maybe it just me but it don't feel like SummerSlam is only a few days away
Bryan's talking all this shyt about Cena not being a wrestler, being a parody of a wrestler, and basically saying that Cena, who is still a face (despite him acting like a corporate automaton and using the most manipulative, pandering bullshyt as the crux of his promo material), isn't deserving of his spot due to a misconceived notion of what he is. Then, he takes every little slight further than he really should, making himself look kind of ridiculous ("Are you saying the Rock is better than me?"). It's all dumb and ass-backwards. Instead of acting like a petulant child, Bryan should be proud of what he had to do to get to this point, proud of where he came from, and telling Cena that, despite fighting bigger stars than him, people that have one more titles than him, and people that got here before me, you've never faced anyone with my skill and desire. That he's totally unique, and will show Cena just how unique in Los Angeles. Instead, we get the extended version of the played-out weak link shtick combined with 7 year old promo material that everyone except CM Punk seems to use regarding Cena and his wrestling skill.
I guess it's fine that Cena acts a bit heelish, because, given his position in the WWE hierarchy (i.e., he'd be nothing more than a failed bodybuilder without the WWE machine giving him a platform to develop himself. That should be the kayfabe, at least) and the stardom that he's gained from that spot, he should be doing annoying corporate shill and retread in his promos. Maybe it gets booed, maybe it won't. Let that take its own course. But they've got Bryan all wrong, with him responding to Cena's exploitative invocation of an exploitative organization (you know the one, and no, I'm telling you why I think this again) like an @sshole with base and disproven arguments.
It's dumb. All the feud has to it right now is heat and the charisma of Cena and Bryan, which carried the segment. The actual content is mindblowing, when you think about it.
Cena STILL shooked from that Carlito ether years ago: "You don't like ma damn t-shirts?!Can somebody explain to me why Cena keeps talking about his clothes being bashed when it's never brought up?
He said bytch for sure. it was loud and audible as hell I surprised the censors didnt bleap it out. lolZeb's promo had me
Did Punk say, "come on, bytch!" before he hit Brock with the chair?
at Heyman's "oh my god" and expression.
best production team in entertainment IMO. even during some of the worst periods in wrestling they had a knack for shinning it up like you were watching sometelevision