Yo you thought I was exaggerating saying this broad is the worst character in the series but now you starting to see the vision. Bih has literally no redeeming qualities, written simply to be hated and she does it well.@LordDeathwatch Kingdom finishing with the 3 squad strat against Wu Fengming. I like how Wu recognizes his failure for underestimating Xian and Ben. Since his primary focus was Teng. But even in the heat of the moment Qiang Lew seems to have the kill on Wu. But damn body double had me fooled.
Towards the end of the episode we see Xin noticing a small group moving on their own. And he presses on to catch Ling Huang and Wu Fengming off guard. This does a great at showcasing Xin's instinctual awareness of what is happening. He gets the surprise attack but got fooled by Wu.
Tho this really showed that even within a nation it is a survival of the fittest. Wu knows they are only after him and not Ling. Who cares if that dude is a Fire Dragon? I am going to take this opportunity to escape and become greater than my mentor.
Here we get a slight hint to Xin and Zheng's goal of uniting the 7 Kingdoms making actual progress. Since this will hurt Wei and strength Qin as a result. Qin, Zhao and Chu are really looking like the 3 big dogs now. Kind of interesting if this turns into a free for all war between the 3 or Zhao and Chu team up again. But given that failure of the colation army I have my doubts.
Li Mu brings up a BIG and IMPORTANT detail. Qin wants to unite the seven Kingdoms, but that is Zheng's goal not Buwei Lu's goal. Zheng having to beat Lu is his priority number in order to make his goal real.
And oh my god Zheng's mother is back and not even a second I am wishing she would get killed off.She suddenly wants to play politics without spending much time. Apparently the prostitute that Lu gave her after he dumped is a big key for her wanting to have her own nation. This bytch wants a nation, but she doesn't care for the politics aspect of it.
Man the end of the episode when we see her and that male prostitute with kids. Man she treats Zheng so cold and doesn't even have audacity to look him in the eyes. I get what Xiang says to Xin since their daughter is that woman's granddaughter. If I were Zheng, no way in fukking hell I would let that bytch see my daughter.
As far as Wei goes, having them not only defeat you but building a major forward base on what used to be your border, is clearly a foot on neck situation that sends a message to everyone one else: this isn't just the usual Warring States era, if we take it, we're keeping it and expanding. We know Zhao isn't going anywhere because the MC Li Mu is there and the only thing keeping Chu at bay is the fact that it's fukking huge and keeping like 3 Kingdoms at bay simultaneously and whatever internal politics are going on. Han is supposed to be small but I wouldn't count them out of the game.
shyt, the only one on the sidelines comfortably, is the one they bought.