This proves how hypocritical smarks really are, I don't ever wanna hear anybody complain that someone's gettin "pushed too soon" after how everyone has been silent wit this dude. Yall whined about Roman gettin a title shot claimin he was forced down everyone's throats but at least he was there for a couple years before he won the strap, this muhfukka got a shot at becomin the first ever holder of the brand new heavyweight championship and won it within his first month on the main roster yet no one is bytchin about that but let that have been a non vanilla midget and there'd be hissy fits from the usual suspects up and down this board.
Even worse he don't even wrestle every week

Reigns has been vulnerable plenty of times from Brock fukkin him up to the numerous beat downs he got from the Authority and thats just off the top of my head
He 190 he can't beat up multiple people easily best believe if he could he would given how they pushin him, Roman's a big guy of course he gonna take out multiple cats but he ain't gettin Brock type invincible bookin

That last one is bullshyt they created a new heavyweight belt a few years after just unifyin the last 2 belts named it "Universal" like its more important and gave it to him within a month after arrivin on the scene, he beat Rusev Cesaro and Owens in a fatal 4 way and Roman himself on the same night to qualify for the title match and then beat another Shield member Rollins on his first Pay Per View. Those were his only matches on the main roster too, thats the definition of "forced".

Clearly its true especially since you yourself are constantly complainin about "pretty boys" bein pushed by the WWE, I just saw you in that Brock thread cryin about them choosin pretty boys to put over.
Co-sign but smarks don't run shyt Vince has just been panderin to them ever since he caved to their whinin wit Bryan at Wrestlemania 30, the majority of fans are casuals those "women and kids" smarks talk about are the main ones buyin the PPVs and merch. Smarks are just loud and obnoxious and tend to drown everyone else out causin Vince to think he needs to listen to them in recent years while he never gave a shyt before, he gettin shook in his old age.
Smarks hate the majority of good lookin muscular dudes

just look at all the temper tantrums they throw at Vince for pushin "bodybuilders" cats complain about that on here regularly yet they love vanilla midgets and Owens lookin wrestlers, and Reigns is nowhere near flabby you obviously a hater dude's jacked especially as of late and literally roided up now. He is a good wrestler has gotten even better over time and continually puts on good matches that yall try to downplay, he's their favorite cause they know he can make them the most money and has the complete package no homo you just don't like it cause he's not your favorite if Bryan was their unwaverin favorite who was pushed to the moon yall wouldn't say shyt like yall doin right now wit Balor.