
May 1, 2012
You didn't watch season 2 did you? I believe you said you didn't so you would of missed most of the real world stuff.

The whole point is Kirito and Asuna's romance, this is nothing like Naruto. The MMO was just to get the action fans to watch it.

They meet in the virtual world

They fall in love in the virtual world, get "married" etc

The virtual world ends, they meet in the real world

They start dating in the real world

and that's it? Everyone's waiting to see them fall in love in the real world. They ended season 2 by finding a way to bring Yui to the real world so they can start their family again together. Showing their romance in the real world is the next logical step in the story and what everyone is waiting for. Going back to MMO shyt at this point wouldn't make sense.

If they going by next arc I read a summary of it shyt is dark as hell from what I read which is likely season 3 and the longest one think longer that 1 and 2 combined


Sep 11, 2014
I thought it was about MMOs mixing and blending in with real life.

Started off with stuck in MMO story then turned into a real life MMO blending together at the end and continued that in season 2.

Kiroto plays a game then he finds danger, love and friends on the MMO which changes his real life forever and each MMO blends into real life differently

In that case their romance would be needed because his relationship with her is the biggest result of the MMO lifestyle blending into his real life.
Yep the only thing I would say to this is he went to the MMO in the first place because he didn't have friends, etc. Now he has a girlfriend, friends, and Yui in real life thanks to the MMOs. If anything isn't needed anymore its the MMOs. Last season started to show the real world more, it only makes sense to expect more of the real world and less of the MMOs now.

Sword Art Online is about Kirito playing MMOs. You can break the arcs down by which MMO he's playing.

This isn't a slice of life romance and its never going to be one. The entire premise was sold to fans with the MMO aspect.

You'll also find at the root of all the hate the show gets is because for a while it got sidetracked with romance shenanigans. The rest of the hate is because the main character is a generic self inset Gary Stu with no real flaws women randomly fall in love with him and he's overpowered in all the games he plays.

I'm saying there are better pure romances hell even clones of this show like "is it wrong to pick up chicks in a dungeon" do much of what it does better IMO and Log Horizon handles trapped in an MMO politics and life better.

Personally I would welcome a season that drops the romance focus and has real challenges and danger for the main character. They seriously need to nerf him. Most of all the cpu program daughter needs to go away.
The most praised arc doesn't have Kirito at all (Mother's Rosario). He's not the only MC.

Keijo was sold to fans as an ecchi, in reality it was a sports comedy. It's called bait and switch. SAO has never had good fights. They were building to Kirito and Asuna's relationship from the first couple episodes. Due to this thing called world building they went away from that for a few episodes and may have rushed into the relationship a bit quickly after that, and some may have liked the world building episodes better, but this was never a shounen.

Women randomly falling in love with Kirito is a false narrative just like this idea he has a harem. The only one who fell in love with him is Asuna and it was 100% logical and realistic.

The whole point of the show is family. After the first arc, the only reason they keep playing MMO's is to be with their family. "It's never going to be" romance did you watch season 2 or not cause after season 2 that is the only logical step.

The only reason for them to ever go to a virtual world ever again is Yuuki gave Asuna her sword. That's it. The whole time since season 1 ended they played ALO so they could be with Yui, from the start of season 2 and even at the end of the first arc in season 1 they make it clear that Kirito and Asuna's main goal is to create their family with Yui again in the real world. Thanks to Yuuki, Kirito was able to create a device that allows Yui to be with them in the real world. Why would they focus on playing video games after that instead of starting their family when all involved have made it clear from jump their priority is their family?

Most SAO fans I've come across are fans of the romance. Why would they appeal to what the people who don't like the show want? Season 2 already dropped the romance, that was one of its biggest problems. Most fans weren't happy about it either. Yui isn't going away, she's the two MC's daughter why would she ever go away.

DanMachi sucked I just watched the whole series last week. It was like Grimgar, only terrible.

"There are better romances" even if there are, which I don't really agree with besides Toradora and maybe a few others, we've been through this just recently, most of them aren't dubbed, so I'm not going to watch them

If they going by next arc I read a summary of it shyt is dark as hell from what I read which is likely season 3 and the longest one think longer that 1 and 2 combined
do you really want a twice as long Gun Gale Online cause that's what this is sounding like. "dark" and no Asuna. smh they really fukking up.

@winb83 @Bars4TheCause @Teal. @Blackout @Kenny West @Marezzy @Dirty Mcdrawz :francis:

Yall niccas aint just gonna sit here and ignore my question:russ:


Nobody has firestick breh :skip:


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Yep the only thing I would say to this is he went to the MMO in the first place because he didn't have friends, etc. Now he has a girlfriend, friends, and Yui in real life thanks to the MMOs. If anything isn't needed anymore its the MMOs. Last season started to show the real world more, it only makes sense to expect more of the real world and less of the MMOs now.
Looking at the series name it mostly looks like a 50/50 split between real life and MMOs is what it will always be.

Cat Lady ☆

Feb 9, 2017
A long time ago I watched Kuroshytsuji I and II but I didn't really watch every episode. So I decided to watch every episode from every season, starting from the first one. :francis:
Sep 11, 2014
Looking at the series name it mostly looks like a 50/50 split between real life and MMOs is what it will always be.
I agree and as long as half of the time is devoted to Asuna and Kirito's real life relationship I'll be happy. I only have a problem with it if they pull a season 2 and spend almost all the time on random MMO's that deviate from the main story line, which is the relationship.