Florida is state of mind.
WWII-era grenade in car’s trunk prompts Taco Bell evacuationA Florida man thread
There was one recently in Ocala where buddy found a WW2 hand grenade but instead of reporting it, he went to taco bell :Booklaugh:
Florida man robs restaurant at finger point
Photo: Alachua County Sheriff's Office
7 News WSVN
GAINESVILLE, Fla. (WSVN) — A Florida man is facing felony charges after police say he robbed a restaurant at finger point.
According to WTSP, 56-year-old Steven Berlin went into the Szechuan Palace Restaurant in Gainesville, and sat down for about 30 minutes before approaching a worker at the counter.
The worker told police Berlin then pointed his hand at her in a position that resembled a gun.
In fear that Berlin might actually have a real weapon, the worker complied with his demands and opened the cash register for him.
Berlin took $577 and fled the store. However, it wasn’t long until police found him just three blocks away.
Berlin confessed to the robbery almost immediately after being detained.
He is now facing a felony charge of robbery with a deadly weapon because he “intentionally caused the victim to fear serious bodily injury or even death,” said police.
She on her Rick James steezeFEBRUARY 7, 2019
Florida official accused of licking man’s face resigns
Courtesy: City of Madeira Beach
Associated Press
MADEIRA BEACH, Fla. (AP) — A city commissioner in Florida has resigned after the state ethics commission fined her over accusations she sexually harassed a former city official by licking his face and groping him.
Madeira Beach City Commissioner Nancy Oakley handed in her resignation Tuesday.
The Tampa Bay Times reports that in her resignation letter Oakley says she’s innocent and plans to appeal the ethics violation ruling.
The Florida Commission on Ethics last month fined Oakley $5,000 and called on the governor to issue a public reprimand.
A former city official filed the ethics complaint against Oakley two years ago, saying she’d sexually harassed him by licking his face and groping him at a public event.
According to Bay News 9, that city official said Oakley would also harass other men as well.
“She had a … habit of licking men that either she was attracted to or thought that she had authority over,” he told the station. “She starts here and goes all the way up to the point where you can’t stand it anymore and that’s after consuming enough [alcohol] and smoking enough cigarettes.”
FEBRUARY 7, 2019
Florida official accused of licking man’s face resigns
Courtesy: City of Madeira Beach
Associated Press
Florida Sheriff’s Office: Deputy forced to shoot, kill police K-9 after bite
Johari Canty
LAKELAND, Fla. (WSVN) — A Florida police deputy was forced to shoot and kill another deputy’s police K-9 after it bit him and wouldn’t let go, the sheriff’s office said.
According to Fox 13, the Polk County Sheriff’s Office said K-9 handler Scott Cronin was watching Recon, another handler’s dog, while the handler was out of town. However, on Monday night, Recon reportedly bit Cronin on the hand and would not let go.
The sheriff’s office said Cronin was forced to shot and kill Recon.
Deputies said it is common for handlers to care for other handler’s dogs because they are familiar with them. However, an outside expert told Fox 13 that despite being highly trained, K-9s are only supposed to respond to their own handler.
Deputies did not say what led up to Recon biting Cronin.