That's Teresa's musicI loved it, because we finally got to see them shoot a fair one.. and not that cheap shyt by Priscilla the first time.
Hell if this was WWE, i marked out when Teresa showed up on some '99 Backlash Stone Cold Steve Austin shyt.
All that scene needed was glass shattering and JR on commentary:
"Faint Smile!The Faint Smile is here!
The Number 1 Claymore is back!
And she brought a can of whoop ass!

Finished 1st season of Hajime no Ippo, 10/10!!
Great fights, great cast(even the non training/fighting parts was fun), loved the ost, really motivational too.
Ippo vs Sendo title match was just incredible, definitely my favourite fight of the season. When Ippo pulled off the dempsey roll and got the knockdown to start the fight
Volg vs Ippo was another great one, Volg had such a cruel end to his story, hopefully he'll be back later in the series. A top 3 character for me despite the little screen time he had. Sendo and Miyata are dope rivals for Ippo too, rooting for all of them. Mashiba the only one of his main rivals I don't really care for.
I liked that Ippo's first loss was in his fight vs Date. I was wondering when and how it would happen, they handled it really well. Can't wait for the stakes to get higher and they shift the focus more towards the world title(i'm assuming)
Chills every time this song started playing, so good
Few days break before I start the 2nd season.
This another fukking classic.
When Ippo put it all together in that final sequence