I seen "Infinity War" first showing, opening night.
Hell no I didn't think Thanos would steam roll the Avengers for 2 hours. Because again, there was 20+ movies prior to that with a very specific formula. They win. The end.
For him to kill Loki and beat up Hulk in the first 5 minutes of the movie....
you seen that? It was predictable to you? Come on man.
You can pull up reaction videos to the movie from damn near every place in the world....and the outcomes to any confrontation in the movie
clearly weren't expected. I know it's cool to say this in retrospect after "Endgame" but at the time? No.
As far as your last line, an MCU movie being centered around a villain, who actually wins in the end. Which again, nobody expected.
No offense man but a lot of your post seems retroactive as hell. "Thanos is built up as a Deus Ex Machina who just wins"....the hell?

Thanos was seen as a fukking joke prior to "Infinity War". Dude sat on his ass for like 10 movies, since the first "Avengers". There's literally hundreds of memes and jokes (most of which appeared on this site) talking about how useless he is. Again, prior to "Infinity War". So obviously the outcome to that movie wasn't expected.