We're not fine the 1st round smh. 2022-2023 Memphis Grizzlies OffSeason Thread


Apr 2, 2015
Memphis Grizzlies/Auburn Tigers
What a win!

Mike's performance speaks for itself so I'm gonna give some love to the role players. JaMychal played great off the bench, you could see he was just growing with confidence as the game went on.

Ennis' defensive contributions on Kawhi were huge, yeah Leonard still went off but Ennis made him work hard for everything and even got the important stop to send the game to OT

Harrison needs a shout out too, that block changed the outcome of the game but those free throws he made before Kawhi's tying three in OT were just as big. He was another guy who's confidence you could see grow

Troy Daniels would come out of nowhere to hit some momentum swinging threes, and I still marvel at how Vince is producing valuable offense while trying to guard an assassin like Kawhi

What makes this performance so amazing was how badly the Grizzlies played in comparison to the Spurs. Franchise high 23 turnovers that translated into 31 points for San Antonio. And yet we still won. Kawhi Leonard going supernova, completely taking the game over and showing why he's a potential MVP. And yet we still won. Tony Parker turning back the clock to 2013. And yet we still won. Hell, Marc and Z-Bo didn't even play that well. And yet we still won!

The Spurs played great with Kawhi being transcendent while we could've played better. I don't see Kawhi being much better than that, they gave us their best punch and we didn't fall. We got the momentum now, and if we're being honest the Grizzlies have outplayed the Spurs since the second half of Game 2

As I said before, we can beat these guys


Oct 15, 2015
not gonna lie brehs

yall surprising me this series cause you are manufacturing offense out of some strange places....

didnt think you had enough shooting


Apr 24, 2016
What a fukking game.

First off, it says a lot about Kawhi and the Spurs organization that despite his ability to take over the game on both ends of the court, in the MVP conversation he is a footnote compared to the Harden Westbrook debate. They don't care about the noise, they just play the game. The Spurs have whipped our asses plenty over the years, but how can you not respect them? And if I had a MVP vote, Kawhi gets it.

Kawhi: what a demon this guy is. The last 5 minutes of regular time + overtime from him was like watching Jordan. We threw every fukking body at him and he just wouldn't stop. Time really froze when he let off that last shot at the end of regulation and missed. What a player. Shoutout to Tony Parker too, I don't know where the fukk this came from, he's been mediocre all season. I see a lot of him in Conley.

Ok, enough about the Spurs and more about us.

1. Turnovers. What the fukk. We were extremely lucky to come away with the win despite turning the ball over 23 times last night. The good thing is that we will most likely revert to the mean in upcoming games. Gasol and Ennis were main culprits here. We hesitated to shoot from 3 despite getting many good looks. Next game, if you have the ball and you're open, don't pass into traffic lanes (against a team with Kawhi and Green), you just shoot, dammit.

2. We made Dedmon's absence count, winning the rebound count. P. Gasol got too many offensive rebounds, that needs to be stemmed. This is another area where Tony Allen is missed.

3. Conley was excellent from deep and penetrating into the lane. I expect the Spurs to compensate for this by clogging driving lanes, and sticking either Kawhi or Green on him more. Marc and Z-Bo need to compensate otherwise the series will end in game 6.

4. The bench was fantastic. Harrison with the clutch free throws and the block. Daniels with 2 sure 3s. Ennis with his dogged defense on Kawhi (just don't handle the ball anymore). Green stretched the floor and played excellent interior defense. More of this please.

5. Despite not having Allen and Parsons, turning the ball over 23 times, and quiet games from Z-Bo and Gasol, we still won. Fizdale needs to drum this into the players' heads going into San Antonio. Pop is one of the best to do it, and they have a great team, but we have a significant chance of returning to the Grindhouse on Thursday with a 3-2 series lead. Shades of 2011 anyone?


Apr 2, 2015
Memphis Grizzlies/Auburn Tigers
Another season that ends with a loss to the Spurs, man I'm tired of losing to them. Proud of the way the Grizz fought but I wanted to win, this Spurs team was beatable. This team has to get over the underdog mentality of being just a tough out. We're a better team than our 43-39 record indicated, but inconsistency and not taking sub .500 teams seriously put us in a bad spot in the standings.

Mike Conley showed this season that he deserved every bit of that contract. He was our best player and really took it to another level in the playoffs like a star player should. If he didn't break his back early in the season he would've been an All Star for sure. He's in the conversation for being a top 5 pg now, I don't wanna hear anyone debate whether he's top 10 anymore. I know a lot of Grizzlies fans got on Harrison but he showed flashes of potential especially in the playoffs. He might end up being a good backup pg after all. Don't know what to make of Baldwin.

Although he is the Grindfather it's time to move on from Tony Allen. Yes he would've been helpful in this series against the Spurs but he keeps getting hurt at the most inopportune times and is gonna be 36 next year. His defensive skills have diminished rapidly already and we have no room for an aging sg who can't shoot. More so than that, he and Zach have too much control over the locker room for being aging role players. One of them needs to go if the keys are truly going to be handed over to Mike and Fizdale.

Vince on the otherhand, if he can play like this for another year I'd love to have him back. It was amazing how much he was able to contribute at both ends of the floor at age 40, and his veteran leadership is invaluable. I'm gonna miss him if he decides to hang them up. Troy Daniels is an offensive sparkplug to be sure but he needs to shore up his defense if he's gonna see a lot of minutes on the floor. It was refreshing however to finally have a shooter that wasn't afraid to pull the trigger. If Wayne Selden sticks around and is actually developed I think he can take Tony's spot of being the primary perimeter defender while having a better offensive game.

There's nothing left to say about Chandler Parsons other than that he was the worst signing in the NBA this year. Unless Memphis can find a team foolish enough to trade for this cac we're stuck with him and his crippling contract too. I'd rather have Ennis start and see how he progresses. He started the season great and finished on a good note too. I attribute his mid-season drop off to trying to give an obviously injured Parsons minutes which messed with his confidence.

It's gonna be tough retaining JaMychal Green. He massively outplayed his contract and a ton of teams are gonna be wanting his services. He was our best big defender and his ability to guard wing players as well as stretch fours was huge. Hurts me to say this since Z-Bo's my favorite player but if it came down to either him or Green I'd rather have JaMychal stay. I think he's more valuable to the team at this point. If Zach can truly settle in to being a bench player he can still be productive for the Grizz but if not unfortunately it would be time to move on from him too. Don't know what's gonna happen to Jarrell Martin, I thought he'd get more playing time this year but he's seemingly regressed.

We should seriously look into trade options for Marc Gasol. He's showed flashes of being a dominant player for a few years now but it's obvious that he's content with just that. He simply doesn't have the mentality to raise his game on a consistent basis and be the number 1 option like Mike. If he played anywhere near what he played like in December than we win this series with the Spurs. His attitude and constant mood swings are not something you want out of your star player either. After being injured for nearly two years Brandan Wright finally got on the court and displayed a new dimension for the Grizz; that of a big that could play above the rim. There's no guarantee that he'll be able to stay on the court however so I'd much rather see what Deyonta Davis can do.

I don't know what the future holds for this franchise. The team constructed around the Core Four has maxed out, but we don't have much cap space or any draft picks this summer. For better or worse, change is on the horizon
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All Star
May 6, 2012
What's the going rate for an Allstar center?

Would something like these be out of the question?

Gasol for Clarkson, Zubac, Nance and 2018 1st rounder

Gasol for Crowder, Rozier, 2018 1st rounder, and our 2019 pick back

Gasol for Cauley-Stein, Labissere, and both 2017 1st rounders


All Star
May 6, 2012

This isn't the starting lineup of a playoff team...

How much salary cap is left?


May 7, 2012
Just here to show my respect to that zbo era
