Cena's comebacks be killing me sometimes.
Bryan: "I am a better wrestler than you, these people have turned on you because you are not what they want to see anymore. They want to see wrestlers wrestle!"
Cena: "You know what Bryan, some of these people might not like me. You might not like me...
BUT LOOK AT THAT KID IN THE FRONT ROW! Every time I step foot in this ring I do it because I know he's rooting for me. I know that all the children in the make-a-wish program are behind me and that's enough support for me. They've got my back and you better believe I've got their back too jack."
Obviously not word for word but still. It's hard to directly respond to something like that. Kinda wish Bryan would have said something like "It's cool that you do charity work...but what about this wrestling match though.

The charity work got nothing to do with this Sunday."
HHH be coming through like a hodgetwin sometimes, "Sup everybody? FUKK OUT DA WAY!"