What are some unexplainable things that you've seen?


All Star
May 27, 2012
Not really unexplainable but I've gone through at least 6 pairs of earphones in the past year and a half. Bought some beats Earphones recently and they broke down (now theres a delay on deliveries). Started using my ipod earphones and they got caught in the stove of all places and was torn. I am a big oaf so that may explain it but I highly doubt I'm that much of a klutz haha


Its Lavish, hoe
May 2, 2012
Tdot.. till the death of me
Im noticing i have a few of these stories

My mother is a nurse. But she was always able to leave the baggage at work. Shed never really bring the sadness home with her. Of people dying and what not. for some reason, she kept getting these dreams where shed be called into a hospital room and there was this black man lying on the floor shaking..but for some reason his face was always blurred out.

She got it like 3 days in a row so she told my aunt about it. Trying to see if she had a clue of what it could mean..my aunt was like :yeshrug:

Couple days later she finds out her brother back home in africa got hit by a taxi a few days back, and was having seizures and died. The family back home didnt tell my mom ybecause they were hopin hed pull through so they wouldnt have to tell her the bad news.

So then shortly after the funeral and all that my aunt was like hey remember those dreams you told me about...and my mom just broke down :to:
May 3, 2012
Well when I was young probably like 8 I used to have these weird night terrors where I would wake up in the middle of the night and walk out to my living room where I would like see these heads/faces coming out of the ceiling and just look up n stare at them for a while before snapping back to reality and going back to my room scared as fukk

This happened a few different times for maybe 2 months and never again :yeshrug:

Oh and all my older brothers who lived in my house when they were younger have told me they had experiences with ghosts in the house and I never believed them

But one night I fell asleep on the couch in the living room and you know the feeling of someone being in your face? You don't hear them or see them but you feel the presence? :skip:

Well I woke up feeling that and was too scared to open my eyes so maybe after like 10 seconds of me being shook and not looking I hear and feel in my face someone whisper "you're gonna gonna die, you're gonna gonna die":krs::ohhh::damn::merchant: I open my eyes to see NOBODY :dwillhuh:

My brother is in the shower with the bathroom door closed, I run upstairs fast as fukk to my parents room and wake them up.....nobody else lives in my house.:to:

Ice Water

Jun 5, 2012
Me and 2 of my dawgs was chillin one night a couple of summers ago. It was a chill night, we were smokin trees, and playin madden, you know ish patnas do. We were gettin low on liquor so we decided to go to the store. We were outside the car, and we were just talkin...while one of em was smokin a bogey. There is a huge grass field behind the parking lot in the complex.

So we start hearing like these bells..like real low...bells like you'd hear on say on Santas sleigh, but rhythmic.... it starts soundin a lil louder and louder, and we lookin at each other like...wtf is that? Then we start hearin like Native American drums goin in rhythem with the bells/rattling noise.

Then that's when the Chanting started. So we in the parking lot like where the fruck is this coming from....and you hear the drums, and chanting goin...Heyayayayaya heyyayayaya Clear as frukin day we are in the parkin lot lookin at each other hearing drums, and Heyayayayaya heyyayayaya, and at this point it's loud, and we are hearing horses galloping, mad loud...and the chanting...

We jumped in the whip, and pulled out so quick...like shocked...cause we were not gonna wait around to see some Apached Ghosts gallopin through the fields and what not lmao... We all confirmed we all heard the same thing, and was freaked the f uck out.

We get our drinks, drive back, and all nervous to get out the car like some bi tches...we get out and aint hear nothin...and scooted back up to the crib. Just some weird ish man.


Its Lavish, hoe
May 2, 2012
Tdot.. till the death of me
Me and 2 of my dawgs was chillin one night a couple of summers ago. It was a chill night, we were smokin trees , and playin madden, you know ish patnas do. We were gettin low on liquor so we decided to go to the store. We were outside the car, and we were just talkin...while one of em was smokin a bogey. There is a huge grass field behind the parking lot in the complex.

So we start hearing like these bells..like real low...bells like you'd hear on say on Santas sleigh, but rhythmic.... it starts soundin a lil louder and louder, and we lookin at each other like...wtf is that? Then we start hearin like Native American drums goin in rhythem with the bells/rattling noise.

Then that's when the Chanting started. So we in the parking lot like where the fruck is this coming from....and you hear the drums, and chanting goin...Heyayayayaya heyyayayaya Clear as frukin day we are in the parkin lot lookin at each other hearing drums, and Heyayayayaya heyyayayaya, and at this point it's loud, and we are hearing horses galloping, mad loud...and the chanting...

We jumped in the whip, and pulled out so quick...like shocked...cause we were not gonna wait around to see some Apached Ghosts gallopin through the fields and what not lmao... We all confirmed we all heard the same thing, and was freaked the f uck out.

We get our drinks, drive back, and all nervous to get out the car like some bi tches...we get out and aint hear nothin...and scooted back up to the crib. Just some weird ish man.

sounds like you were geekin off that Loud


She's into malaka's, dino.
Mar 13, 2013
Never try to quantify intelligence my friend because its purely subjective...

For instance, I got an older friend who can't read nor write, but he just dropped a motor and transmission in an 06 jag.

Says he can look at things and see how they were put together...

Got an uncle who has a learning disability, but he can tell you who is driving down the road by the sound of the car, doesn't even look....I bullshyt you not.

I have a friend EXACTLY like this. I take him my car when there is something I can't quite point out what's wrong, He know's immediately. We go buy the part, problem solved. But he could barley spell and take's him forever to read a simple letter.

As far as weird goes, my bro and I moved into a small house after Highschool. Got a landline hooked up. And everyday at around 4:00pm, the phone would ring and it would be a dude. He sounded old to me. But all he would say was "get out of my house", "leave now", shyt like that. And this was everyday. Like clockwork. We got rid of that landline. Problem solved. Shyt was creepy though.

Rusty Kuntz

It be ya own peoples, huh?
Nov 13, 2012
Myself. fukk 12(1)!
I had designs on working in the medical field when I was in high school. So during one summer when I was in high school I decided to get me CNA. Got it and was working at a nursing home. The midnight shift. :ninja2:

Normally I would do two rounds a night. Checking on the patients. Changing them if needed. :gag: Now for sure some of the peeps in there had dementia. And for the most part when I was doing my rounds everyone would be sleep.

But one lady was like your neighborhood grandma. Just a nice old lady. No mental issues. Just old. One occasion she would be up late. Ask you how your day was etc. . Nothing weird.

Well I was making my first rounds and I came in her room. She is sitting on the edge of her bed looking at the ceiling in a corner like :blessed: Now I am :ohhh:

Me - Hey Dolores. Whats going on. :dwillhuh:

Dolores - :blessed: Isn't he beautiful!!!!! :blessed:

Me - ( looks all around the room. then concentrates on the ceiling where she is looking. sees nothing ) Isn't WHO beautiful?? :mindblown:

Dolores - The angel in the corner of the ceiling! :blessed:

Me - brehs. .. . I felt the hair on my neck stand up and I slowly backed out of the room...... I was so shook I grabbed a cup of coffee and went outside to the courtyard and skipped the rest of my first rounds.

Finally it was time for my second rounds of the night. I am coming around a corner when I see the night doctor and a couple of nurses going in and out of Dolores room. She died. . . .

I quit like a week later and gave up on working in the medical profession. I was not about that angel life just yet.
:whew: At least it was an angel coming for her.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
I still think of it randomly and I freak out. Two years ago my old roomie threw a Halloween party. He begged me to tell everyone the story. I told it and it killed the whole party. Everybody got silent as hell and the music stopped and all. One cac girl started bawling. :sadbron:

LOL @ everyone being shook, it sounds like a beautiful spiritual experience to me. She went peacefully.


RIP Kobe, the best
Apr 30, 2012
unexplainable shyt....

ok, so im in church, and they are having a prophet there. this guy goes to get prayer, and since i play the sax, im in the choir stand and can see people as they face the alter for prayer. no lie, this guy starts hissing and convulsing, and the next thing you know, this dark skin brothers eyes had went from brown to green. easily the creepiest shyt ive ever seen, and i wasnt the only one to see it.