He wasn't exactly anti-establishment before, he was just lazy and so preoccupied with his perception of his own celebrity that his ass needed a slight reality check. When he went groveling from place to place desperately looking for a show, licking boots along the way, it dawned on him that maybe he overrated his own stock.
There's appealing to casual viewer, and then there's "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo!" Sports have been framed in terms and contexts that have made them soap operas for men for decades. That's old hat. I parted with espn when their "sports personalities" were overwhelming their ability to give me any relevant sports talk. But I didn't think they'd go so low for a dollar that there'd be almost nothing but lowest common denominator shouting matches and spectacle on the air.
That's not what happens when you appeal to the casual fan. That's what happens when some shortsighted consultant views a bunch of data in a very warped, capitalistic context and says "trash is in right now, amp up the trash and your bottom line will increase." But any field/medium/genre has to have a basic integrity. When you chase an extra $5 million but sacrifice the most basic integrity you have, it's just not worth it. Especially since you're making money hand over fist already. It's kind of a microcosm of the ethos that plagues our country, where you milk the cash cow until it bleeds and no one can possibly have milk ever again. It's shortsighted and perverted.
Steppin A Fetch is the clown prince of tomc00nery, period. He was trying to get a show on Fox to c00n it up about social issues, but he settled for c00ning it up about sports instead - the one thing the two topics have in common is he's completely unqualified to have a public platform to speak on either one. He's essentially the Stanley Crouch of sports, and he's repugnant.
Talking sports is one thing, even if you're dumbing it down and mainstreaming the shyt out of it. Personally insulting athletes, demeaning the Civil Rights Movement, and generally having zero grasp of the major American sports is something else though, it's Richard Bey and Jerry Springer and Stanley Crouch and Honey Boo Boo all rolled into one morally and intellectually repulsive person who - on top of everything else - continues to resemble the spawn of a roach and a cricket having a threesome with George Jefferson. If Ike Taylor ran into that lame nikka somewhere and mollywhopped his ass I'd cop his jersey on GP.