Didn't read the thread, so I'm sure there's lots of complaining, but I'm not gonna lie breh, I liked the debut.
I was expecting the absolute worst from this. Each having their own unique dance move, forced ebonics, a promo about how "privleged" they were and all types of extreme c00ning. I didn't feel like I got that. I got a bunch of really good friends who genuinely seemed to be about teamwork, positivity, and handling their businesses. I don't think loving your brothers, having a good time and being high energy is in any way shape or form c00ning. Being a "real nikka" does not mean you need to be callous and angry looking.
Outside of the goofy color scheme(blue and light blue have never worked...ever), I enjoyed their team wrestling moves, their energy, and their enthusiasm about getting the gimmick over. I also busted out laughing when Big E took out the towel and dabbed his forehead whike saying "y'all feel that right?" Lmao.
Hope they succeed. I know they'd never be allowed to be on some extreme militant type of ish, but at least they're not on the extreme, R-truth end of the spectrum. I'm okay with them so far.