I lost a lot of respect for West, and here's why. For a dude that has stood for uplifting black people for so long, he doesn't seem to make the same sacrifices that he asks us to make (correct me if I'm wrong). Like someone else said, he teaches at one of the most prestigious and expensive colleges in the nation. If the president has to cater to the black agenda, why doesn't Cornell West teach at a HBCU? They need help. It would bring a lot of attention to the school right?
But the biggest problem I have with West and his minions is the name calling. These are supposed to be intelligent dudes. I don't mind them being critical of the president, that's fine, but this isn't the first time he's called him out for not being black enough, or brought up his race with negative connotations. Why can't he just say he doesnt like his policies, or whateverthefukk?
It's like whatever level of success we achieve as black people, we always have that crab in a barrel syndrome. Barack walked into a literal shyt storm. There was so much that needed to be done.He did put in place (or tried to) legislation to help a wide array of people, so we can't knitpick him for not directly passing a black folks bill.
Something else that someone said that hold true, why isn't he touring black cities and talking to black youth and adults to help them move forward? Other than speaking and giving classes to rich folks, what exactly has he done to help anyone?
and yes I know about the Poverty tour.
You're right man.
West, some of these big name preachers, M. Eric Dyson, other prominent blacks, etc., sit on these C-SPAN panels from some education hall or something and all talk about the problems facing our community and what needs to be done.....it's good to watch/listen to, but what are THESE guys(who have the money & influence), doing about it?
They get back in their limos and go back to the mansions or uptown apts and live in their world.
Like you said, West teaches at one of the most expensive coleges in the country and probably makes $200,000 a year, if not more.
I just dont understand how these black "leaders" cannot consider the fact that black peopel have been crapped on for 600 years by others, and now we have a black president...something that NOBODY ever believed would happen, and less than 4 years into his first term these black leaders were dumping on him at every turn.
Like I said, OBama isnt obligated to specifically do anything for black folks.
Why should he? Let's be honest, MORE white people voted for him than did black people.
Obama being black and the president is more important than any money he could "give to the hood"