It's certainly funny.Is JoJo an action comedy?
It's certainly funny.Is JoJo an action comedy?
It's certainly funny.
The man did ask if it was an ACTION Comedy, as the President of #ActionGang, how would you answer that?
The man did ask if it was an ACTION Comedy, as the President of #ActionGang, how would you answer that?
It's certainly funny.
Y'all making me curious about this Jojo show
It's more funny style than funny.
It's a favorite amongst those who aren't from Harlem.
Y'all making me curious about this Jojo show
What kind of curious?
This show is piff, it feels like a homage to the Android saga.Lately I've been looking up the animators behind action scenes. Learned that Idaten has a black animator from Nigeria named Gabriel Ugbodaga. this is credited as their scene from episode 3
There's a lot of other uncredited work in Itaden. This may also be him, or not, hard to know because anime doesn't put a spotlight on their animators outside of a handful of big names.
just realized episode 4 is out, gotta watch that asap
This Darwin's Game on Netflix is LIT