So looks like we finally got the answer to why Milim is aiding Clayman so willingly. Essentially the pendant she received from Frey has her with I guess no will of her own? Makes me wonder how long it can stay in effect. If something happens to that it is a very safe bet that Milim wouldn't fight Rimuru. But this episode made sure if you didn't hate Clayman already, there is 0 chance you don't hate him now lol. It is clear he is gonna get his ass whooped by the end of this cour.
The meeting with Leon and Guy was very interesting. First, they have very little respect for Clayman compared to Milim. In fact, they seem to have a higher opinion of Rimuru than Clayman. Also, we are also introduced to Veldora's sister. These two attending Walpurgis will make it even more interesting.
Despite being dialouge focused again, this episode was pretty interesting.
show been getting slightly better in the last 2 episodes, but
that's like having a regular ass school cafeteria cheesebuger one week and then the next week someone gives you a regular cheeseburger from Wendys off the value menu.
I feel like the battle with Clayman is gonna be disappointing as fukk when it does happen if at all.