Then tell your beloved Nintendo to step it the fukk up when it comes to at least being semi-current generation specs side, if you feel so feverish on that angle. Which is once again, fukking unfounded and stupid that you keep ranting about Sony all of a sudden going to do a 2.5xs price increase out of nowhere, whether they have competition or not. There is still a price limit on consoles and it's not just going to balloon several times out of control in a matter of a 4-5 years. Maybe in 2050 console gaming could get that expensive, if inflation gets to that degree. That's still a big if at that.
Sony once got arrogant at the end of the PS2 era and dropped the PS3 for $600 in 2006, right before the Great Recession. They thought that they had no competition, and felt themselves way too early. They even did that with the PSP, thinking that people would tolerate PS2 ports of games that they already played because they thought that the Nintendo DS was 'weak' and thought that they controlled the narrative. By 2008, the DS sonned the PSP beyond belief.
And Yes, when the Switch 2 drops this Fall, that talking point will be muted with the hardware. If Nintendo did the traditional super-high end console with Sony, with its 1st party gaming, same specs and same pricing, you know that the CULT of Sony will convince casual gamers that Nintendo can't do anything right. So in Nintendo's case, be an innovator, make unparalleled 1st party software that last the test of time, and release those games in a handheld/console hybrid form where people don't have to be required to be at home to play. When you talk about the graphics >> gameplay talking point, you saying that gameplay itself is an optional 2nd place while graphics is 1st. Sony is a cult for those that hate to try anything innovative or different, so they just drop shinier and shinier graphics while the imagination goes in the wayside.
And Yes, I see Sony getting arrogant RIGHT NOW and gonna start price gouging, like the PS store going up 30% out the blue.
How is no competition good for Sony, or gamers in general? Getting M$ out the paint is one thing, but not have another console rival is troubling for the foreseeable future is disturbing.