What happens in Florida stays in Florida (wishful thinking) (updated with fukkery)

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015



Florida Man
May 1, 2012
Florida man found partially eaten by alligator died from meth overdose

FORT MEADE, Fla. – A man found partially eaten by an alligator in Florida earlier this year died from a methamphetamine overdose an autopsy shows.

In June, an employee at crop nutrition company in Ft. Meade discovered an 11-foot alligator in a pond, and it had a dead man in its mouth, according to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office.

The man was identified as Michael Ford II, 45.

According to WTSP, the Medical Examiner’s Office for Polk, Hardee and Highlands counties on Wednesday cited “methamphetamine intoxication” as the cause of death and said the alligator attack appears to have happened after Ford had died.


Florida Man
May 1, 2012
Police: Florida man arrested for passing out marijuana ‘because it was Christmas’

Courtesy: Pinellas County Sheriff's Office via Fox 13

Johari Canty

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (WSVN) — A Florida man has been arrested after he was accused of passing out marijuana to people passing by for the holidays.

According to Fox 13, St. Petersburg Police officers arrested 67-year-old Richard Ellis Spurrier, Saturday.

Officers said they were called to the scene by a witness. Detectives said when they confronted Spurrier, he told them he was handing out marijuana “because it was Christmas.”

Police said Spurrier was in possession of 45 grams of marijuana and had a hidden sword in his cane.

He now faces a charge of marijuana possession.


Florida Man
May 1, 2012
Florida deputies searching for man who broke into home to suck victim’s toes

Johari Canty

BRADENTON, Fla. (WSVN) — Deputies in Florida are searching for a man who broke into a home to suck on his victim’s toes.

According to Fox 13, the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office said the victim was sleeping in his room on Christmas Eve when he was awakened by a man sucking on his toes.

The victim told the intruder he had no money and asked what he wanted.

According to a sheriff’s office report, the man responded he was “there to suck toes.”

The victim punched the intruder and forced him out of his bedroom. Investigators said the suspect tried to grab victim’s crotch and claimed he had a gun, but no gun was ever seen during the fight.

The victim was able to kick the man out of his home and punched him in the face before he went back inside and called 911. Deputies said at this point, the intruder punched out the glass on the home’s front window and broke the windshield on the victim’s car. The man then fled the scene.

Investigators tried to track the suspect down with a K9 but were unable to find him.

Detectives said DNA swabs were taken and the case is under investigation.


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May 7, 2012
Orlando, FLA
‘Somebody shot up my car’: Nearly 20 vehicles struck by BB gun fire on I-4, I-95, officials say

VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. — A vehicle has been located in possible connection with at least 18 vehicles being struck by BB gunfire along I-4 and I-95 on Wednesday night, according to Florida Highway Patrol investigators in Jacksonville.

But FHP officials have not said whether or not anyone has been arrested in connection with the incident.

Multiple vehicles across several counties were damaged by the gunfire on eastbound I-4 and northbound I-95, according to deputies. Officials said the damage seems consistent with fire from either a BB gun or pellet gun.

The first shootings were reported around 6:30 p.m. along I-4 in Seminole County, then east to I-95, and north to the Flagler County line.

Cars were damaged in Deltona, DeLand, Daytona Beach and the Ormond area, according to the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office.

Records show 911 calls came in from multiple counties.

“I have a customer here, he thinks someone shot at his car window with something,” one caller said.

“I was going down I-4 and somebody shot up my car and blew out my window,” another caller said.

FHP officials in Jacksonville confirmed the vehicle, a silver Honda CR-V, is from the Jacksonville area, but wouldn’t say if a weapon was found in the vehicle.

John James, from Atlanta, was a passenger in one of the cars traveling through Volusia County that was struck.

“It went through one window and out the other,” James said. “It was close to me because I was right near the back windows. I thank God that I’m alive, that it didn’t strike any one of us."

Three other vehicles were shot in the St. Augustine area, according to FHP.

A couple from Jacksonville visiting Orlando for the Citrus Bowl and a group of nine people from Michigan and Illinois in the area for a mission trip were also among those whose cars struck.

The Seminole County Sheriff’s Office said it’s interviewing a driver who called about a suspicious ding to his car. The driver told deputies he thought he heard debris hitting his car while driving somewhere in Seminole County. Deputies are investigating to see if it is connected to the reports in Volusia County.

In the incident report for the Seminole County case, a man said he was driving with his wife and 2-year-old daughter near mile marker 101 on I-4 when he heard what sounded like rocks hitting the vehicle. The report states that the rear driver-side window of the vehicle shattered.

The toddler was in the back seat when the window shattered, but was not injured, the report said.

No injuries have been reported, but there was damage to vehicle windows, according to the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office.


God bless Black People!
Nov 18, 2016
Rio De Janeiro, BR
Florida deputies searching for man who broke into home to suck victim’s toes

Johari Canty

BRADENTON, Fla. (WSVN) — Deputies in Florida are searching for a man who broke into a home to suck on his victim’s toes.

According to Fox 13, the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office said the victim was sleeping in his room on Christmas Eve when he was awakened by a man sucking on his toes.

The victim told the intruder he had no money and asked what he wanted.

According to a sheriff’s office report, the man responded he was “there to suck toes.”

The victim punched the intruder and forced him out of his bedroom. Investigators said the suspect tried to grab victim’s crotch and claimed he had a gun, but no gun was ever seen during the fight.

The victim was able to kick the man out of his home and punched him in the face before he went back inside and called 911. Deputies said at this point, the intruder punched out the glass on the home’s front window and broke the windshield on the victim’s car. The man then fled the scene.

Investigators tried to track the suspect down with a K9 but were unable to find him.

Detectives said DNA swabs were taken and the case is under investigation.

Mf didn't give af about no money or rape, he was just there to suck toes and he meant serious business :russ:


Florida Man
May 1, 2012
Iguanas are falling from trees, and people are selling the meat online
Iguana meat, dubbed “chicken of the trees,” started showing up on Facebook Marketplace overnight, as the temperature dipped into the 40s.


A stunned iguana lies in the grass at Cherry Creek Park in Oakland Park, Fla., Wednesday. The National Weather Service Miami posted Tuesday on its official Twitter that residents shouldn't be surprised if they see iguanas falling from trees as lows drop into the 30s and 40s. The low temperatures stun the invasive reptiles, but the iguanas won't necessarily die. That means many will wake up as temperatures rise Wednesday. (Joe Cavaretta/South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP) [JOE CAVARETTA | AP]
By By Carlos Frias
Published Earlier today
Miami Herald

Mango season may be months away, but if you live in South Florida today, your trees may be ripe for the picking — of iguanas.

Iguana meat, dubbed “chicken of the trees,” started showing up on Facebook Marketplace overnight, as the temperature dipped into the 40s. The green iguanas are an invasive species, stunned lifeless by South Florida’s occasional cold snaps, and they die if the chilly weather holds. The National Weather Service even tweeted to watch out for falling iguanas.

Beware of falling iguanas in South Florida, National Weather Service warns: https://weather.com/news/news/2020-01-21-falling-frozen-iguanas-florida …

That apparently makes them easy pickings for backyard harvesters.

Several ads for skinned and butchered iguanas, looking like Peking not-duck, were posted in Miami, Doral and Homestead. Some of the ads, however, were posted days ago and show iguana meat that has clearly been frozen (though not by South Florida’s climate).

At least one ad showed what looked like freshly prepped garrobo — a name often used as interchangeable for iguana in parts of Latin America. (The animals may be slightly different species, but both are often found as invasive in South Florida.)

You know it’s cold when Facebook Marketplace got garrobo meat for sale #BecauseMiami #ChickenOfTheTrees

But can you actually eat them, or should you?

You absolutely can — as long as the food comes from a reputable processor, according to the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. They are commonly hunted in Central and South America and parts of the Caribbean and are an “economical source of protein,” according to the organization’s post.

“There is a reason why these invasive iguanas are hunted in their native countries as food to the point where they are considered endangered species,” Frank Mazzotti, professor of wildlife ecology at the UF/IFAS Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center in Davie, Florida. “They are excellent to taste, and they are a great source of food.”

“Some say they look like alligators or mini-dinosaurs, and others say they look good for dinner!” she wrote.

Because of the salmonella risk, IFAS warns not to try to make iguana ceviche. Instead, the meat should be cooked through to at least 165 degrees.

IFAS even provided several recipes, including one for iguana tacos for newbies: “For people who aren’t accustomed to cooking iguana, it is suggested that an easier route may be to make iguana tacos or burritos.”


God bless Black People!
Nov 18, 2016
Rio De Janeiro, BR
Iguanas are falling from trees, and people are selling the meat online


Because of the salmonella risk, IFAS warns not to try to make iguana ceviche. Instead, the meat should be cooked through to at least 165 degrees.

IFAS even provided several recipes, including one for iguana tacos for newbies: “For people who aren’t accustomed to cooking iguana, it is suggested that an easier route may be to make iguana tacos or burritos.”

Nah, i'm good:scust:


Florida Man
May 1, 2012

Nah, i'm good:scust:
Chicken of the trees, lol. People were trying to sell it for 6 dollars a lb. You can buy a whole cooked real chicken for $4.50, wtf is wrong with people. Eat chicken.

Pet stores were taking these in at $65 dollars each tho, some people cash in crazy. They now pay you to kill iguanas here because there are so many, some are like 5ft.
