I decided to start watching all of Macross, just learn theres a difference between macros and robotech, once I'm done with Macros I will give robotech a try, while the animation on macros is old as hell

so far I'm entertained. On episode 4 right now of the original.
Macross will always be one of my favorite franchises in anime - its just been done SO dirty the owners of the IP.
Macross Plus and Do You Remember Love are

DONT WATCH ROBOTECH - its what every shytty translation works just hard enough NOT to turn into. Watch the original, shyts classic. Roy Focker aka Skull Leader da gawd invented this ace pilot shyt

DYRL is basically the movie of the original start to finish and altered but it has some GOAT animation that still gets nods today.
Macross as a whole has its ups and downs but when it hits it fukking hits. Even Macross 7s craziness found a way to get some classics in. Frontier was.... all over the place, and did more harm than good to the series as whole, but it was aite at the end of the day I guess.
SDF Macross, Do Your Remember Love, and Macross Plus make up for anything the franchise ever did and can do