Unfortunately some posters refuse to actually read the posts in context

Unfortunately some posters refuse to actually read the posts in context
TO some of these people, having a shyt ton of money is the only measure of success, so taking mediocre and safe roles with terrible directors is better than taking risks, working with great directors, and still making great money. Oh well.Wordit's not about him turning down a "slave" movie, it's about him turning down a role written for him to do by an acclaimed director and yet he chooses to do average or wack stuff in contrast
Yasmine Bleeth saying no to Seven and LA Confidential
Shocked I wasn't called out on this lie.
I don't think anyone cared about yasmine bleeth
It wasn't outrageous enough to acknowledge; it was blatantly ridiculous but you chose someone that people stopped checking for back in the mid 1990s in magazinesShocked I wasn't called out on this lie.
But people care about Fincher
i doubt wil smith is losing sleep having not worked with tarintino, their was also more variables that made after earth more enticing, bigger payday and the chance to exercise his right to practice nepotism.Looking at the title of this thread again i chuckle at the notion wil smith not playing a slave at this juncture of his career is a mistake let alone the biggest ever madeIt's a bad move because it's him passing up good movies by good directors and picks stuff like After Earth to be in or that cameo he made in that romance drama from last year as Satan
Yea you clearly are not fit for reading comprehension at this level. Chuckle away, kid.i doubt wil smith is losing sleep having not worked with tarintino, their was also more variables that made after earth more enticing, bigger payday and the chance to exercise his right to practice nepotism.Looking at the title of this thread again i chuckle at the notion wil smith not playing a slave at this juncture of his career is a mistake let alone the biggest ever made![]()
but how is that the worst decision ever made? that role wouldnt have made him more famous nor has not taking it dented his career.You are just slobbering over the opportunity because u would have loved to have seen dicaprio call will his pet ni%$erWordit's not about him turning down a "slave" movie, it's about him turning down a role written for him to do by an acclaimed director and yet he chooses to do average or wack stuff in contrast. Let's put this in real context: He turns down the chance to do a movie with DiCaprio, Waltz, Samuel L. Jackson, Kerry Washington, Walton Googins, James Remar, Don Johnson and directed by Tarantino but did the very meh Men in Black 3, a cameo in Winter's Tale and the Shyamalan directed After Earth..yeah, turning down Django wasn't a bad move at all
Unfortunately some posters refuse to actually read the posts in context
i doubt wil smith is losing sleep having not worked with tarintino, their was also more variables that made after earth more enticing, bigger payday and the chance to exercise his right to practice nepotism.Looking at the title of this thread again i chuckle at the notion wil smith not playing a slave at this juncture of his career is a mistake let alone the biggest ever made![]()
but how is that the worst decision ever made? that role wouldnt have made him more famous nor has not taking it dented his career.You are just sobbering over the oppurtunity because who would have loved to have seen dicaprio call will his pet ni%$er
wiill is all about money and matrix was within a genre hes comfortable with, lookin at the bank that franchise made i will give you that, django?He probably isn't losing sleep but again he passed up the chance to be in another dope movie and picked trash in its place. That's twice now. This thread isn't about choices that caused for careers to end because a lot of these people we're saying all still have careers, some of them are thriving despite the fumbles but it's about the worst career decisions and in my book, homie turning down the matrix and Django are his two worst career decisions especially when I see what he did instead of them: Wild Wild West and after earth. Those are mistakes and luckily he's been able to survive in spite of it nor does he need the money or the notoriety. Hopefully Focus does well for him
Yea you clearly are not fit for reading comprehension at this level. Chuckle away, kid.