What do you think it will take for blacks reach true equality?


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
seems like most people here are suggesting that if we improve relations in the Black community and stop partaking in our poor behaviors that somehow we'll reach equality.

I completely disagree because of what happened on Black Wall Street, which was a functioning, thriving Black community that was bombed and burned to the ground by white Americans.

it's simple, we are not wanted in this country anymore, we've overstayed our welcome.

we need to focus on leaving America and rebuilding Africa, which is far more realistic than thinking that we'll ever be equal in America.


May 19, 2012
the black cat is my crown...
seems like most people here are suggesting that if we improve relations in the Black community and stop partaking in our poor behaviors that somehow we'll reach equality.

I completely disagree because of what happened on Black Wall Street, which was a functioning, thriving Black community that was bombed and burned to the ground by white Americans.

it's simple, we are not wanted in this country anymore, we've overstayed our welcome.

we need to focus on leaving America and rebuilding Africa, which is far more realistic than thinking that we'll ever be equal in America.
don't throw in the towel completely... most problems have two or more causes... our economic condition in this country is both caused by the white society and by our own negative actions... we can't control white people, but we can control ourselves... to win a war, you have to be a strong warrior... right now we're weak warriors... we want to be treated as equals then we must accept our role in this mess and fix it... we must also demand white society change as well... that's a tall order made easier by us becoming stronger ourselves....
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YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
don't throw in the towel completely... most problems have two or more causes... our economic condition in this country is both caused by the white society and by our own negative actions... we can't control white people, but we can control ourselves... to win a war, you have to be a strong warrior... right now we're weak warriors... we want to be treated as equals then we must accept are role in this mess and fix it... we must also demand white society change as well... that's a tall order made easier by us becoming stronger ourselves....

based on the past actions of white society, they will not change because a minority group demands that change.

the Native Americans were a majority group when the first Europeans arrived, lets not forget that Europeans as minorities did NOT assimilate into Native American society, but rather went on to commit genocide against the Natives and reduce their population to manageable numbers and made themselves the majority that everyone else MUST assimilate into.

what's your definition of "becoming stronger"?



All Star
Aug 5, 2013
The Chi
seems like most people here are suggesting that if we improve relations in the Black community and stop partaking in our poor behaviors that somehow we'll reach equality.

I completely disagree because of what happened on Black Wall Street, which was a functioning, thriving Black community that was bombed and burned to the ground by white Americans.

it's simple, we are not wanted in this country anymore, we've overstayed our welcome.

we need to focus on leaving America and rebuilding Africa, which is far more realistic than thinking that we'll ever be equal in America.
You're comparing something that happened 90 years ago to today? As if American society has made no improvement as a whole? As if you aren't able to attend any school, sit at any counter, sit in any seat, work at any job as long as you're qualified... Because bad things happened, that means we should give up? smh.
I think much of the hate towards the black community is due to actions and negative behavior we perpetuate among ourselves. lack of respect for each other. Yelling, fighting, such big egos that a person won't apologize. Don't believe me, go to the hood. You can find it everyday and any day.

You can go to Africa if you want. Unless you are already rich, you will have a hard time making it based on cultural differences, different ethnic groups, and corruption. Who's gonna give you land to start this dream of yours?

Look at Liberia. It was supposed to be a land for former slaves. The African/black Americans went there and thought they were "superior" better than the natives of the land because they were american background. The state failed and ended up having a civil war. One of the poorest countries in Africa. Many Liberians have moved to USA.


May 19, 2012
the black cat is my crown...
based on the past actions of white society, they will not change because a minority group demands that change.

the Native Americans were a majority group when the first Europeans arrived, lets not forget that Europeans as minorities did NOT assimilate into Native American society, but rather went on to commit genocide against the Natives and reduce their population to manageable numbers and made themselves the majority that everyone else MUST assimilate into.

what's your definition of "becoming stronger"?

...getting our families and communities functional, then prioritizing education and economics... look, you can run to africa if it makes you happy...that won't eliminate the work we have to do to fix ourselves..

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Assuming we're talking about socioeconomic status...that's a tall order.

In the long term, black culture will just have to change. It's way too anti-intellectual. Way too many kids wanting to be rappers/athletes, not enough wanting to be engineers. Another important thing would be building up solid social networks - I noticed coming out of college that a lot of white people had family members and friends hooking them up with jobs, which is an advantage most black people don't have.

Passing down wealth is also important. It's been observed that white families tend to pass down wealth, while it flows in the opposite direction in black families. For example white people are far more likely than blacks to get inheritances, money for a down payment on their first home, trust funds, help paying for college, etc. from their parents/family. So wealth is passed down in that way. On the other hand, when your average black person gets a good job, they'll have to spend a lot of their money supporting parents/relatives (I can attest to this personally) and thus have less chance to accumulate wealth or buy a home. Hard to do much about it on an individual level but it's definitely a factor.

We need to stop glorifying being broke and being ignorant to appeal to the opposite gender. I see that a lot of black folk have a hard time becoming a full grown adult mentally because we still thinking the terms "lame" and "nerd" past the age of 25. Look at The Booth and the thread that being from a bad neighborhood = a better artist. That alone destroys the incentive of a broke black person moving to a better life.

Another thing that you said is that Black folks need to stop having kids so damn nearly in life and stop kicking our kids out at the age of 18. The world and the economy changed and that mentality will make sure none of our kids will ever build wealth. Wealth is created by embracing entrepreneurship from family and friends, not working at Walgreen's full time and going to school full time without any financial assistance while putting yourself in debt. :what:

The amount of ground blacks have made up, in such a short time is staggering, but goes unappreciated because we are still behind :wow:

True dat. In just 150 years, we done the unthinkable. We still need improvement, yes, but we are making record pace of progress in world history.


May 19, 2012
the black cat is my crown...
In just 150 years, we done the unthinkable. We still need improvement, yes, but we are making record pace of progress in world history.
.....amen .... please black people, let's not overlook all the progress we have made in this nation... work does remain to be done, but we've come so far... :salute:


May 3, 2012
change from beeing nikkas and bytches and be brothers and sistas :yeshrug:
change the current definition of real nikka to a black man who is intelligent :yeshrug:
Women keep ya legs closed and denounce ratchedness and be more feminine :yeshrug:
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Suicide King

May 13, 2012
True dat. In just 150 years, we done the unthinkable. We still need improvement, yes, but we are making record pace of progress in world history.

The apathy and callousness among us is unmatched compared to other races in the United States. Some of it is just savage behavior, and its not just in the ghetto either. Its widespread and effects all classes of blacks. Black relations and how we interact with each other are equal to that of people living in third world countries. This is what all the talk is about. When we shake up this dynamic, we can truly feel progress.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
...getting our families and communities functional, then prioritizing education and economics... look, you can run to africa if it makes you happy...that won't eliminate the work we have to do to fix ourselves..

I'm not saying run to Africa and "problem solved", what I AM saying is that, we are no longer wanted in this country by the dominate group unless we're willing to fully assimilate.

schools with high minority populations are being shut down and the money is going to sports stadiums and prisons.

Suicide King

May 13, 2012
I'm not saying run to Africa and "problem solved", what I AM saying is that, we are no longer wanted in this country by the dominate group unless we're willing to fully assimilate.

schools with high minority populations are being shut down and the money is going to sports stadiums and prisons.

Assimilate? Explain and we would probably understand your argument a lot better.

As of yet, we need to become more civilized on how we interact with each other. But that's a long shot, because so many kids have a bad start because they are raised wrong. Never develop good habits or humanity. The same coldness, callousness, and dysfunction you see in third world countries, are too common place in our community. This is why they see us as uncivilized.

They see savage behavior, I'm not just talking about black-on-black crime, we are talking about the lack of caring men have for their women or women have their women, and children who don't know how it feels to be loved.

We don't need respect (i.e. equality), we need results.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Assimilate? Explain and we would probably understand your argument a lot better.

As of yet, we need to become more civilized on how we interact with each other. But that's a long shot, because so many kids have a bad start because they are raised wrong. Never develop good habits or humanity. The same coldness, callousness, and dysfunction you see in third world countries, are too common place in our community. This is why they see us as uncivilized.

They see savage behavior, I'm not just talking about black-on-black crime, we are talking about the lack of caring men have for their women or women have their women, and children who don't know how it feels to be loved.

We don't need respect (i.e. equality), we need results.

these very same behaviors are present in white communities and every other community here in America.

just as there are "uncivilized" "callous" "dysfunctional" Black people, there are far more who aren't yet somehow we're ALL generalized based on the behaviors of those who are.

why does this not apply to white people in America?

If a white person shoots up a school, he's classified as a "loner" and the majority group doesn't suffer.

If a Black person does something deemed negative, "he's fukking it up for all of us"

why is this?
