SxF honestly adapting its best episode yet. But potentially next week they could top tho if they go extra hard.
Both sides of this episode were great.On the first hand you had the action which was beautifully animated.
We have seen how insanely strong Yor but seeing her surrounded but barely holding out against each of these mobs is great. But we even see that even she has her limits.
Imo the emotional side of this episode was the highlight.
Yor at the brink of falling apart still thinking why she does this assassin gig still. And considers what happens if she dies. While a cover story is all well and good it obviously doesn't sit well with her. After all despite it being used for comedy for the most part Yor has tried to be proper wife and mother.
Considering that Loid & Anya are on the other side of the ship enjoying the beautifully animated fireworks. This is such a great episode for Yor because we see her tightening her resolve and she isn't down just yet.