The entire Scandal show
Eva Green in the short-lived Starz series "Camelot".
I'm not good at telling how good or how bad an actor is acting in a Movie or TV Show (Unless it's really obvious), but Eva Green's performance on that show was just so over the top compared to the various Movies I've seen her in.
Eva Green was the only good thing about that shytty show.She was annoying as shyt in that show..that and the lead actor just looked too much like a prettyboy sissy.
Al Pacino is a great example of overacting from both ends of the spectrum.
His overacting was good in Scarface and Scent of a Woman but it was terrible in stuff like Heat and The Recruit.
Eva Green was the only good thing about that shytty show.
Eva green makes penny dreadful worth watchingSeriously lol. She was the only one not taking it so damn serious because the show didn't take itself seriously. She's always good at knowing what tone to strike
Overacting is exactly what the term implies, it's when actors exaggerate immensely and it comes of more ridiculous than dramatic.
Perfect example of terrible overacting: