What makes for a dope comic book movie?

Dirty Mcdrawz

Your girl loves em....
May 3, 2012
:ehh: that's a fair point.

but the villains shouldn't overshadow the hero either. batman is a strong enough character that he should be able to stand against anybody.

truth be told the joker will always overshadow batman no matter the medium. he's literally written that way. batman is an imposing figure....he's so imposing that people with god like super powers don't want it with him. so to have a villain that overshadows him usually makes for :whoo: stories.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
truth be told the joker will always overshadow batman no matter the medium. he's literally written that way. batman is an imposing figure....he's so imposing that people with god like super powers don't want it with him. so to have a villain that overshadows him usually makes for :whoo: stories.

Joker is all about anarchy and chaos vs a guy who's all about self control and regiment therefore he's going to "outshine" him on that alone. Batman is a straight man in a world of people crazier than he is
Sep 12, 2013
Sigh..breh if you felt he got overshadowed, cool but that doesn't mean everyone feels that way..and fair point, i made the same damn point and you started putting me on the torture rack and asking me to convert to catholicism :deadrose:

anyone that says the joker didn't overshadow batman in the dark knight is lying.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
anyone that says the joker didn't overshadow batman in dark knight is lying.

Did I not agree with that? didn't i say by the sheer nature of the character he's going to "overshadow" batman? I believe that was my starting statement breh and then you said it shouldn't happen and i went on to explain why it happened, making the same points that @Dirty Mcdrawz made, saying that when you got a guy who's all about self control and discipline going up against a homicidal clown, a burn victim with a split personality, an arms dealer who looks like a penguin, and a guy with a bowler hat, green suit and gold cane, he's going to feel overshadowed. I even said because of the nature of batman's villains, the actors can play it bigger. So I believe I said all of that because i know I did and rather than let it live and understand the point, the same point he made mind you, you wanted to get your inquisition on.

Now when you ask me was i just as interested in batman in dark knight as i was the joker, that's a personal reaction breh and you aren't the arbiter of my personal opinion or what I'm drawn to in a movie or any work of art. You wanna do some freaky friday thing and switch for a day, then we can find a witch or voodoo doctor and arrange that, but until that comes, my feelings are my feelings and my opinions are my opinions so if you want to continue debating the merits of batman and his villains, we can do that, but if you want to debate my personal reaction about something or mindset, then nah, I'm good with that.
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Dirty Mcdrawz

Your girl loves em....
May 3, 2012
Did I not agree with that? didn't i say by the sheer nature of the character he's going to "overshadow" batman? I believe that was my starting statement breh and then you said it shouldn't happen and i went on to explain why it happened, making the same points that @Dirty Mcdrawz made, saying that when you got a guy who's all about self control and discipline going up against a homicidal clown, a burn victim with a split personality, an arms dealer who looks like a penguin, and a guy with a bowler hat, green suit and gold cane, he's going to feel overshadowed. I even said because of the nature of batman's villains, the actors can play it bigger. So I believe I said all of that because i know I did and rather than let it live and understand the point, the same point he made mind you, you wanted to get your inquisition on.

Now when you ask me was i just as interested in batman in dark knight as i was the joker, that's a personal opinion thing breh and you aren't the arbiter of my personal opinion. You wanna do some freaky friday thing and switch for a day, then we can find a witch or voodoo doctor and arrange that, but until that comes, my feelings are my feelings and my opinions are my opinions so if you want to continue debating the merits of batman and his villains, we can do that, but if you want to debate my personal feelings about something or mindset, then nah, I'm good with that.
Sep 12, 2013
Did I not agree with that? didn't i say by the sheer nature of the character he's going to "overshadow" batman? I believe that was my starting statement breh and then you said it shouldn't happen and i went on to explain why it happened, making the same points that @Dirty Mcdrawz made, saying that when you got a guy who's all about self control and discipline going up against a homicidal clown, a burn victim with a split personality, an arms dealer who looks like a penguin, and a guy with a bowler hat, green suit and gold cane, he's going to feel overshadowed. I even said because of the nature of batman's villains, the actors can play it bigger. So I believe I said all of that because i know I did and rather than let it live and understand the point, the same point he made mind you, you wanted to get your inquisition on.

Now when you ask me was i just as interested in batman in dark knight as i was the joker, that's a personal reaction breh and you aren't the arbiter of my personal opinion or what I'm drawn to in a movie or any work of art. You wanna do some freaky friday thing and switch for a day, then we can find a witch or voodoo doctor and arrange that, but until that comes, my feelings are my feelings and my opinions are my opinions so if you want to continue debating the merits of batman and his villains, we can do that, but if you want to debate my personal reaction about something or mindset, then nah, I'm good with that.

fine, i believe you. i guess you aren't lying.

how does it feel to be the only person in the world that enjoyed batman more than the joker in the dark knight.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
Batman is bad, Two Face is rushed......Heath Ledger's "Joker" is really the only thing rewatchable about that movie. At the same time Heath's scenes are some of the best ever as well so it makes up for it. Far too much exposition in Nolan's films as well.

Truth be told, Batman Begins is probably his "best Batman film". The Dark Knight is just more memorable because we got one of the best villain performances ever.

Yea I went there. :ehh:
I agree about the whole Harvey Dent/Two-Face arc. It was way too rushed.
That is my only complaint about the movie though, everything else was amazing.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
i dunno i guess we just see things differently. i don't see how any of batman's villains are bigger than BATMAN.

imo no one should be bigger than batman. he's the draw. he's the movie. he's the character we're there to see. there's no reason that he should keep falling into the background like this. he's too strong, too fun of a character. how the hell does batman get dwarfed in a fukkin batman movie. it's ridiculous.

steve rogers was the straight man in his movie too, i didn't see him fall into the background. i saw a character that stood above the rest of the movie like our main hero is supposed to. the best thing about the captain america movie was captain america.

imagine a batman movie where the best thing about it is batman.
I liked CA:TWS but none of the villains in that movie was really all that memorable in terms of personality onscreen or in the actor's performance. The Winter Soldier was a cypher with a couple cool action sequences and Redford was just an old white guy.
Compare that to the over the top character of The Joker and the performances that Nicholson and Ledger delivered.
The villains in Batman movies are also given co-starring roles in those films. They don't just show up in scenes with the hero of the film but have coinciding storylines.
If Chris Evans had to share a movie with an A-list actor that was given a fully developed villain role and comparable screen time then Evans would have moments where he was overshadowed just like what happened with Michael Keaton in Batman opposite NIcholson and what happened with Christian Bale in TDK opposite Ledger.
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Sep 12, 2013
I liked CA:TWS but none of the villains in that movie was really all that memorable in terms of personality onscreen or in the actor's performance. The Winter Soldier was a cypher with a couple cool action sequences and Redford was just an old white guy.
Compare that to the over the top character of The Joker and the performances that Nicholson and Ledger delivered.
The villains in Batman movies are also given co-starring roles in those films. They don't just show up in scenes with the hero of the film but have coinciding storylines.
If Chris Evans had to share a movie with an A-list actor that was given a fully developed villain role and comparable screen time then Evans would have moments where he was overshadowed just like what happened with Michael Keaton in Batman opposite NIcholson and what happened with Christian Bale in TDK opposite Ledger.
do you feel cap was minimized in avengers? because he gets a fraction of the screen time in that movie and has to share the screen with other big characters just like himself. including RDJ.

the problem with the nolan movies isn't just that batman is competing with loud, over the top villains... but he is also competing with better, more interesting, and more entertaining characters as well. both bane and joker were WAYYY more interesting - and cooler - than batman was.

that ain't the way batman is supposed to be. no one is cooler than batman.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
do you feel cap was minimized in avengers? because he gets a fraction of the screen time in that movie and has to share the screen with other big characters just like himself. including RDJ.

the problem with the nolan movies isn't just that batman is competing with loud, over the top villains... but he is also competing with better, more interesting, and more entertaining characters as well. both bane and joker were WAYYY more interesting - and cooler - than batman was.

that ain't the way batman is supposed to be. no one is cooler than batman.
Evans' Cap was nothing special in either of those Avengers movies. I honestly can;t remember anything notable about the character off the top of my head. But aside from RDJ none of the performances in those Avengers movies is all that special and none of them are approaching the levels of Nicholson or Ledger's Joker performances either.
James Spader's voice was the best performance in the entirety of AOU.
Sep 12, 2013
Evans' Cap was nothing special in either of those Avengers movies. I honestly can;t remember anything notable about the character off the top of my head. But aside from RDJ none of the performances in those Avengers movies is all that special and none of them are approaching the levels of Nicholson or Ledger's Joker performances either.
James Spader's voice was the best performance in the entirety of AOU.
the fact is cap doesn't get lost in a sea of big, colorful characters