I'll still pay the $9.99 for VRV a month. Piracy is never justifiable because it basically just damages the industry if you can afford support it but choose to pirate anyway.
I pay because I was tired of being a leach to said industry when I could afford it.

you pirated anime for years and only just now started paying for it now your out here giving lectures
"it damages the industry" is silly, piracy is a part of the industry and it always will be as long as the internet is around. I think its safe to say most shows make a profit or at least break even. You have people spending thousands on DVDs, action figures, soundtracks, body pillows and more. DVD prices are probably so high partially because of piracy. Of course the people who make anime would make more money if nobody pirated, but its like porn at this point. There are more benefits for the consumer who watches for free than the one who pays.
If people really care about quality they could buy the Blu-ray release but the same people complaining about streaming quality probably won't do that.
How many people can afford that without seriously limiting the amount of shows of they watch? Why would you buy an expensive Blu-ray or DVD when you haven't seen the show and have no idea if it's good or not? "the people complaining" about Crunchyroll's shytty quality are the people who pay for Crunchyroll. Their already paying they shouldn't have to pay more to get the same quality streams as the people who watch for free.
The thing about a lot of pirates is they want to justify doing so.
This is true for some, but not for others.
I'd like to support the anime industry, but why would I support Crunchyroll, who doesn't give a shyt about dub fans like myself and now also has terrible video quality. The VRV thing sounds nice, but I don't have a console and I don't want to watch anime on a small screen like my phone. Until there's a Crunchyroll like subscription for dubs (or that cares about dubs), I won't really have any decent options. Funimation and other similar subscriptions don't work because its seriously limits the amount of shows you can watch.
I want to start buying DVDs, but like I said in an earlier post, it's damn near $1000 for my favorite series alone. No other entertainment hobby is so expensive to support and at the same time so easy to access for free. People can get CDs for $10 and they still pirate. Anime DVDs costing video game prices.
Since your so against piracy
I hope you never listen to music for free on Youtube.
I hope you never watch all cutscenes of a video game on Youtube either.
You pay for porn too?

You buying every anime soundtrack to listen to the one song you like?
It's good that you made the decision to pay for what you watch, the VRV deal appeals to you and fits your needs so you paid for it, that's great.
That being said its not a perfect solution for everybody.
TLDR - If the anime industry is serious about wanting to end piracy, they need to create incentives for people not to pirate. All I'm asking for is a paid version of kissanime with better streaming. Sadly kissanime cares more about dubs than a lot of the anime industry.