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All Star
Apr 10, 2014
The Kept Man of the Princess Knight Volume 2

Truly a fantastic follow-up volume. Really one of the most promising new fantasy series. Even the manga adaptation of the first 3 chapters of volume 1 was pretty solid with have solid art.

A big focus in this volume was regarding Arwin's party, Aegis. To put it simply, they have been more and more issues since Lewster left. Mostly highlighting the fact that while the party revolves around Arwin, she isn't a leader at the moment. A new addition to the party was Noelle, Lewster's niece. She is essentially Arwin's childhood friend of sorts. She ends up bribing Matthew to leave Arwin, but an interesting point is that she is conflicted. Essentially, she hears from Arwin how important Matthew is. This is where she separates herself from her uncle. Ideally, the bribe was more a test for Matthew and given Arwin's praise, there is no reason he needs to go away. Big headline Noelle, unlike her uncle, cares for Arwin number 1. Lewster cared for about her image in comparison. The other concern with Noelle is how she fits in with the party. She is a naive girl, who was spoiled in how she trained. While her strength is to be respected, it's more so the practical aspect that she lacks. In which Arwin has gotten accustomed to since teaming up with Matthew. Overall, it's mostly growing pains, but it is not going to help in the now. While the leader aspect is still an issue, having each member tackle an aspect of the team needs is the right direction.

Matthew teaches Noelle a valuable lesson in that how you approach something is key. Instead of pointing out they are cheating, which would cause them to be hostile. Instead, perform an action that makes them think you are on to them. Not a big risk, but you get your point across. Arwin beating Oswald in a drinking game really brought the party together. Despite Arwin being completely wasted. Though at the end of the night they meet up with Vanessa's brother Vincent. Who is trying to find the person who killed Vanessa. Which we know it is Matthew.

We all know that Matthew killed Vanessa in terms of his duty to protect Arwin's release addiction secret. We know he is guilty. But Matthew is smart in the fact that he hid his tracks and made it so proving his guilt extremely hard. Vincent tries to use the Temporary Sun as the reason why Matthew would kill Vanessa when he was interrogating him. The main issue is clear finding the reason why Matthew is guilty is the hardest part, though Vincent was on the right track. Ultimately, Vincent was going to pin the blame on Matthew no matter what. If it wasn't when the message to April had the Grandmaster contact Arwin to come back up, it is likely that Matthew would have been executed for a crime he did commit, but there wasn't enough proof. Arwin brought papers that proved that the Temporary Sun was a gift from Vanessa to Matthew. Thus, the one evidence Vincent was hoping for turned out to be a dud. Logically, it would make sense for Matthew to want to take out Vincent. The issue is doing that would imply his guilt since he killed him not long after he was released. Which is the main reason Matthew ends up saving Vincent from the Paladins that were around before he arrived. This shows the depth to Matthew as a kept man. In the sense, not everything has a clear solution to it. Having Vincent around is definitely not something going for him, but killing him would just make things harder for Arwin.

We are introduced to the new appraiser whose name was Gloria. Dez mentioning her former nickname was Crazy Gloria should have set a few false alarms. She asks Matthew to find the Shroud of Bereni. He is able to locate Cody who had it, but he ran from a headless knight chasing him for it. Matthew got him to transfer the Shroud to the guild. Of course an issue is that Justin Rubinstin from the Church of Earth Mother also wanted the Shroud. Though he couldn't cause a scene, so he intended to buy it from the guild. But it went missing. He figured Gloria was behind it given the dangerous task she gave April. That set Matthew off. Matthew is a PoS, but putting kids in danger was some low he couldn't stand. We learn that Gloria likes to collect valuable counterfeits. She tries to fight Matthew, but is no match for his abnormal strength thanks to the temporary sun. Although the irony of the situation is that the shroud was stolen again.

One important conversation is that Matthew mentions that once Aegis conquers the dungeon, him and Arwin would move on their separate ways. Him leaving the town would be needed, and we all know his personality does not fit with royalty. Arwin finds notes that mention your sins and trying to be a hero. Which has her shaken. So Matthew suggests her to take the day off. During their outing, Matthew meets up with April and repairs his relationship with her after their incident. As Arwin wasn't much help to picking out clothes for her, Matthew was a big help on the other hand. Also, it really showed how much he does for Arwin and nobody really notices. On their way home, Matthew found a 2nd note, and luckily, this time Arwin didn't find it first. It was mentioning an addict makes it even more nerve-racking.

On the next day, Arwin planned to head back to the dungeon and forgot her release candy, so Matthew tried to chase her to give it to her. Unfortunately, he saw her in an argument with Beatrice that the guild assigned them a collaboration where Aegis would only earn 10% of the spoils. Noelle started fighting Beatrice, which led Cecilia to beat up Noelle. Meanwhile, Arwin went after Cecilia. Luckily, the fight got broken up, but even Matthew could tell something was not right with Arwin. Basically, she was on her 2nd day of not taking release. Essentially, Matthew's words of him leaving her after they conquer the dungeon got to her. She has a sense of guilt about how much Matthew does for her and thinking of the need to prepare for when that day arrives. And how would she deal with her addiction? But not only is that date well in the future, but just suddenly stopping taking the release candy would make things worse for her body.

We got some information regarding Arwin and her relationship with her mother. Arwin being the only child and a girl in that manner made things difficult since a woman being next in line for the throne would have people concerned. Arwin wanted to be a knight to fill in a role that a son would have. But her mother really did not like that idea. The sad part is they have a big fight where Arwin said she never wants to be like you, and they never had a chance to makeup then the Kingdom got attacked. A sad reality where that ended up being the last words she said to her. Matthew found a 3rd note, which made it clear these were addressed to him since this note mentioned the Sun God, which Arwin has no history with. Matthew found the one responsible and took care of him without having to lift a finger.

As Matthew was helping April with guild work, we learned what a stampede is. Essentially is a massive swarm of monsters and when a stampede occurs in the Dungeon, it can feel like an earthquake for those on top. The worst-case scenario is what happens if the monsters reached the surface. The biggest issue is not if the monsters can escape the city, but rather how can the people escape since the officials were too cheap to create an escape avenue. We also learn that the Kingdom of Mactrode was wiped out by a stampede. Although the weirdest thing is that the monsters haven't left the kingdom. It is clear that there is someone or something keeping them around.

It seemed like the Armored Knight wanted to lure a stampede since that would make getting the Astral Crystal easier. Justin then proposed to pay Matthew to go after the armored knight. Matthew teamed up with Vincent to look for a lost noble named Nicholas, they found him in the basement of the tavern next to the Earth Mother church. As they found the noble, it is learned that Justin betrayed the Earth Mother church for the Sun God and sought to kill Nicholas. Like Roland, he turned into a monster thanks to release. It was a tough battle for Matthew, but was able to hold on until Vincent came back after securing Nicholas's safety. The ironic thing in this fight was Matthew got help from the rain rather than the sun when he really needed it. It gave him an opening with the Temporary Sun to take care of Justin.

Nicholas was actually the Shroud of Bereni. A big reveal is when Nicholas mentioned he was the one who created release for the Church of the Sun God. Showing how terrible that church is, they forced him to create more against his will until he committed suicide. On one hand, Nicholas's goal of obtaining the Astral Crystal goes against Arwin saving her kingdom. However, Matthew having him research if there could be a cure for release for would be a big help. So at the very least, for now, their alliance seems like a good one. Bad news reached of a major stampede in the dungeon and with Arwin caught up in it, Matthew makes no hesitation to go save Arwin.










All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Much of this volume centers around Yuta helping Saki find ways to elevate her study skills in preparation of her retest in modern Japanese. It is really highlighted that Saki is a very logical thinker. Modern Japanese isn't a subject suited towards those with very zero minded logical thinkers. Having to analyze a character's emotions is hard for Saki. This is a subject Yuta does well since he reads a good number of novels. Overall, Saki has higher grades than Yuta despite this one weakness.

The main goal is figuring out how to help Saki study. Yomiuri recommends Lofi Hip-Hop as it is more relaxing. It turned to be a big help for her. The big strategy was to approach Modern Japanese with a logic mindset of understanding the timeline these novels are based on. As Yuta and Narasaka help her, it really gives her the push she needs. She is able to do well in her retest, but she comes off short in her goal of reaching Yuta's score in modern Japanese.

The other big feature of this volume was how Stoic has developed the feeling of jealously. This is where both Yomiuri and Narasaka noticed things with Saki. Yomiuri noticing that when the topic of Yuta was brought up how she reacted so differently. With more emotion. Narasaka, on the other hand, noticed her coming to school with perfume. Clear signs of her wanting someone to notice her. Ultimately, it stems from the feeling of jealously that Saki felt towards Yomiuri. From her perspective, he went to her for help with the Lofi Hip-Hop recommendation, and they hung out to see a movie late one night. She clearly wants to have a closer relationship with Yuta. How far those feelings go is a mystery.

Given the fact that she was willing to start reading novels and work at the same bookstore during the summer implies there is more to these feelings.












All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Much more of this volume is how Yuta and Saki ultimately start to develop feelings for each other. Unsurprising given they are high school students who met each other when they were introduced as step siblings.

The start of it was when Maru heard that Maaya was having a get-together with a bunch of her friends at the pool. Supposedly Yuta was among the invited and he was unaware. Interesting that Maru and Yomiuri are implied to be buddies that exchanged anime merchandise, but it is only implied. When Yuta does bring up the pool party to Saki, she is not really interested in going. Granted, part of it was because Yuta himself was disinterested. One thing that is really interesting is how Akiko and Saki's desires for the other goes against what the other one's interest. Akiko feels guilty for taking time from Saki from being like a kid and making her grow up too fast. Meanwhile, Saki feels like she has to grow up to repay her mom. Since she went beyond what is expected of a single mother. It is a sad reality. Akiko's request to Yuta to help Saki wind down felt very sincere and partially of guilt.

The next day, Saki mentions she reconsidered, which eventually led to her changing her mind. By the time the pool party started they had fun. Most notably during as Saki praises her and as she smiles, he develops feelings for her. No surprise he felt conflicted. As they walk home, Saki calls Yuta Oni-chan. We know Saki didn't want to call him her brother because it would imply depending on him. But since she called him that it is clear their bond has truly strengthened. The issue is that Saki is Yuta's stepsister, so it makes for a tricky situation. Especially on the next day when their parents hear Saki call Yuta Oni-chan. They have their ideal family that Taichi and Akiko always wanted since they got divorced. Both Yuta and Saki decide they must hide their feelings. Which is interesting going forward. Saki taking the extra mile to get a haircut further adds to them doing just that.













All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Overall, it was a very fun volume. Yuki being the shyt starter usual. A dive in Sayaka's personality where her otaku interests are even more extreme than Yuki. We got a highlight on Nonoa and how she can be very manipulative given who she is with. She looks out for her siblings, allowing them to be themselves, but showing her true self out at home. Her gang that worships her, she has them believe she is under a different personality and uses them as the situation arises. It more so points out how important her friendship is with Sayaka since she calls her out from time to time. Also, seeing Alya and Ayano developing a friendship was very wholesome.

The chapter which focused on Masachika and Yuki's dad was excellent. As we can see, their dad is a great man and kind. It really makes you wonder what went wrong in their marriage with their mom. And how much the Suou grandfather is to blame. It is a shame he is working over the course of this series for the most part. It is interesting the connection he made, and I am interested in seeing if the girl that Masachika sends anime merch ever visits. Outside the fun moments, the focus on the Kujou sister was the most notable part of the side stories.

While Masha immensely cares for her sister, at the same time she has longing feelings for her boyfriend. There are various hints since she is Masachika's childhood friend that she really doesn't have a boyfriend. She mostly refers to Masachika as that person. Does she have longing feelings or if their friendship is what she cherishes? As we see Alya being more open with her feelings with Masachika, we see Masachika struggles with his feelings. He wants to protect her like she did with his childhood friend. But we see that outside of the Suou family he has another scar. He believes his childhood friend left him, which is obviously not the case. Curious how he overcomes.

Currently, this series has 3 roadblocks. First is Alya winning the student council election as we have seen Masachika supporting her. The 2nd is how Masachika gets past his childhood friend, which seems to be the likely topic of the next volume. Lastly, his trauma with his mother and Suou grandfather, which would give Alya a moment to be there for him much like he was there for her in the early parts of the novel.












All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Overall this was a pretty solid volume.

The big reveal to Masachika at the end of the volume is that Masha is his Russian childhood friend from his past. One thing is for certain, she still has feelings for him even if she knew who he was since they met. Given that he stood up for her when they first met made that clear. While this series does move into a love triangle, it does it in a more elegant way. As Masha and Masachika know that Alya would back down on her feelings if Masha told her about them. She is putting the ball in Masachika's court. At this point, given his family trauma, the election and now the stuff with Masha that he has a lot on his plate. At the very least, Masha is shown to have high character as Alya is as important to her as Masachika is.


In response to this, Yuki gives Masachika a nice pet talk. As he has a bad habit of putting himself down in why the Kujou sisters have feelings for him. She openly admits to him that he shouldn't feel guilty as she holds nothing against him, and he loves him. It shows that beneath her crazy personality she still loves her brother.


We get a surprising focus on Masachika's friends Hikaru and Takeshi. Essentially with their band, there was a relationship drama that got started because of a girl liking Hikaru, but Hikaru's past experiences made him against going into a relationship. Basically, Takeshi asked Masachika to help out. This got him to get Alya, Sayaka and Nonoa to temporarily join the band. We also got a focus on Sayaka as it was surprising she has experience playing the bass and even more so for helping Masachika get Alya experience as the team leader. It shows that these two have very similar thinking minds with the differences Sayaka had a loving family. Regarding the band, the focus was on Alya being the leader since she wanted to become Student Council President. Alya worked hard along with the other members so that their performance can be great and leave an impression.




Much of this volume centered around a big growth for Alya. Her confidence was seen in a much stronger light. As she ends up teasing Masachika a good amount. The biggest thing was Alya ability to act as a team leader and be able to work well with others. She demonstrated well in this role and even was on friendly terms with the guys. Masachika was happy to see this improvement out of Alya although for the first time he got jealous. After all, he used to be Alya's only friend. We see more teasing out of Alya once she figured out that Masachika was jealous, but everything got resolved since the band decided wanted everyone to be on friendly terms. Nonoa and Sayaka being friendly with Masachika was odd. In comparison to that, we are introduced to Yuushou, who seems like he could be another candidate running for student council president.



As Alya wanted to prove that she can stand next to Masachika beating Yuki in the quiz competition would be how to do it. The Quiz had its up and downs. People were inspired that Alya was putting her heart on the line and was willing to prove herself. Not wanting Masachika to do all the work. While for Yuki showcasing her nobles standing by wanting to beat Alya fair and square. While for Masachika being able to help Alya in a way most wouldn't have thought. People thought Ayano figured out how the pointing system with the audience worked. It was a contest that in reality they all won.



Overall, this volume really showcased how Alya was pushing forward and now was inspiring Masachika even more than before. The words of her shining as star demonstrates this. For her, she is pushing forward to her goals. While in comparison, Masachika is still stuck in his past and can't let it go. For he still has to deal with his family issues and his answer to Masha. Stuff that might hold him back from standing by side with Alya. Now that Alya has pushed forward. Will she be able to be able to guide Masachika to help him catch up with her?
