What Does The Coli Have Against RG3?


Sep 28, 2012
the MINUTE this was tweeted out by a Skins beat writer, we KNEW it would be a story.

WHY IS IT? Dads often meet their sons after a game.

When is this happening? Have you been in locker rooms? It's clear you will absolve this clown of everything. Fred Smoot said he never saw a parent in the locker room. I guess he hates griffin too right? Damn I hate griffin fans

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
When is this happening? Have you been in locker rooms? It's clear you will absolve this clown of everything. Fred Smoot said he never saw a parent in the locker room. I guess he hates griffin too right? Damn I hate griffin fans
Absolve him of everything?


I done said he talks too fukking much. The fukk is wrong with your clown ass? I'm not even a RGIII fan...I just hate stupid idiots like you on some "hate him at all costs" bullshyt. Never any nuance with you type of clowns.

Point is....who GIVES A fukk if his dad met him?


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
One thing I wanna know is how is RG3 arrogant?

Like do yall have a reason outside of something ESPN fed you? what instances has he displayed arrogance

I watched every one of dude's games as a pro, preseason included

he bigs up his terrible olinemen after every win

Said "we couldn't find rhythm in the passing game" the day his receivers set a record of drops

doesn't really bigs up himself

Never understood where this "RG3 Diva" angle is came from, but the media has been trying to lob locker room dividing storylines since all offseason. People are finally biting on this one
yea. i dont get this either. its what the media does tho. brainwash the masses

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Give examples or stfu. There is cocky and disrespectful cocky. Of course dez is cocky but he's also humble. He would never come out his mouth talking about he owns somebody like that rookie ass lame did. Not to mention he tried to portray a good boy image. Dez BEEN a hood nikka so him being a little cocky is him. I don't like fake shyt and bob seems fake on top of being garbage

nikka u are all over the place. :pachaha: So since Dez is a "hood nikka" u are givin him a pass for bein cocky. But when RG3 is cocky, he is somehow being fake? :why:


Sep 28, 2012
nikka u are all over the place. :pachaha: So since Dez is a "hood nikka" u are givin him a pass for bein cocky. But when RG3 is cocky, he is somehow being fake? :why:

Nah you just can't read. I said griffin came in on some good guy shyt but reality is he's a cocky, disrespectful nikka. Dez was dez from jump. Now stfu


May 6, 2012
Breh, you acting like he said he wasn't Black.

All he said was that he wants to be looked at as a great QB who just so happens to be Black rather than a great Black QB.

But yet that's a problem :mindblown:

Hearing folk come up with reasons as to why they hate him is hilarious. We all know why RG3 receives the hate he does.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Nah you just can't read. I said griffin came in on some good guy shyt but reality is he's a cocky, disrespectful nikka. Dez was dez from jump. Now stfu

RG3 is still on some "good guy shyt" I see u are gettin real emotional bruh :umad:


Sep 28, 2012
So him letting shannahan make him go out with one leg and run the ****** offense isn't reason enough to look at him sideways? He wanted to throw mike under the bus AFTER he got hurt. That's real shyt to y'all? Calling people white for not rocking with him. I think Y'ALL are the (cacs).


Sep 28, 2012
RG3 is still on some "good guy shyt" I see u are gettin real emotional bruh :umad:

I'm not emotional lol. And if you think he's been a good guy this year I'm done talking to you. Ask Santana moss if bob been on the good guy shyt.


Jun 3, 2012
Detroit Lions, Michigan Wolverines & LWO
:aicmon: You got to still display some levels of pure niggorance if you date a white. It's why the dusty negroes with fat white women are left alone. They still smoke blounts, wear tall white t's and wear shytty cornrows. :dead:

You can't be Russell Wilson, RG3, Tiger or Brad Daughtery like and dating white women and not get the "sell out" tag..They are too "safe" and too "clean cut" and don't display the niggorance that these c00ns can relate to. If Obama married a white women he'd be Harold Ford Jr. or Justice Clarence Thomas. On one hand black people want their images to be more Russell Wilson, Brad Daughtery, Obama etc but we ourselves don't/won't allow it. We reinforce certain negative stereotypes under the guise of being "pro-black" when it's everything but. Then we clown those who fall out that box or window. Cam made the exact same statements RG3 made. Actually worse, but he makes CAC's mad, tapdances after every first down and is marginally intelligent. Perfect candidate for a modern "black" man worthy of praise.



eienaar van mans
May 1, 2012
Give examples or stfu. There is cocky and disrespectful cocky. Of course dez is cocky but he's also humble. He would never come out his mouth talking about he owns somebody like that rookie ass lame did. Not to mention he tried to portray a good boy image. Dez BEEN a hood nikka so him being a little cocky is him. I don't like fake shyt and bob seems fake on top of being garbage

Probably the best statement in this entire thread...

Let's take a look at Cam. Cam is cocky. Arrogantly cocky. You can find clips of the Panthers getting blown out and Cam getting a 20 yard scramble late in the fourth and he does that little superman shyt...
But let's take a look at Cam's football career right when he became "Cam" instead of Cameron Newton...

He was at Auburn...and he carried that team...he was everything to that team...
And all these white folks wanted to talk about was how Cam stole a laptop at Florida...and he shouldn't even be playing...
And Cam just kept stomping through the vaunted SEC like only Timothy Tebow could...

And when that didn't stick...all these white folks said Cam shouldn't be eligible because Auburn paid his father money for him to come to the school
And Cam just kept stomping through the vaunted SEC like it was nothing...

And week after week the white media leading headline was "is this the week Cam gets suspended?" "Is this the week Cam get's caught?"
And all Cam did was put up numbers so ridiculous that they had no choice but to give him the damn Heisman

And after he won it all these white folks said it was a disgrace, that he should give it back, that he was a theif and a hired gun and that someone like him should never win a Heisman
And all Cam did was go out and win a national title...

And you think that is it...that finally they have to give Cam his props...

Wrong...he gets to the pro's...and all they have to say about Cam is...he is not mature...he is deceitful...he is not trustworthy...he can't lead a team...
And all Cam did was go out and destroy the league...he made some mistakes...had some growing pains...but dude has been a top 25 player in the nfl every since he stepped in the league...name 5 players you can say that about...dude had a record setting rookie year throwing to Steve Smith and...who?

And so...with all the cam bashing by the media basically up until right now...any logical person can understand Cam's arrogance...when every time you turn on the television during your last year in college all you hear about is how you stole a laptop and how the college basically bought you...and after you get with that...you got to here about how you have a fake smile and how you are not a leader...then yeah...you will probably develop a fukk you attitude...and when you get the chance to rub it in those peoples faces...you probably will...who wouldn't? And Cam has never not been arrogant...Cam was doing this same shyt in Auburn...5 yard game...5 second Cam celebration...it's not like Cam suddenly got a little fame and became arrogant...Cam was arrogant way back when he was just "that guy who stole that laptop"

Now lets take a look at RG III

Dude gets credited for resurrecting Baylor football..which he basically did...and comes out of the draft at THE next big thing...he gets tabbed as the quarterback that is going to revolutionize football...never mind that Cam is already in the leage and his bigger, stronger, and more accurate than RG III...everyday there is a story about some team willing to give up their entire draft to get RG III...but dude keeps a low profile...he gives cliche answers and he isn't really trying to be in the spotlight like that.

And so the Redskins get him...and boom he is the savior from jump...the white media loves him...ESPN instantly start calling the redskins a contending team because they just drafted their franchise QB...

And boom right out of the gate the dude is just deadly on the read option...makes good decisions rather to keep the ball or give it to Morris...and people overlook the fact that since the read option was so successful there was always 8 in the box making it very easy to throw over the top...which he did with amazing success last year...but whatever I give him credit for that because it was his effectiveness in the read option that caused those opportunities...

And boom they win the division having probably the least amount of talent outside of RG III in the division...boom they are on their way to blowing out Seattle who was tabbed as a super bowl contender...

Then he gets hurt...and players get hurt all the time...but this time it was Shanahan fault...RG III was somehow just an innocent bystander in all of this...somehow the white media was willing to throw one of their lily white retread coaches under the bus for RG III...that is how much they loved him...and to me this is when RG III starts to become arrogant...cause he can see it...doesn't take an idiot to notice a rookie black quarterback winning the media war against a two time superbowl champ who is credited for basically inventing zone blocking and turning anybody who can stay healthy into a 1400 yard running back a little...odd...

And then he is rehabbing and Shanahan makes it clear that he is not playing in the preseason and he will just not shut the fukk up about it...that strikes me as arrogant...that strikes me as "Yeah I know my coach says I am not going to play in preseason but I am going to just keep bringing it up anyway"...and Shanahan says we have to make sure he is healthy and RG III constantly tells everyone...I am healthy...

And then he says he doesn't want to run the read option anymore...he says he wants to play in a pro style offense...that strikes me as arrogant...because we have no clue how RG III or the redskins look in a pro style offense...we know that it is possible for them to shred the league running the read option because they already did it before...to me that is arrogant...that is a player saying "i know we were successful last year playing this way but the best thing for ME to do is play this way, so I want us to play this way"

Then he says "i don't want to take the hits i did in the read option offense"...cool...understandable...dude is built pretty slight...he would not have lasted long in the league in that offense anyway...but...he continues to take dumb hits in the pro style offense...continues to scramble around until he gets his noodle cooked...never wants to "give up on a play"...to me that is arrogant...dude pretty much outright lied about the "not wanting to take hits shyt"....pretty sure he has taken more hits this year than last...

Then every time you see a camera of him on the sideline he is pouting...he is shaking his head at Kyle Shanahan...it is almost like he is going out of his way to disagree with Mike...and I think the Shanahans are the biggest Cacs in the league outside of Fisher...but you don't do what RG III is doing...you don't constantly just poke at your head coach and OC just cause you've seen you can get away with it...

And then Mcnabb tried to warn him...tried to just pull him aside and give him some game...cause Mcnabb has been there done that and then some...Mcnabb had ESPN hire a guy to basically call him a dumb monkey on live television...RG III have that happen to him yet...Mcnabb had a receiver basically say he was to fat and out of shape to get down the field fast enough...otherwise they would have won the super bowl...RG III had that happen to him yet...Mcnabb had the Shanahans basically say he was to dumb to run the plays in the redskins offense...RG III had that happen to him yet...and then RG III goes to some magazine on some "yeah Mcnabb tried to talk to me but I blew him off" type of steez...and then when Mcnabb brings it up suddenly he is hating on RG III...Mcnabb was THE black quarterback when he was playing...RG III is just A black quarterback and a sea that is getting bigger every year...but he was to cocky to even listen to anything Mcnabb has to say...

And it took all of this...the constant pounting...the constant losing...the constant poor play...the constant bickering...for the white media to finally say...you know what...this RG III guy...man...he sure does like to do things his way...I mean...wow...he really just came out and said he doesn't want to run an offense he was successful in last year...who was the last guy to do that...

I can't fault anybody for being neutral toward RG III...but scust at anyone rooting for this guy outside of redskins fans...RG III is going to be the guy who sets black quarterbacks back...he is going to be the guy the white GM's point to and say "see this is why we don't draft a black QB...he has one good year...then all of a sudden he wants to change the playbook and he wants things done his way and he won't stay out of the media...nah fukk that...Draft Ky Detmer little brother at least we know he will keep his mouth shut"