Ocean air
Not quite Bush status but trying. This was post shoulders workout.

Good work...

How days a week you been at it?
Not quite Bush status but trying. This was post shoulders workout.
Good work...
How days a week you been at it?
I know the feeling of missing a day and getting paranoid of losing muscle mass. Do you do separate days for each muscle-group? Or do you do full-body every-time you're in the gym?I train 4-5 days a week! Lately though I have been going every other day and it has been good for me body wise although tough mentally as I feel I need to go often or I will lose muscle (metabolism fast as fukk). I will also miss arms if anything because they grow real fast for me, and they are my most complimented muscle so I feel i can afford to miss them sometimes. I am trying to get myself to commit to more Cardio also, I find it tough to find the time to do Cardio after a workout but then I dont like to not do weights and just cardio even though I should because it is key.
I know the feeling of missing a day and getting paranoid of losing muscle mass. Do you do separate days for each muscle-group? Or do you do full-body every-time you're in the gym?
I tried full body for about 3-4 months late last year into earlier this year. It was effective towards my goals, but eventually I started to tire out. Right now I'm doing about 2 muscle groups each session. So I'd have like a leg/glutes and shoulder day with a tiny bit of arms. I'd do about 4 workouts for each muscle group.Separate days, I have tried the full body each time but I feel like I am not giving each muscle enough work. I have been adding 2 tricep workouts to end of chest, and 2 biceps to end of Back just because I know a full arm day may not happen due to time and if I can miss one body group day it would be arms.
Do you do full body each time? If so how is it for you? What are you workouts?
I tried full body for about 3-4 months late last year into earlier this year. It was effective towards my goals, but eventually I started to tire out. Right now I'm doing about 2 muscle groups each session. So I'd have like a leg/glutes and shoulder day with a tiny bit of arms. I'd do about 4 workouts for each muscle group.
For instance I'd do like leg and shoulders in one gym session. And I'd do:
barbell bench glute raise(light weights for like 100 reps)
single leg deadlifts with dumbbells(about 3 sets each leg for 10reps)
split squats with dumbbells(3 sets 10 reps each leg)
And some goblet squats(about 25 reps 4 sets)
And for shoulders I'd do:
Single arm shoulder press with 40lb dumbbell(about 10 reps 3 sets each shoulder)
Dumbbell flys(about 12 reps 4 sets)
Standing military press
Single arm shoulder shrugs with dumbbells
And then I'd throw in a couple bicep curls and tricep extensions to end the workout.
But that's usually how it is. Two muscle groups(maybe chest and back) and some arms on one day, then next day another 2 muscle groups(maybe legs and shoulders) a with a little bit of arms. But the last couple months my energy been kinda low, so I've been kind freestyling and doing which ever muscle groups I have the strength to do that day.
Im trying to reach bria myles but i have bigger t*ts and i want to maintain my soft booty not have a hard booty lile serena williams (who i love). I know if i work out i would be hotter. Give me til may 2019.
Thanks for pushing me. April it got 'til april.
Wide-grip pull-upsWhat work outs got you the v cut in the mid section?
Thank you.Wide-grip pull-ups