
All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Before continuing with Monogatari Series: Second Season, I watched Hanamonogatari. In this arc in particular, it takes place after Koyomi, Hanekawa and Senjougahara graduate. Leaving Kanbaru as the only familiar face outside the Araragi sisters.

Considering how outside the Monkey arm apparition arc back in Bakemonogatari, there wasn't too much to Kanbaru. So the beginning of this arc starts by introducing us to various characters. Seiu Higasa who is Kanbaru's former basketball teammate before the monkey arm prevented her from playing. We also here from Kanbaru's mother, which is a first in this series. They didn't have an ideal relationship, but still a decent mother and daughter relationship.

One big surprise was Kaiki, whom we know was a con man, but here he seems to care about Kanburu. At the very least, he does seem to care about her. It seems obvious that he loved her mother. The main new character in the focus of this arc was Rouka Numachi, Kanburu's former rival at basketball. As great as Kanburu was on offense, she was even better on defense.



One big revelation here is that Kanburu loses the Monkey arm that has plagued her. Later on, we find out that Numachi is collecting the devil parts when we find Kanburu's former monkey arm on Numachi. As we start learning more about Numachi, like Kanburu she was very talented. But in the world they live in, you have talented people and those less talented. Essentially, Numachi cared more about fitting in. This given by the fact that she hid her talents on offense. After all, in basketball a top caliber defensive player won't separate themselves like a top caliber offensive player.

Now we do learn of Numachi's injury. However, at a certain point, we learn that she came across the monkey leg when helping out a classmate. Unlike what she was doing before, she really wanted to help the girl. Though despite now getting a replacement for her leg, she still wanted the sympathy of the people regarding her injury. Kanbaru hiding her monkey arm was seen as an act of good and that is not losing control of it again. While for Numachi it was for the pure fact of fitting in.






Though a big shock of news given by Karen is that Numachi died 3 years ago. The cause being suicide. Ultimately, she faced so many issues. After she broke her leg, her life went downhill. Not to mention there was supposedly even worse stuff happening her at home. The weirdest thing is that, she was an upbeat, happy girl. It is clear that the Numachi we see now is a ghost, but what that ghost represents more is her negative emotions. Which serves a reflection similar to Hachikuji.

Hachikuji had the regret of not being able to see her mother on Mother's Day. While Numachi very much could be thinking what if I never got injured? For dealing with Numachi, it is not surprising the thought of Kanburu just letting Numachi do what she wants. Of course, when she runs into Koyomi, he brings up a great point. Don't deny the fact that you are bothered by the situation. Sure, if you ignore yourself, nobody has a problem. But don't discount yourself. Which is one of Koyomi's core beliefs. Given how he handled events in Kizumonogatari and Kabukimonogatari highlight this quite well.




When Kaiki gives the Devil's head, she is able to use that as a wager for Numachi to stop collecting the Devil's body pieces. As Kanburu won the one-on-one. There are a few things that are brought to light. In many ways, Numachi is what she could have become. Like they both stopped playing basketball and what happened afterward. Kanburu had a support system of friends while Numachi was alone. Which more than likely lead to her suicide.

Numachi weakness was working with others. It was just hiding her talent, she didn't know how to work with others. While Kanburu worked well with others as a great team player. But Kanburu was able to open up and say that she was jealous of Numachi. Taking everything on her shoulders is something she couldn't imagine we could do. It really points to the fact that we each have our strengths and weaknesses.





As the film wraps up, Koyomi highlights the biggest lesson for Kanburu. The value of making the wish yourself. Do what you want to do. But also know what you want. Figuring all of this stuff isn't vital, but it makes understanding what you want and how you go about it much easier. Kanburu's biggest issue in Bakemonogatari was that she had an idea of what she wanted. The wish that she wanted wasn't truly what she wanted. She wanted to be close with Senjougahara again, but she only wanted her for herself. Which had the Monkey paw take care of Koyomi.

Now she was able to let Numachi rest peacefully finally. She finally figured out what her true wish was and how she was going to accomplish it. Honestly, this arc reminded me a lot of Nekomonogatari Black. A great arc in itself that because of the time it takes place, the execution isn't as great as it could have been. Still a great arc that I would rate 9/10. Though I am curious why this was put in the middle of the 2nd season.




All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian, finished adapting volume 1 with episode 4 along with the prologue of volume 2. It's been awhile since we not only had a good Ln RomCom adapted, but a great adaptation of one. They nailed this episode, the best one so far.

Best episode so far. We really got a nice focus on Touya, the class president. I love how he persuades Masachika to join the student council. He doesn't say things like it would be an honor to serve or this will look good when you apply for college. He simply tells him his motivation and quite frankly, it is perfect. Furthermore, he joined to impress the girl he loves. Which is Vice President Chisaki.



Essentially, the point being that your reason can be as shallow as possible. But ultimately, even a shallow reason can be great for the person. As we can see with Touya his transformation is incredible and deserves to be accomplished.

As we moved on to Alya who was dealing with the issue between the baseball and soccer teams. This really points out Alya's flaws. We know very well she is an incredible hard worker. Working with others has been something she has been putting off for so long, that putting into this environment is foreign to her.



At some point, she just degrades herself, thinking this is impossible and cries for help in Russian. Alya's biggest issue her pride. Saying in Japanese would imply and admit she needs help. But she says it in Russian, and she knows no one in the room would understand her unless Kuze is around. This goes back to the title Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian. This is the first time she hides her feelings from someone other than Masachika. She hides the fact that she needs help. Would love to see down the line she is able to say she needs help in Japanese.


As Masachika sees what Alya is dealing with, he basically goes good luck. But hearing that cry in Russian once again hits him differently. It is the guilt of hearing a girl cry for help, and you are the only one who knows it. Once again Masachika steps up for Alya. To Alya's eyes, he seemed to pull off a miracle. But like in the flashback, Masachika knows how to work with others. He understands how to get the people to agree on both sides. The captain of the baseball was dating one of the managers of the soccer team. Using that to his advantage, he was able to give both sides with what they wanted.

Afterwords we still see the stubbornness from Alya that she won't back down. But that is part of Alya that defines her. Much like Touya mentioned earlier, Masachika sees a good reason why for joining the student council. That is to help Alya become Class President. Great moment. Although highlighted by Alya's tsundere traits. Though at least she does show concern for the slap he gave him. Much like that childhood friend, he shares the same feelings for Alya at that moment. Whatever those feelings are, that is more enough reason to help Alya.



Since Alya is half Russian, the cheek kiss leaves more question to this. Looking this up online, females usually cheek kiss close friends and relatives. Now one thing that this does imply is about her friendship with Masachika. Although we do learn that what Alya said in Russian when Masachika told her to take his hands was I love you. So that more so clarifies what the cheek kiss signified. Of course, in typical Tsundere fashion, Alya is denying her feelings.




Although the talk between Masha and Alya, it is obvious that Masha is talking about Kuze. It seems clear to me that she wants to push Alya to accept her feelings for him. I can't imagine she would steal Kuze for herself. Great episode all around.



ED for Ep 4 below



All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Sengoku Youko with a phenomenal episode 2. Really shows how great part one was.

Great episode and this did felt a lil better paced.

We get a great flashback when Tsukiko mentions that she wants to get stronger. In many ways, this she in the position that Shinsuke was in part one. So determined to get stronger so that she can protect those around her. After all while it isn't her fault that her father died, she can't help but think what if? For that reason, I definitely believe Shinsuke will train her eventually. Hard to see him turning back on someone who was in the same position as he was not too long ago.



Tsukiko being awed by Shinsuke is funny because we truly know Shinsuke is still very hard on himself. He could truly believe he doesn't think of himself that much. However, for Tsukiko that could be remarkable in so many ways.


Compared to Jinka in part one, who wanted to become Katawara, here we have Senya who wants to be human. No doubt the reason is that he wishes to have a normal life. Killing Tsukiko's dad accidentally definitely had a major effect on him. Though the belief that this can happen is low.



It was really wonderful to see Tama again. In a way, she is watching over the new group. Her words of advice to Tsukiko were great. Just because you have power, doesn't mean you have troubles. Shinsuke gained more power, but the void left by Shakuyaku sits in his heart. Tama lost Jinka. It's more a reminder not to be consumed by power. Which is what lead to Jinka losing control.



We meet the Black Dragon, who gives Senya flashes of Jinun. It is made apparent Shinsuke is way out of his league. The issue now is that Senya doesn't want to fight. Tsukiko really shows her determination in protecting Senya. It makes you really treasure the friendship that you hope will stay, unlike what happened to Shinsuke and Shakuyaku. I was not expecting that Nau would be the water god. But that is a big help for Tsukiko. Unfortunately, she lacks the power and is kidnapped by the Black Dragon.



Now what does Senya do? His idea of there is no reason to fight and just run away. You could tell that he cares for Tsukiko and that gives him a reason to fight. Which I believe is the lesson here for him. That there are times you need to fight.




May 1, 2012
:damn: 5 episodes in wind breakers is what Tokyo revenger should of been

And had to drop unnamed memory atrocious pacing like the characters tho I went ahead got spoiled for it too see what’s up on the whole series in a summary and ending and better off reading this shyt I like the premise and people but anime is :trash:

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
:damn: 5 episodes in wind breakers is what Tokyo revenger should of been

And had to drop unnamed memory atrocious pacing like the characters tho I went ahead got spoiled for it too see what’s up on the whole series in a summary and ending and better off reading this shyt I like the premise and people but anime is :trash:

Don’t you mean Viral Hit is what TR should be?

That was the comparable that @LauderdaleBoss gave us

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Breh you always be stirring shyt.

Na man…. That was a legit question and that really did happen.

Stirring shyt?

Na…… matter fact I’m not finished with you :pachaha:

And I been letting shyt breathe

But I’m bout ready for my next @tripleaamin Open Challenge :mjgrin:


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
I finished watching the Arc Nadeko Medusa in Monogatari Series: Second Season.

To simply put, the way that this arc builds up so many things in a well-written and tragic fashion is outstanding. :wow: :mjcry: The arc starts with a rather interesting flash forward. Where Sengoku is fighting both Koyomi and Shinobu. To add that she is wearing snake white hair. Even with the added remark I hate you to the man she loves.


This arc takes back to the Nadeko Snake arc back in Bakemonogatari. Essentially, when she was dealing with the Snake Apparition that she was cursed with, she was killing those snakes. If we recall that Koyomi did not end up finishing with that snake. Here is where we highlight one of the biggest issues for Sengoku. She is a good girl who can be guilted to do things for others. Much how she gets thrust as the School President at school, Kuchinawa thrusts the impossible on her.

But unlike with her being the school president, she gets put into an opportunity to be in a position that can help. For a very sincere individual like Sengoku, where the answer is there, she will take it. It's a sad reality that most of her life and here again she gets taken advantage of.



As we all know that Sengoku has been in love with Koyomi since she first met him when she was in 2nd grade. As Tsukihi talks to her and wants to make sure her friend is understanding of her actually feelings. She doesn't share a brotherly love for Koyomi like the two Araragi sisters have underneath their joking. Tsukihi also mentions that Koyomi has a girlfriend.

Most likely this is something that Sengoku kept in the back of her mind. She hid it beneath her cute personality. The fact blurring up straight in her face cause her to blow up in school. Now the question is, is this the true Sengoku? It's hard to say, but at the very least all the frustration comes out. She still decides to help Kuchinawa still because it does seem like she wants to end her life painful life at last. I guess enough is enough.



As Sengoku is looking for the source for Kuchinawa to regain his powers. She finds it in Koyomi's room. Kuchinawa mentions what is the wish that Sengoku has. Of course, in her heart the one wish and the only thing that she wants is for Koyomi to love. Koyomi finds her in response and says that will never happen. After all, he will love and only love Senjougahara. Which was firmly established in the Tsubasa Tiger arc earlier.

The issue is that Sengoku holds the talisman in front of Koyomi. Which has the power to resurrect a God. Through Sengoku's pain, she eats and she herself merges with Kuchinawa and becomes a God. Which brings us to the present where Sengoku has beaten both Koyomi and Shinobu. However, she hasn't killed them yet.





The ultimate sad irony here is that Sengoku felt the same jealously as the two friends who cursed her back in Bakemonogatari. Those two were jealous the boy jealous Sengoku rejected her and the girl that the boy asked Sengoku out. In this case, Sengoku was jealous that someone else was Koyomi's girlfriend. Her jealously is what started her on the same mistake that her friends made. A sad, but realistic fate that could happen to anyone.





The most interesting aspect of this is that Ougi Oshino who is Meme Oshino's niece, is the one that set Sengoku on that path. Once again we have someone pushing an agenda on Sengoku like it has happened her whole life. Of course, with the exception here that she mainly made it so she can hear Kuchinawa asking for her. But what is her goal? This is behavior unlike someone if Meme, so it makes things very hard to say at this point. You just hate to see Sengoku being manipulated.




Before Sengoku in her God form was able to kill Koyomi and Shinobu, Senjougahara gives her advice. Essentially, there is a specific order if Sengoku wishes to kill Senjougahara, Shinobu and Koyomi. We know that if Koyomi dies before Shinobu that Shinobu would regain all of her powers and, to put it quite simply, Sengoku would meet her end. Interesting enough, she doesn't ignore this. Does she perhaps wish to still be human? Most likely this is true because Senjougahara mentions that if she kills Koyomi before herself she will kill her and everyone. Essentially do what Shinobu did on route X.

This alone shows that Sengoku's resolve only goes so far. Senjougahara is able to convince Sengoku to give them 6 months until they graduate. The line that really hits the hardest is that Sengoku mentions to Senjougahara that under different circumstances they could have been friends. Senjougahara shoots her down in the coldest manner, saying she hates her old personality. Quite ironically, an honest character like Senjougahara is who could have saved Sengoku. Who, as we know, is the girlfriend of the man she loves.



Monogatari Series: Second Season truly shows how top tell storytelling can do. We see how a gentle character like Sengoku can fall in a dark path. For something as simple as jealously and her one-sided love for Koyomi could never be reciprocated. Also, this arc was unlike every arc we have seen. We have seen some form of positive spin on the events that happened. Here we just see the pain of Sengoku, Senjougahara and Koyomi. Very curious how this continues throughout the 2nd season. Furthermore, who truly is Ougi Oshino?