indians have absolutely no problems beating, arresting, detaining, robbing, thugging, ect. Africans in China and India, but they can come into African soil, take over businesses, and become millionaires. Africans aren't doing a damn thing to stop it. Hell, in Thailand, you have to have a Thai partner to own a business, in other parts of Asia, assimilation is the key in their government and business practices.

Only a few nations are........I will say......pro-African enough to do that...like Ethiopia.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
But instead of Euros invading the continent, you have Chinese and other Asians entrenching their soil. Plenty of examples of African governments allowing the Dragon to do business with with them due to their "Look East" policy, sometimes OVER other African countries. THe question is when will Africa learn that foreigners DO NOT have their best interests in mind?

don't know brother. All I know is that it is high time that the "leaders" of these African nations be held accountable for prostituting their own people.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla

Those countries will NEVER allow Africans to come in and make millions off of their own people, that's what the African governments seem to forget.

It is ILLEGAL for foreigners to own stock in China. Chinese and Indians have absolutely no problems beating, arresting, detaining, robbing, thugging, ect. Africans in China and India, but they can come into African soil, take over businesses, and become millionaires. Africans aren't doing a damn thing to stop it. Hell, in Thailand, you have to have a Thai partner to own a business, in other parts of Asia, assimilation is the key in their government and business practices.

Only a few nations are........I will say......pro-African enough to do that...like Ethiopia.

One just needs to look at Kenya where Indians are eating very well. Every race has set up shop in Africa and are doing big things. Black people need to learn how the British took over India. The British used what they called the East India Company to trade and do business with India. The East India Company was a front to conduct economic warfare. As time progressed, India was under economic occupation by the British. Next thing, the British had Indians being sent to their colonies as "indentured servants" in places like Jamaica, Trinidad, South Africa just as an example. All these moves made by outsiders are merely chess moves for the final checkmate. People are very unaware that Africa is going through another cycle of colonialism. Everybody wants their piece of the African pie. We are the fools in their eyes because we are willing to trade away our birthright for their acceptance no matter how fake it is.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
But instead of Euros invading the continent, you have Chinese and other Asians entrenching their soil. Plenty of examples of African governments allowing the Dragon to do business with with them due to their "Look East" policy, sometimes OVER other African countries. THe question is when will Africa learn that foreigners DO NOT have their best interests in mind?

They will not learn, black people have an inferiority complex that wants them to be accepted by outsiders. People have a hard time understanding that most African countries like Nigeria are generic colonial creations. The people within the countries has no pride for these fake countries because we all know that we are many nations stuck inside a colonial nation. So to me, many African leaders are actually acting in the right way because these colonial countries are strictly for exploitation and looting just like the colonial masters did before they got independence. I don't even blame them anymore. It is built in into the system because the citizens have no desire to die for the country. This is what happens when a country is created by an outsider. This is a big negative in creating national pride in the nation building process.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Are those events taught in Belgium ? How important are they in your country's history ?

Don't know for sure (I didn't grow up in Belgium) but I highly doubt it. Most countries don't teach the horrors they did...

Anyway this part of history is not big AT ALL in Belgium. Unfortunately Congolese people are very divided, which makes it harder put pressure to have that part of history recognized/taught.


Nov 22, 2013
The type of cake other countries are getting making technology off the metals found in Congo is just disgusting. Them taking out Lumumba was like Leopold's sick demonic soul reaching out from hell to make sure the Congolese never get right. Congo should be one of the wealthiest nations, but hey this is the same world where people become celebrities after murdering unarmed black teens. :ld:

that;s how silly blacks are. U let cacs come in your country brutalize your people then take your resources. Then you turn aroudn and bleech your own skin. I dont know what's wrong with africans


May 14, 2012
that;s how silly blacks are. U let cacs come in your country brutalize your people then take your resources. Then you turn around and bleach your own skin. I dont know what's wrong with africans
Nigerians, Ghanaians, Jamaicans and Dominicans have the skin-bleaching game on lock :wow: