KRiLL (+)
Yo! Ho! Ho!
next week ep of Berserk...

Re:Zero turned a corner for me a few episodes back. I'm much more positive on it now than I was in the earlier arcs.watching re:zero. Suburu can't buy a W, and if he did it's actually morph into a L and then he'd die and start his life of L's all over again.
Surprised many of yall still sleeping on
Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou No Alderamin
I swear this one of the most practical animes I've ever saw.... shyt is really pacing itself properly and building into one of the most epic animes I've seen in a while if they continue at it how they are going.
This last ep had a nice swerve like it didnt go the predictable ending route that a lot of shows in general would've went. But a lesson was learn and you can see how the characters are going to grow from this ep moving forward. Some awesome storytelling.
Days is so dope, its like the perfect anime for me.
Is Beserk new viewers friendly?
Crazy how death in Jojo seems to impact me more than other anime. Whenever someone gets killed it's always amoment. Maybe it's the tone of the series between the goofiness and effiminate posing that puts you off guard but when a character dies it really reminds you this stand shyt aint no joke.
I don't like that little fat fukk but shigechi's death was so sad. Between the bytches ignoring him in pain, the fact that his first thought was protecting his folks after learning about Kira and him calling out Josuke's name with his dying breath this episode had me likeThe worst was when his soul was floating away while screaming in vain/agony. shyt was the hardest death to watch since Ceaser vs wham.
Nah the new anime starts 2+ arcs ahead. You can watch the old berserk anime to catch up with the black swordsman and golden age arcs I guess, or you could just read it. It's a beautifully drawn manga.