I don't have a PS4/PS3 or Blu-ray player so I want DVDs but unfortunately it seems most places are selling most shows in a blu-ray/dvd "combo pack" which just raises the price for something that is useless for me.
I never even watched more than a couple episodes of Naruto and One Piece in the first place. Shows that go 100s of episodes really have to be special for me to watch them. I liked the little bit of One Piece I saw on Toonami a decade ago, but not enough to watch hundreds more episodes.
Even when I first started watching Fairy Tail when it was at 175 episodes I thought that was a lot. I liked Rave Master though and the character designs and art for Fairy Tail looked excellent so I gave it a chance one day and it's been my favorite show since the first episode. That's the only show I wouldn't mind going 800 episodes but considering the manga is supposedly reaching its climax it might fall short of half of that.
Yu Yu Hakusho and DBZ are the only other 100+ episode shows I watched but even then I definitely missed a few DBZ eps here and there.
Fairy Tail I'll definitely re-watch over and over when it ends. That's a show that when it doesn't air for a few months I start to miss it real bad. Yu Yu Hakusho I been meaning to re-watch for years but never got around to it.
It's a disaster don't do that to yourself.
Check Amazon. They had a deal for the entire series of some of the older animes like Trigun, Samurai Champloo in the regular dvd format for pretty good prices.