Ima stop you right there because there are literally posters with autism on this board and I couldn't be any further from that. I guess we can add it to the rapidly-expanding list of insults that you don't know how to use correctly.
You quite obviously dont live in reality if you genuinely think Balor got booed tonight while "smarks" cheered for Roman, as you just wrote. That didnt happen tonight, or any night in the past. Your wild-eyed frustration and complaining reflects the fact that what you think is happening and should be happening differs greatly with what everyone else is experiencing, hence your anger and insults.
For the last time, your concept of hypocrisy is flat out wrong: You seem to be arguing that because the fans (not "smarks" but rather the vast majority of all wrestling fans that pay to attend and watch at home) have resoundingly rejected Roman's super push, that they must therefore be against all super pushes for anyone. Balor has so far proven that to not be the case. Therefore any person with simple logical reasoning can deduce that fast pushes are not what people don't like...just fast pushes for guys that PEOPLE DONT LIKE i.e. Roman. Why is this so difficult for you to accept?
Most people enjoyed Mark Henry's Hall of Pain monster run. Most of those same people rejected when they attempted to push Albert/Tensai as a monster. Why? I guess everyone is a big smark hypocrite because they liked one guy but not the other, right? Why did the Rock become a megastar while Billy Gunn's main event push was a flop with fans? Dum-dum logic says everyone must like who I like or you're all no-good smark hypocrites

fukk outta here with this nonsense, whiny mark

I know its mad nikkas on here wit autism its obvious, the fact that hit such a nerve wit you lets me know you one of those autistic posters. If you sayin one thing about one wrestler yet are ignorin it or tryna make excuses for not sayin it about another wrestler thats hypocrisy period, you tryna say I'm usin the term incorrectly when its clear as day what I'm describin is hypocrisy just lets me further know you autistic.
You went on this butthurt rant typin paragraphs bytchin at me over that statement showin how emotional you are on behalf of your vanilla midget which proves your bias explainin your hypocrisy that I pointed out, even other smarks acknowledged in the Summerslam thread your boy was bein booed and Roman was literally gettin cheers after he speared Rusev durin that beatdown you claimin thats not true exposes you don't live in reality and are projectin.

You're also projectin wit that "wild eyed frustration and complainin" which describes yourself and other smarks who I constantly see whinin like little bytches and throwin hissy fits all over this board, YOU think things should be happenin a certain way when it differs greatly from what everyone else experiences like that "CDQ" shyt I mentioned before that you smarks often say when someone is actually bein cheered like Orton tonight who I saw one of you say was gettin a "CDQ" reaction. I have zero anger I'm just callin you what you are, your sensitive reaction to what I'm sayin callin them "insults" is YOUR anger cause you know it's true (I'm gonna use plenty of insults in this post tho cause you deserve it for actin like a hoe).
My "concept" of hypocrisy is the ACTUAL definition of hypocrisy which your posts fit to a T, no I'm sayin you smarks (not fans most fans like him its the smarks who threw temper tantrums and organized anti Roman gatherins at Raws on Twitter, thats why you all say its only casuals that like Roman/Cena who are "women and children" because all the "men" who hate him in your delusional minds are smarks like yourselves

) are contradictin yourselves by bytchin and moanin about his push sayin "HE'S BEING PUSHED TOO MUCH AND GETTING SHOVED DOWN OUR THROATS!" (cause you all arrogantly speak for every fan) "HE SHOULD HAVE THE US CHAMPIONSHIP INSTEAD AND LET HIM BE IN THE MIDCARD FOR A WHILE BEFORE PUTTING HIM IN THE MAIN EVENT!" yet have gotten giddy at Finn gettin an even bigger push at a far quicker rate which defines hypocrisy.
You havin the gall to say its not hypocritical and doublin down on your stupidity is more autistic shyt, obviously I know you're not against all fast pushes thats why I called it hypocritical and you're tryin to spin your hypocrisy by hidin behind the "everyone agrees wit me includin casuals so its just logical" excuse that you smarks often use further showin your delusion in thinkin everyone agrees wit you.

Thats the problem you just admitted you're against fast pushes for wrestlers you don't like yet tried to pretend your reasonin for bein against it is because "people" don't like those wrestlers and of course the wrestlers "people" don't like happen to always be the wrestlers you conveniently don't like as well, thats not only hypocritical its delusional why is this so difficult for YOU to accept? (I love how you're practically in tears cryin askin me why I don't co-sign your delusions

Mark Henry Tensai The Rock and Billy Gunn were all veterans their pushes weren't early in their careers thats a horrible analogy and you know it thats a typical straw man that smarks like you throw up when your back's against the wall and you're tryin to deflect

I'm not even a huge Roman fan so miss me wit that accusation that I'm just sayin you must like who I like thats the kind of shyt YOU do. I'm just callin out hypocrisy where I see it which is somethin that I do all the time because I hate hypocrites, bottom line is if you're gonna make an argument to justify your irrational hate for a wrestler don't contradict that argument when it suddenly applies to one of your favorites otherwise you're a hypocrite.
And you're in no position to call anyone a whiny mark when you just bytched at me for criticizin your fave and made assumptions because my post hit the nail on the head and applied to your crybaby ass, you're one of those "usual suspects" I mentioned in my first post I intentionally didn't name names (cause I knew you all would expose yourselves) yet you were one of the first ones to rush in and whine about my post first passive aggressively and then wit a rant

(RG was another one I was referrin to, I didn't need to get specific because everyone who's not one of you knows who you are they notice your hypocrisy just like I do and have pointed it out in this thread too). You can make all the excuses and justifications you want but no amount of spinnin is gonna change the fact you're a hypocrite, so get out of your feelins bytch and fukk outta here wit your nonsense you whiny butthurt smark.