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All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Roshidere Volume 4

Decent SoL volume leading into the twist was good. But man the epilogue tho :mjcry:

The volume starts looking at who Masachika was in the past. Essentially he fully believed in the beliefs that his Suou grandfather believed in. Him overworking worried his father and could never get the approval of his mom. Not to mention Yuki wasn't the same girl as she is now. Fully confident, but she was plagued by Asthma back then. It's clear that this both his Suou Grandfather and mother are part of a serious trauma.

For most of the summer break Yuki would visit Masachika. Despite the front she puts, she is concerned for her brother being alone for the summer. There is a brief moment where you question what is the relationship between Ayano and Masachika. Masachika who has known Ayano forever, but more so views her as her childhood friend. So not quite like family. Ayano obviously cares for Masachika, but given the state of her emotions it would take a lot of her to understand her feelings regarding Masachika outside the master and maid relationship.

The three of them end up going to the amusement park where they end up running into Sayaka and Nonoa. Sayaka knowing something was up if Masachika was spending time with friends of his and it being Yuki his campaign rival rather than his partner Alya. She was smart enough to know there was bullshyt in him. Nonoa was the one to casually mention that Yuki & Masachika are siblings, which had Sayaka in shock. In a funny twist Sayaka the biggest concern was her considering Masakchika and Yuki as the perfect couple. Her talk with Yuki ironed out that bud. Yuki having a nerd talk with Sayaka basically kept those two occupied while Masachika was with Nonoa. Nonoa knew they were siblings since Masachika practiced the piano at the same place Nonoa did. Which brings into speculation the type of family Nonoa was in that she was in a similar place as the Suou family Yuki still mentions that it is better to not give that news to Alya of them being siblings. Now it feels like that is another case of her looking after her brother because if the news reached Grandfather Suou there would be massive drama. Still giving Alya the news ASAP would give her time to adjust her stance on the matter.

Despite the promise with Alya of spending more time together, getting ready for their campaign, they struggled to meet outside of doing homework together. Essentially these two partners were still in their awkward phase. When they finally hang out, Alya mentions that she used to have blonde hair. Which adds heavy speculation that she is the girl from Masachika's childhood. But she wants to get to know Masachika better. Which is fair because Alya has opened up to him. But there is a lot we know that she doesn't know about him.

As the time approaches for the student council trip, they are split into groups to bond. The first was a little focus on Chisaki as the group was her, Touya, Masachika and Yuki. Basically Chisaki wasn't always the scary woman that she is now. In fact, she was quite fragile. She was heavily inspired by an anime, but at Masachika's confusion, it was being inspired by the villain not the heroine. She dedicated herself to being strong, so she wouldn't need to rely on anyone like the heroine in the anime. It does add more weight to Touya and Chisaki's relationship because Chisaki knew the dedication Touya went to impress her. Both had self-interest for getting stronger, but that is why they pair up so well together. More focus on Chisaki when Masha mentions she prefers to walk or take the bicycle rather than take the train since the handles on the train can hurt you. But in reality she is always with Chisaki on the train and as we know how intimating Chisaki is. Masha has a naive in her, and it really shows how much Chisaki cares for her friends. Although you do feel bad for those men who were injured by Chisaki.

Ayano mentioned that Masachika had an elementary school GF and Masha asked him to elaborate on that. Following that they arrived at Touya's beach home. After Masachika went to check out Alya as she was catching fish, on the way did she slipped and Masachika caught her before she could severely hurt herself. To Masachika's expense he ended up groping on of Alya's bare boobs. She got angry at the moment, but still calmed down and thanked him for saving him. Although her saying in Russian to take responsibility and marrying, which was a rather direct shot to his mental.

Yuki was up to her antics as she made sure the older girls used the shower before them and have her and Ayano leave the bathroom before Alya and kept the upperclassman busy. Obviously it was her that took Alya's underwear and tempted Masachika to meet her. At his expense once he saw what she was wearing he knew Yuki was up to something. To avoid embarrassment she dragged him to the girls room and punched a pillow over her face. Though her grunts left more an impact then her soft punches. Alya has issues with her logical thoughts versus her emotions. She knows Masachika did nothing wrong and her being angry at him leaves her feeling disappointed in herself. Given the incident where he grabbed her she struggles what she is feeling. Is it love and is that embarrassment making her be more defensive. We do know she is one who doesn't like to depend on others.

Despite trying to calm her down, he realized the best thing to do was allow herself to give her alone time. Unfortunately Chisaki heard Alya's grunts and he was at her mercy. Masha did sneak into the room to see how her sister was doing. Initially she was afraid Masachika did something to hurt her, but was it was clear that wasn't the case she was relieved. Masha realized that Alya was having trouble coming to terms with her emotions regarding Masachika. Unfortunately Alya pushed Masha away, which frustrated her. At the very least Masha rescued Masachika from the suspicions of Chisaki.

Following this Masha pushed for Masachika to spend in the room with her so Touya and Chisaki can have some alone time. It took a bit for Masachika to accept the idea. But he eventually opened up his emotions to Masha. Basically how his mother grew to hate both him and his father. As he started getting emotional Masha was there to comfort him. This was a feeling Masachika has never felt from his mother in such a long time. Masha's quote that your actions and words are important to showcase love. Appropriate physical contact is important as well. Which ironically Alya struggles in this department like Masachika. In a way Yuki has tried to provide this, but because it was more of the silly kind it just wasn't something he can open up with her on it.

On the following day while it was raining, they decided to play King's Game. Which basically had a random selected person give orders to one or two random people. Mostly was amusing, but Masachika's order for Alya to sing was more to her benefit. Despite her trying to minimize what her performance was like, she got genuine big praise from both Chisaki and Touya. Chisaki causing trouble ended up having Yuki kiss Masachika. Obviously she is unaware that they are both siblings. Yuki was simply trying to get under Masachika's skin so she can take advantage when it was time for her order, which she had Masachika kiss Alya. Given the fact she was ordered to kiss, it left Chisaki and Touya in a position that they can't say that is not allowed because Chisaki literally gave that same order. Masachika used the excuse it stopped raining to stop the game before he had to kiss Alya. When Yuki spotted Alya and Masachika she blurted that he ran away. Which was true. Though Yuki's teasing wasn't the issue, but it was Alya who said in Russian that she wouldn't regret if that happened.

Throughout the festival Masachika hanged out mostly with Masha and Alya. Naturally his competitive spirit came out in full display. Unfortunately for Masachika the thoughts that he was doing harm to his and Alya's relationship, and it has been getting worst kept putting him in a spiral. Alya tried to subtly cheer him up, but it wasn't proved effective. So she decides to bring takoyaki balls to him to play a game of Russian Roulette. Basically whoever eats the hot ball loses. Masachika naturally again goes into competitive mode. The truth of the matter was none of them were hot. Essentially Alya set the game up so that she would be destined to lose. But Masachika moved by that, let her win instead. After all she was willing to go that extra mile so she could cheer him up. As they get away from the other Alya kisses him on the cheek and Masachika only kisses her hair. Alya smiling think he was going to kiss her on the lips. It became fully clear to Masachika that Alya really liked him and possibly loved him.

Masachika wanted to put the Russian girl from his past behind him, but to his dismay a flood of unwanted memories came back in. First being the first day that his first love left his life for good. In his childhood Masachika was very inspired by his dad especially the fact that he gave up on his dreams for love. The fact that this mother destroyed that love his father and him had for her just made him hate her. The big question remains what is Grandfather Suou's influence regarding that. To make matters worse, he wanted Yuki to live with his father with him. But Yuki didn't want to leave her mother. Even with asthma she wanted to keep her connection with the Suou family. But at the same time she still wanted to keep her connection with her brother. She remained in contact with her brother despite being the one to taking over the Suou household.

Masachika wanted to show his mother and grandfather that he doesn't need them, but in a back fire he seems the top performing student is Yuki now. The same girl who was barely keeping herself together with her health before he left the Suou family. The question is did she miraclesy got better, or since she took Masachika's role in the family, did that put more priority on her health? Unfortunately for Masachika it became clear to him that he was just simply replacable. The fact that Yuki the sister he loved could overcome her health issues and take the responsibility to take over for the Suou family, but at the same time keep that connection with her beloved brother. She was strong and he was simply a disgrace. Which makes his very lazy attitude at the begining of the series. What was the point in trying?

In a big twist it is realved that the girl from his childhood was at the park where they played together. It was Masha who was that girl. A really good twisst here. So many things would have you think it was Alya and not Masha. More then llikely her physical appearances changed. There was one piece of foreshadowing that looking back lead to the belief that Masha was that girl. That girl would be there for Masachika and lift and pick him up. This goes against Alya and her issues depending on others. If you can't rely on others, then definetly you can't pick up others when they are down so naturally. After Masachika was the one to uplift and be there for Alya.

With the fact this girl is Alya's older sister how does this affect things going forward. Clearly their mother knew the Kuze grandfather based on how they joked. Masha was not there though during the student parent teacher conferences. How does Masha view Masachika. She is aware with what Alya feels for him. She has treated him as simply a little brother of sorts. It feels like confronting Masha and the feeling Masachika had for her is the first step to understand his feelings for Alya. Also I am curious how much Masha is aware of the Suou family drama. How well did she know Yuki back then. Leaves a lot of question, but Masha has proably been the best character in this series so far.












52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Alya is the quintessential romcom. It doesn't do any one thing particularly well but it does everything well enough. The only issue is how it's been dragging out the main relationship. At 4.5 it's getting to a point where that can't justifiably be stalled out much longer even as we can see an uncomfortable love triangle on the horizon. As long as they keep Yuki away from the brotherly love angle I'm good.


May 1, 2012
Finished failure frame vol 1 similar to arifureta but different also more darker not bout harem and romance at least so far or from what I heard
Vol 2 will let me know if it worth investing into the series still not sure yet


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Alya is the quintessential romcom. It doesn't do any one thing particularly well but it does everything well enough. The only issue is how it's been dragging out the main relationship. At 4.5 it's getting to a point where that can't justifiably be stalled out much longer even as we can see an uncomfortable love triangle on the horizon. As long as they keep Yuki away from the brotherly love angle I'm good.
Well with how the series has characterized both Yuki and Masachika, it def won't go that route. With that being said there is still the whole Masachika trauma from being a part of the Suou family. So romance might not really push forward till we get that arc.

The series biggest strength is how well it writes characterization with respect to it's cast. Part of the reason it standouts out more than the other newer Ln rom-coms.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Well with how the series has characterized both Yuki and Masachika, it def won't go that route. With that being said there is still the whole Masachika trauma from being a part of the Suou family. So romance might not really push forward till we get that arc.

The series biggest strength is how well it writes characterization with respect to it's cast. Part of the reason it standouts out more than the other newer Ln rom-coms.
Haibara’s Teenage New Game+ still the best one going right now. I usually read those shyts in a day. It took me a few days to finish Alya 4.5.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
This chapter of Haibara was some of the deepest stuff I've ever read as a light novel. Damn author beat around the bush for so long then just decided to go all in The love polygon is reaching Tomozaki-kun levels of awkward.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Zilbagias the Demon Prince: How the Seventh Prince Brought Down the Kingdom is a masterpiece.

A hero and his party are wiped out trying to kill a demon lord and the hero is reborn as the demon king's son and vows to destroy demon society and kill the demon king from within.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
This was recommended by the author of Cradle Will Wight, I've been reading it nonstop, I'm on chapter 27 right now.

It's a regression novel, but something different, It's like All you Need is Kill (edge of Tomorrow) and Mother of Learning, except the time between each like is much larger.

He was transported to a Cultivation world through a rift, and now he is stuck in a cycle. He lives is this world for about 50 years before dying of old age, and restarting once again. With each cycle he lives his life in a different way, learning more about the world, and improving on his skills.


May 1, 2012
86 vol 12. was kinda slow but solid tho and got violent pretty bad also :whew:


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
I think I've read enough volumes of each to compare The Beginning After The End and Mushoku Tensei. It's clear that TurtleMe read Mushoku Tensei and decided he could do such a book without such an objectional main character. At first TBATE starts off as a poor man's Mushoku Tensei but the two really go off in different directions. Mushoku Tensei has way more romance and slice of life. TBATE is a hero chosen one type story. Arthur is focus even so much that it hurts the development of the supporting cast. Arthur is in a class of his own when it comes to powers. Rudeus is strong but he's not Arthur strong. He's just upper tier. Arthur is God tier and even with him being that strong his enemies especially where the book is at now surpass God tier.

I think Mushoku Tensei is the better series in terms of quality but for me personally I prefer TBATE. To me Regis is more entertaining than any character I've encountered in the first 11 volumes of Mushoku Tensei and The Victroriad is one of if not my favorite moments in fiction ever. Arthur is a protagonist I can get behind. I flip flop on Rudeus.

I feel like TBATE should get some sort of animation if not an anime. It deserves to be experienced by people who refuse to read books.


May 1, 2012
I think I've read enough volumes of each to compare The Beginning After The End and Mushoku Tensei. It's clear that TurtleMe read Mushoku Tensei and decided he could do such a book without such an objectional main character. At first TBATE starts off as a poor man's Mushoku Tensei but the two really go off in different directions. Mushoku Tensei has way more romance and slice of life. TBATE is a hero chosen one type story. Arthur is focus even so much that it hurts the development of the supporting cast. Arthur is in a class of his own when it comes to powers. Rudeus is strong but he's not Arthur strong. He's just upper tier. Arthur is God tier and even with him being that strong his enemies especially where the book is at now surpass God tier.

I think Mushoku Tensei is the better series in terms of quality but for me personally I prefer TBATE. To me Regis is more entertaining than any character I've encountered in the first 11 volumes of Mushoku Tensei and The Victroriad is one of if not my favorite moments in fiction ever. Arthur is a protagonist I can get behind. I flip flop on Rudeus.

I feel like TBATE should get some sort of animation if not an anime. It deserves to be experienced by people who refuse to read books.

So I looked it up and it’s like solo leveling also where it’s a manhwa and a novel from the looks of it
Where solo leveling I had hard time with novel cuz of the names went to the comic part instead even tho it ain’t finished for official release and the light novel is which im bout to go back to now that I got gist of who is who

I’ll try the novel for this one see how it is if same issue I’ll go comic manwha route temporarily since u made a comparison to MT too it


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Spy Classroom taking it to another level with novel 7. We finally get the book dedicated to Monika and it was worth the wait.