I wasnt aware he read the script...if he did thats good enough for me

But I don't think the common perception is that he read the script but more that he just saw trailers/summary.
Yeah man, thats basically what this is all about. He read the script, and the script itself has been passed around all of hollywood for whatever reason
Peep whats said here...
Now watch as these... "ppl" try to act like they smarter
Its well documented how smart Kat is, and he doesn't have a history of drug use either
So whats really going on
That African part is my point. Puerto Ricans have African DNA in their heritage even more so according to some studies than Taino (which is dominant over other amerindian dna by a lot with us) blood because of the uprooting and forced integration we faced (with a hefty amount of injustice)...and that goes back to my first statement "If QT wants to make a movie about angry Taino's hunting down Spaniards, I'll be at the front of the line." I know the history and respect it, and I would love for someone to shine a light on it even if the execution was a little bit sloppy...just getting a larger part of the population to know
And like I've been saying for this whole discussion...I can respect anyone's opinion who's willing to support it with evidence or actual discourse. I never said Spike was wrong, but that he didn't give anything to support his comments and that he made it sound like a crusade on twitter...which has been his typical habit. Dude is critical of everyone and at some point, it comes off insincere.
The 2nd part, Spike doesn't have to do all that just cuz he made a remark via twitter

I'll answer this and the first part by answering the next comment you made which is...
You realize by using the broadest possible definition of the word, every movie exploits something...Spike Lee exploited Malcolm X's life story for his biggest success. He exploited racial diversity for Do The Right Thing (My favorite flick by Spike tbh). If slavery is the vehicle to drive story and that makes it exploitative,
then what exactly was the vehicle driving Amistad or the Blood Diamond?
I'm out, it's Saturday, got life to live...But if you wanna keep going, keep adding substance to your comments and cut the insults bullshyt...Make your points and back 'em up and we can have a proper back and forth.
Blood Diamond and Amistad wasn't a comedy. Imagine Armistad the musical

In your previous post you said you'd love for them to bring a puerto rican story to the forefront. You mean in America, right? Cuz black ppl been in america for a long ass time. We not begging for scraps my nig. We not "Happy just to be here

We belong here, we created here. We want are 40acres and the muthafukkin mule cuz we earned it
So when we have movies that make light of what we went thru? Thats a no-no
Doesn't matter if the fake character "Django" kills a white dude in the movie
Its the REAL character "Q.T." felt he could take a kinda serious western movie.. put it in the slave era, then do his "USUAL" ****** this/****** that scenes.
Lets all stop acting like QT didn't make this...
Its not "Just a character" its a movie he made. He wanted to put that scene in there. Thats the type of shyt he thinks up in his mind. You do it once, shame on you. Do it twice, Shame on me is how the saying goes
So after the controversy/heat he got for Making scenes like that in his movies
He decides to take a western and reopen the controversy angle and he is unaware of all this
He knows exactly what he's doing, and he got paid off it...
See how you people throw up smoke screens when you want to hide the truth? This discussion is about Django not any of those other movies. I could point out the clear differences between Django and those other movies but that's another discussion. If you want to discuss how exploitative those other movies are then start another thread to discuss it there, you're simply trying to cloud the issue though. I can see right through you. Get smarter, you deserve to be insulted.
Bruh, you could of just said I see you...
White Excellence