pico pal q lee
Yeah, I don't see Punk's credibility being hurt if he wins via fukkery.The E'verse already sees him as an important guy, imo. And that wont change even if his current angle is about how "legit" his title reign is.
Punk beating Ryback in any fashion would put a stop to everything they have going with him. He's being booked as unstoppable... if he gets stopped (ESPECIALLY due to some extreme massive beatdown at the hands of CM Punk), then that's it. I'm not saying he becomes Brodus Clay, or that he'll never have a chance to do anything notable ever again... but right now is not the time for him to take a high-profile loss.
I don't know that WWE booked themselves into a corner, moreso than Cena got injured and isn't ready to get in the ring in two weeks, so they had to improvise. The only others over enough to main event a PPV right now is D. Bryan and Kane, and they already did that earlier this year, so Ryback was really the only or best option left. Who else could've replaced Cena up against Punk in a Hell In A Cell match for the title... Kofi?
But as has been said, Punk escapes and runs away, leading to a no-contest. That's the best idea there is. Any other one is a bad idea... Ryback wins title too soon or Punk beats Ryback and kills the guy's buildup. Neither sounds like the way to go.
Punk not winning isn't gonna make him look like a joke... he's been champ for a year, AND he's a heel who's recently been playing the role of someone who takes the easiest way out just to keep his title. It would make perfect sense that he'd run out on a match against someone who's destroyed everyone.
If one team had beaten the Bills 4 times in the Super Bowl, would anyone be clamoring for a 5th as something legacy changing?
I do hope you realize that if we go with your solution, you'll have fukked over the audience twice on 2 straight PPVs on a main event finish, which is a big no-no, Mr. Booker.
This thread has changed my thinking on the situation and I'm always open to that.
Originally I thought it was a horrible idea to Ryback to lose with all this momentum, but considering the major shows to come (Rumble, Mania) and Punk's obvious major roles on both, I think he's got to go over here in a way that protects Ryback. The trick is doing finding the proper finish so that Ryback still looks like a killer; also, have him start killing again the next night on Raw against somebody else, and definitely have the announcers stressing how impressive he was in looking dominant at HIAC in his first-ever main event even though he lost. Punk could even give him props in a promo on Raw (in the midst of gloating, of course).
Non-finishes at PPVs suck. Punk needs to go over more than Ryback needs to go over because of those future major PPVs. Ryback can still be kept strong even in an impressive Punk victory. "The Streak" isn't the be-all and end-all. I'm convinced.
This thread has changed my thinking on the situation and I'm always open to that.
Originally I thought it was a horrible idea to Ryback to lose with all this momentum, but considering the major shows to come (Rumble, Mania) and Punk's obvious major roles on both, I think he's got to go over here in a way that protects Ryback. The trick is doing finding the proper finish so that Ryback still looks like a killer; also, have him start killing again the next night on Raw against somebody else, and definitely have the announcers stressing how impressive he was in looking dominant at HIAC in his first-ever main event even though he lost. Punk could even give him props in a promo on Raw (in the midst of gloating, of course).
Non-finishes at PPVs suck. Punk needs to go over more than Ryback needs to go over because of those future major PPVs. Ryback can still be kept strong even in an impressive Punk victory. "The Streak" isn't the be-all and end-all. I'm convinced.
I'm really not keen on Punk running away, not just because it's Punk, but because it's Hell in a Cell, meant to keep people in and ensure decisive finishes. Add to the fact that we already HAD a fukk finish last month, and that suddenly becomes a non-optimal solution.
No amount of sugar coating could walk back a Ryback loss. He was pinned. He couldn't win the one that counted. Him going on a rampage afterwards wouldn't be any different than Big Show getting mad and punching people out. You have something special here and you want to piss it away to save credibility that Punk will never reach as it pertains to guys like the Rock.
Those "Big Show getting mad and punching people" situations are a joke because he's done it about 900 times over the years. Big Show lacks intensity, he is what he is and everybody knows it. He hasn't been thought of as a killer in forever. Ryback is fresh enough as an intense killer that one loss won't stop his momentum, particularly a loss to an established star. WWE's marketing machine can sugarcoat the hell out of these things to where Ryback suffers very little damage. He could even be kept a part of the main event storyline, not as an immediate opponent but as an always-present and menacing threat to Punk. Even have The Rock mention his name a time or two.
There's still a long ass time till the Rumble. At this point, Punk only needs 4-6 weeks of clean wins + promo time to look like a threat to the Rock.
The fact that he is a chickenshyt heel right now, and that he's winning by technicalities doesn't erase the perception of his dominant run as champion. Even if the angle is about the "credibility" of his reign, I think the E'verse has seen enough from the guy to still consider him as legit. His run as a heel wont erase all that time as the dominant face.
If anything it's more of a "Punk used to be awesome, now he's just cries and cheats. I hope Cena/Ryback/Rock beats the shyt out of him" thing for the regular fan.
When it's time to build him for Rocky, he wont need extreme makeover to be seen as a threat (and we all know he's losing anyway, regardless of how he's booked) like the Miz at WM 27 vs Cena.
Liggins, if Ryback wins the title, what then? Do you insert him into the Rock/Cena/Punk picture?
Cuz a lot of people are suggesting that he wins and drops it back to Punk the next ppv, which makes the whole thing seem kinda pointless.
When did I say I wanted him to win the title? I just don't want him pinned.
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